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This is also not a 'Roller Coaster Forum' explicitly. This is POINTbuzz not Coasterbuzz. That's another website entirely.

e x i t english's avatar

I count only blue coasters.

What shade(s) of blue? Some people may not consider certain shades of blue to actually be blue.

Jeff's avatar

Plague: You're teetering on the edge of a line you shouldn't cross. Relax.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

DRE420's avatar


I've never counted my credits.

Neither have I, nor have I counted how many times I've rode them individually. Just not my thing.

Kevinj's avatar


If you have no desire to eat chicken tenders why would you have any desire to critique how wonderful the hand-breaded gourmet type are?

Just saying. ;)

I wasn't highlighting the fact that I've never counted credits as some sort of point of pride. In fact, I added that post-script because I was sort of laughing at myself for realizing I had an idea of what would/should "count" as a new credit when I myself have never bothered to do that. Thought I made a pretty solid case, though.

I would actually be interested in hearing how TT2 could not be considered a new credit.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

jimmyburke's avatar


the Enthusiast Community Standard Guidelines).

"Available wherever books are sold. Comes as a package deal along with a golf pencil w/notepad to tally rides. Also a hand-clicker/counter for backup in case notepad gets soaked. Don't forget your pre-perspiration stained t-shirt with blank space for your catchy nick-name or favorite coaster catch phrase. Section 12E explains how to push past unsuspecting general public, or as they say, GP."

Chuck Wagon's avatar


I would actually be interested in hearing how TT2 could not be considered a new credit.

RCDB says it is the same coaster. A similar case exists in Phantom's Revenge/Steel Phantom.

(I don't agree, but thought this was worth pointing out as a valid consideration.)

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Don't remember who said it first, but I can't see 'Hand breaded tenders' anymore without immediately thinking of the tag line 'You can really taste the hand'.

djDaemon's avatar


If you have no desire to count credits why would you have any desire to determine what counts as a credit?

Because they're two different things?

Identifying whether or not a coaster's modifications merit considering it a new experience is interesting to me, because it's analytical, and plays into the stuff I find intriguing about coasters, such as the design and engineering.

The other stuff - tallying and citing one's count, getting on the first/last train of the day/season, etc. - is all stuff that I find completely bizarre, to put it kindly. I don't care how many coasters I've ridden, and couldn't possibly care less how many anyone else has ridden. I find all that to be completely inane.

But, as I said, to each their own. I'm sure folks who find that stuff fulfilling find my fascination with the nuts and bolts side of things find me equally incomprehensible and inane, and that's fine.


e x i t english's avatar

I’ve ridden 37.

I do eat chicken tenders. I just don’t get excited about them and say how CP’s are scrumpdilyicious when the are simply chicken tenders that I can get at any other restaurant.

And for the record I don’t keep count of how many different places I have eaten chicken tenders nor do worry about counting one place as 2 credits if they change the breading recipe or decide to use peanut oil in lieu of vegetable oil.

Jeff's avatar


Don't remember who said it first...

That's me. It's my one witty thing for the year.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Cedar Point is the only place I have no problem eating cold chicken tenders (from The Corral only), but that's about it. I swear the tenders taste different from each place.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

e x i t english:

I’ve ridden 37.

In a row?

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

I keep a count of roller coaster credits. Well, as good as I possibly can. I like to know and inevitably I get the question from someone. When I tell them how many they’re always astounded, then I get to follow with “Eh, that’s nothing. There are plenty of people that have a lot more than me.”
Fun, huh?
What I absolutely refuse to do is bore everyone, myself included, with personal rankings. Why anyone would care what my top 10 coasters are is beyond me, and there’s nothing to accomplish by listing them. When I see someone publicly compulse over where to rank a new ride I get the cringe. “This is definitely my new #6 ride. I wanted to put it at #5 but I just don’t feel right about it.”

Kevinj's avatar


It's my one witty thing for the year.

Your shear keys joke wasn't that bad. That's two!

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

kylepark's avatar


What I absolutely refuse to do is bore everyone, myself included, with personal rankings. Why anyone would care what my top 10 coasters are is beyond me, and there’s nothing to accomplish by listing them. When I see someone publicly compulse over where to rank a new ride I get the cringe.

Not to mention those "park regulars" who have X number of laps on a certain ride, wearing a special t-shirt with those personal statistics. Then there are those informal occasions where other enthusiasts join these individuals for their "3,000 or whatever ride."

Mine is 6.5 inches… wait! What exactly are we measuring?

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

Plague on Wheels:

e x i t english:

I’ve ridden 37.

In a row?

Try not to ride any coasters on the way to the parking lot!!

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