The Name of 2003

So like I said I do not think it would be a wise idea for CP to open that can of worms again.
Top Fuel has been thrown around for a while.

Launch: Tophat: Twistage: Brakes...

...Denial is an ugly thing.

I don't get it. What does Top Fuel actually mean? You just filled your gasoline meter to the top? Or you bought some Super Premium gas?:)
Superman: Ride Of Steel-
almost as good as Millennium Force
Thumbs down to "Top Fuel"

gravity: down to earth, without the sugar coating.

"Top Fuel" sounds too much like Top Gun. Maybe it'll be something that has to do with rockets, like "Rocket Blast" or "Lift Off".
"Top Fuel" is what dragster vehicles are referred to as. Ever heard of the phrase "Top Fuel Dragsters"? Sounds like a winner to me.


No, actually I have never heard of that phrase but thanks for clarifying that for me :)

Superman: Ride Of Steel-
almost as good as Millennium Force

TekGuy's avatar
How about Whoosh?

17 straight years of real thrills and counting...

I have come to the conclusion that the rides name is unknown to 99.9% of us.
How about the name....


I agree with the name REDLINE. It sounds cool. kakarot: "Banshee" couldn't be used because of the "conotation of the word Banshee."

Just wait till you find out...

CP2003 - Enthusiasts are gonna go nuts...

All this talk about banshee just made me remeber somthing... did anyone else notice about the last 2 weeks of the season i saw a raptor employee wearing a banshee pin ;)
My guess is most of the people who post here are not Native American. I proudly am Seneca, Cherokee, Algonqian, and Delaware. Be advised that Cedar Point lies upon Seneca land. While the Senecas were never involved in the Banshee renaming, we attempted to give a Blessing to the land when Millennium Force was unveiled. One particular park official loved the idea until a very small donation was requested. Thus, I took it upon myself to christen the platform in a unique, Seneca way.

Don't try to guess the Banshee bit if you have no knowledge of Native American culture which involves Honor and Respect. It was a brave effort on behalf of the park officials to scrap the name so as not to offend anyone, Spirits included.

The amount of proclaimed Christians who wrote to the park complaining about Schwabinchen's cleavage speaks for itself.

Sadly, there's not much honor and respect on this message board. So many have resorted to playing self-righteous and superior. Interestingly enough, none of those individuals are executives within the industry or have produced anything worth corporate investment.

Meanwhile, enjoy the forthcoming announcement.

Jeffrey P. Stoneking

Jeff's avatar
What the hell are you talking about? I'm sorry, I must have missed the Christian campaign to put an end to Schwabinchen. Here I thought it was just an old, less popular ride.

The Mantis name change had nothing to do with what you're talking about either. Read about the official reason, as stated by the park.

"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Schwabinchen's letters of complaint was told to me by a sales rep of the park along with an operations manager. Its removal was not based upon those factors.

As for the renaming, the article you linked to failed to mention the phone calls made to members of tribal council.

Your harsh tone coupled with profanity is extremely inappropriate and not representative of the family facility upon which you offer promotion of. Same goes for the some of the so-called enthusiasts who post here.

Jeffrey P. Stoneking

*** This post was edited by Jeffrey P. Stoneking 11/8/2002 11:06:03 AM ***

Jeff's avatar
So take your moral high road elsewhere then. You spout crap, you get crap back. That's the way it goes.

Schwabinchen operated for decades in far more conservative times when every 15-year old didn't show her navel and they didn't say "ass" on television. Now you're telling me all of a sudden that a big rotating woman (which isn't dirty by any means) is the reason for the ride's removal? That's stupid. If that was really the offense, they could take it off the gondola and keep operating the ride.

"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

You have got to be kidding me? How can you tell someone's "tone" on the net? And, if hell is profanity then someone better tell all of the the networks who now use "hell", "ass", and many other questionable words on a regular basis.
*** This post was edited by Chief Wahoo 11/8/2002 11:26:04 AM ***
I have to agree with stoneking the name banchee was changed due to some indian conflicts, cp did not ever release this, but that was the case. I heard this from a silver tag there that was a good friend of mine.


I am a Mechanical Engineering major not an english major so pardon my horrible grammer

Gemini's avatar
As a born-again Christian, with very strong convictions, and who is deeply rooted in his faith, I can assure you I found nothing offensive about Schwabinchen. Further, I do not know of any other Christians who did. I am a member of a church in Sandusky and I didn't hear of any letter writing effort. If there was one, it must have been the biggest secret in town.

Virtual Midway

*** This post was edited by Gemini 11/8/2002 11:44:05 AM ***

and Jeff, I just read that article the trim breaks are still used unfortunatly

I am a Mechanical Engineering major not an english major so pardon my horrible grammer

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