Top Thrill 2 Announced

e x i t english's avatar

It’s been raining non-stop up here since last week.

djDaemon's avatar

I'm sure that's somehow Zamperla's fault.


They've also to this point done the stuff that's easiest and quickest to do. Now you're 150' off the ground things take a bit longer. And you can see they're making progress on the actual track

Chuck Wagon:

RCDB says it is the same coaster. A similar case exists in Phantom's Revenge/Steel Phantom.

An even better (edit: actually I guess not actually better, but for some reason funnier to me) example is that RCDB says that Thunderbolt at Kennywood is the same coaster as Pippin, and therefore lists Thunderbolt as operating since 1924. I remember at KennyKon in 2008 they brought out a cake to celebrate Thunderbolt's 40th birthday, but that whoever decorated the cake had also written "Pippin" in small letters at the bottom. I think that this suggests why using RCDB to determine what counts as "the same coaster" for credit-counting purposes may not be the best approach. It makes sense for RCDB to have one record for Pippin/Thunderbolt and for Phantom's Revenge/Steel Phantom, because their goal is to show the history of a particular coaster. This isn't the same goal as a coaster-counting enthusiast.

By the way, I teach philosophy and use a slideshow of roller coaster edge cases like this to introduce identity problems in my classes.

Last edited by Carousel Rabbit,
Kevinj's avatar

Galvatron is not Megatron. He's a new Transformer.

But RCDB would have him as the same Transformer with a new name/body.

It's OK to say RCDB is wrong.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

djDaemon's avatar

So it does appear that, true to the animation, the station's canopy will be extended. In LEL's recent update, they are in the process of forming up what looks like an extension to the station along with a foundation for an additional canopy support. Presumably this is to accommodate two slightly longer trains.

Has there been any indication or confirmation as to whether the load will work like TT1.0 (simultaneous unload and load of both trains), or if there will be separate unload and load sections of the station?


jimmyburke's avatar

In that photo toward the bottom I notice a cyclone fenced in "safety area". I'm not certain if that is the old Blood on the Baijou pathway or not. Perhaps I'm mistaken and the path was further out of the picture. But if it is, that haunt zone will not be returning to that area unless modifications are made.

djDaemon's avatar

The Blood on the Bayou entrance was further toward the lagoon and does not appear to have been included in the modified area around the spike support.


TwistedCircuits's avatar

It almost looks to me the path would go through the current spike footer. Guessing how high off the ground the track would be at that point they could still have a path through there I imagine?

Still haven't been able to uncross these circuits...
DJ Fischer

djDaemon's avatar

I don't see why not. But I would think they would have done that already if that were the plan, but who knows?


Plague on Wheels's avatar

Can't wait to ride Drag2ter.

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

Top Thrill 2: The Legend of Kinzel's Gold

GL2CP's avatar

Daniel stern and Billy Crystal meet and greet for that ride?

First ride; Magnum 1994

Carousel Rabbit:

Top Thrill 2: The Legend of Kinzel's Gold

I would absolutely watch that

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Top Thrill 2: The Two Towers

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

It's probably just me, but this new gift shop in the renderings reminds me of a travel center store you see on the exits along the interstate lol.

Mr. Potato's avatar

I wonder if the Speed Zone store is going to get a full rebuild our just a remodel. Hard to tell from the renderings. And, well, it’s just a rendering anyway. I wonder because that store regularly floods during heavy rain. And not just the crazy amounts of rain like we had recently. This has been the case for decades. Hoping they use this project as an opportunity to address this.

Gemini 100 (6/11/01)

Jeff's avatar

They're making fences now?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

And don’t try to climb any of them.

We finally have a construction update from the park themselves! I actually really like the name of the construction updates video series they are doing lol. Pit stop really fits the theme. Maybe they'll theme the restrooms by Magnum to a rest area and the new gift shop will be themed to a travel center? lol

Also there are sections of the POV being shown that wasn't released in the other POV video, maybe a full POV coming soon?

Last edited by Hawaiian Coasters 325,

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