Top Thrill 2 Announced

Aaronosmer's avatar

Official press release.

Tony has a video on Twitter as well.

Last edited by Aaronosmer,
Aaronosmer's avatar

First thoughts, ride looks awesome, I just can’t believe that’s the real name.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Get up fellas!

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

if the render is real. Midway looks to be mostly unchanged. Bleachers are going away to be replaced by a smaller set of concrete bleachers. Also queue will NOT be moved.

Jeff's avatar

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

djDaemon's avatar

Yeah, ride looks great, the name... not so much. It's almost parody level bad. I guess "2op 2hrill" was taken? And a car racing theme continues to be a ridiculous choice for this ride. That they'd go through the hassle of modifying and repainting the entire thing only to stick with the same theme is bizarre.

That said, no one will care about those gripes and it'll no doubt be a hit.


Lowkae's avatar

The original station awning staying, but having a corner removed/modified for the spike looks rather bizarre. Add the big wall (understandably) dividing the load area from the high speed track and I'm surprised they're reusing it at all.

I agree that the name is not great. I wonder if it's to avoid confusion from most people. Sometimes renaming attractions that are too similar to the original makes things more confusing. ( Mgm studios to Disney Hollywood studios).

Over all looks great other than that. Glad we didn't have to wait until later today.

JW Addington's avatar

Trains look awesome!

station fly by (twice) at 100mph is going to be insane!

longer ride duration…sign me up! Gonna be a huge hit for the park!

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835

Scott Cameron's avatar

When I went on the website this morning my first reaction was, "they really went with Top Thrill 2 eh?" I have to say though after reading everything and watching the videos I think it's kind of growing on me.

The "2" in the name serves two purposes. Obviously the first is it's a second version of the original. And secondly there's two, 420 foot hills instead of one. Could they have picked something better? Sure, but I'm not creative enough to suggest anything myself. I don't think the name is that bad.

Last edited by Scott Cameron,
Aaronosmer's avatar

While the name choice is bad, it’s equally surprising that they wouldn’t want to distance themselves from the “top thrill” name given the incident. Altered layout and fresh paint, seemed like the perfect opportunity to put to bed the reputation of the old “top thrill”.

vwhoward's avatar

Looks like a fun ride! Terrible name. And I wouldn't necessarily call that a "rollback".

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

knew they were going to have to rework that station canopy somehow.

Jeff's avatar

I can't believe no one responded to that satellite image of the Zamperla factory that I posted with, you know, track pieces. When Zamperla said at IAAPA that the new train would soon be on the "fastest roller coasters," what did you think they meant? This was the worst kept secret in the industry, no matter how many people wanted it to be Intamin.

I didn't know how tall the rear would be, or how many passes, but the rest was exactly what all of the evidence implied.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Just wait until you see the plans for Top Thrill 3 😉

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

Cedar Pointer's avatar

Looks great. That tower doesn’t look real. They did a great job matching the track and structure design.

Theme and name is not great. Haven’t been a fan of some of the last few names/themes. (rougarou/ valravn)

I just hope that the thing works.

The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!


I didn't know how tall the rear would be, or how many passes, but the rest was exactly what all of the evidence implied.

This must be some next level gas lighting. I remember you arguing against a spike and any track reprofiling for the longest time. You also refused to state any concrete predictions. I don't think you get to claim some W now after implying for the longest time it was just going to be a lsm flip.

djDaemon's avatar

It appears the entire exit will be enclosed as seen below, and at least according to the render, the queue looks to be well protected via fencing and solid roofing.


Cedar Pointer's avatar

Jeff, are you scared to be wrong? Why are acting smug? We all remember you fighting us for months about the spike up until a couple weeks ago you were still arguing that all the launch need to be was extended. You were against evidence for a majority of the speculation and that’s OK. I was wrong about the theme change, and the manufacture, but it turns out I was right about the spike

I do still think I’m right that this is a risk due to this being unproven product. But hey, some of the best rides are big risks.

Count me excited for Top Trill 2: 2 Drag 2 Shag

Last edited by Cedar Pointer,

The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!

djDaemon's avatar

I was anti-spike and anti-layout change until the spike footer showed up, because prior to that any suggestion that there would be a spike and/or layout was nothing more than baseless wishcasting. That those wishcasters turned out to guess that one element correctly doesn't make them prophets. If you make enough "predictions" you're bound to get one or two right eventually.

I mean, Cedar Pointer, you're doing it right here - taking a smug victory lap over guessing there'd be a spike while hand-waving away that the remainder of your guesses were wrong. Kind of strange to brag about what is not a good batting average, but hey, you do you.

Regarding the spike, I'm glad to see that they went through the trouble of building special accommodations to get the spike up and over Iron Dragon. Hopefully that's an indication that it's not going anywhere in the near future.


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