These things together contribute to the differences in per-captia alcohol-related deaths, though societal attitude may also play a role. Just attributing the difference to the legal drinking age can be charitably described as an oversimplification.
I do agree with Pete though---it is the parents' responsibility to teach their kids how to treat alcohol responsibly. For example, my folks allowed me to have an occasional glass of *good* wine or beer when I was in my late teens. As a result, I found the Boones Farm and Milwaukee's Best that my fraternity brothers drank to be completely intolerable. Give 'em a taste for expensive stuff early, and they can't afford to get drunk until they're old enough to know better. :)
*** This post was edited by Brian Noble 12/11/2003 12:32:37 PM ***
what should be done is lowering the drinking age to the european age of 16 and raising the driving age to 18 at least. why should kids that are legally unable to make decisions for themselves able to make life and death decisions while driving?
this solves two things, drunk teen drivers are no longer a factor (not only are inexperienced drivers but if they are drunk that is twice as bad) second the sixteen year olds get the "excitement" of getting drunk out of their system.
While this isnt a fool proof system, maybe some students could get an exemption to drive by their employer. this exemption could come with their weekly schedule to verify to the police that they are where they should. remember you are not legally able to take responsibility for all of your actions as a minor so why should you have all the rights? personally i dont drink very often and i have been legally able to drink for several years now. i just think that it is more dangerous to let a KID drive a large motor vehicle than to let him have a beer.
once again this is just my opinion so take it or leave it thanks
Cedar Creek Trading Co. 1999
MF 2002
Sky Ride ATL 2003
Turnpike Cars TL 2003
*** This post was edited by MF_BDogg 12/11/2003 4:09:24 PM ***
Here in Bowling Green the cops aren't stupid. They know that students are going to drink. The only time that a cop will bust someone is if they do something dumb (i.e. public urination, carryiing alcohol from one property to another).
It gets very annoying to read these "When did you start drinking? How old were you? How often do you?" questions. Everyone who has ever lived is different. Just because someone has chosen to make a different decision than you doesn't make them bad, it makes them different. It's simple, by definition, alcohol before your 21 is illegal. If you have a problem with that, your preaching to the wrong choir. is your solution. Instead of complaining that laws aren't right, excercise your rights as a citizen.
2003 Super Screw Crew
There is already a 5 year difference between legal age for alcohol and driving. How is lowering it to 2 years going to help?
When you take into consideration how mature the average 18 year old is, let alone 16 year old. Neither should be drinking. I know I shouldn't have been.
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
*** This post was edited by Red Garter Rob 12/11/2003 8:19:27 PM ***
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