The Most Hated Department???

Once you graduate college I agree it isn't what u should look for in a job but come on, most of the people that work at CP are in college and going there is what they like to do. Going to bars is what college students do best!!! Heck if they did not have Louies, the staff would get so bored they would glue their butt cracks closed!
i agree if it wasnt for louies what would we do sit on our asses n never come back to work there cuz nothing fun happpened i mean every place u work at has to have some place to wind down at if it be a bar or just someplace at the end of the week to calm down n complain bout work its a normal thing to go out n have fun n forget bout what went on that week.......... as for the CPPD yea 3rd shift was uptight when they needed to be but for the most part they were fine if u dont do anythign wrong then u shouldnt have a problem with them its not that hard

Kiddykingdom 03
mantis n millennium at the end of season

kiddybrat said:
i agree if it wasnt for louies what would we do sit on our asses n never come back to work there cuz nothing fun happpened

That's the central problem... No one is creative enough to think of anything better to do for fun than get drunk off their --- .... Drinking is the universal cop-out for being responsible for one's own entertainment. Usually being able to entertain yourself and friends is a skill learned in preschool or kindergarten, when the teacher leaves you in the room with some toys and tells you to figure out something to do.

Now, I don't have a problem with having a few drinks once in a while (provided of course that the person is of legal age) but the types of extreme partying that have gone on in the apartments I have lived in at CP (and the pathetic state of some of my roommates after they have returned from having a little "fun" at Louie's) really makes it easy to pity those people whose only "fun" involves getting themselves completely trashed. What fun is there in drinking until you puke, black out, or do things that you later discover you really didn't want to? Not to mention the really dangerous stuff like rape; everyone knows what a meat market Louie's is. And let's not even get into the things people do that trash the apartment -- punch holes in walls, knock over furniture, etc. I've had to file more than one police report after someone's party to keep myself from being charged at the end of the season for damages I didn't do.

Everyone complains about how much drama there is at CP; it seems to me a lot of those problems come from stupid things people have done while they were drunk. So why do people keep doing this to themselves...utter stupidity and lack of forethought if you ask me.


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Zone 5 Supervisor '03
2004 TBA -- Wow, four years already?!
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

RideOplifer said:
Without Louies Cp would have a hard time keeping employees, that place is a major reason alot of people go back every year.

I, for one, can say that I didn't step foot into Louie's once this summer. Somehow, I managed to find better things to do with my time and money. And as for saying that Louie's is the major reason alot of people come back....uhh, not too sure about that one.... something about friends, and a job?

TL Mantis- 2003
ATL Power Tower- 2002
Millennium Force- 2001

I have to agree with ya there. To say that Louie's is the reason people come back..

Well.. is stupid..

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82

Also agreed. Sure it's a nice place to hang out with friends (actually it's the only place outside of commons), but when you get down to's only a bar. Turning 21 makes you realize how pathetic most bars really are. I would have more fun going to Applebees, ordering 1-2 drinks and just talking with my friends than I have had most times at Louies.

MANTIS ROCKS 2002 & 2003

Not everyone goes to Louies solely for the purpose of getting trashed. For a lot of us, it's not just about going and wasting all your paychecks on insane amounts of alcohol...some people like to just kick back in a relaxed environment with all of their friends. I will admit that I too have had my share of quality beverages at Louies, but I have to say that the majority of my favorite Louies nights this past summer consisted of me just going and hanging out on the patio with all of my friends, and not even really drinking. Especially at the beginning of the season! There is nothing wrong with having a social life that consists of hanging out with friends and having fun. Sure, there are other things to do in sandusky other than going and getting plastered at a bar, but glo bowling can get pretty monotonous if you do it every day. After a long irritating day at work, why pass up on hanging out with a lot of friends in a place where you don't have to do anything other than just go there and hang out with people. It has the convienience of being just a short walk away and is so much easier than something that requires effort to coordinate. Everyone has their own idea of what is fun and and shouldn't really judge others and say they are stupid unless they truely are doing something stupid, as unfortunately sometimes people do tend to do. Bottom line is, people shouldn't be harassed for walking when they have had a few drinks, and really should be left alone unless they are underage or causing harm to someone.

....and as far as the whole Taxi idea...right, draw more attention to yourself so the cops can pick on you more...good plan!

Mean Streak TL/Magnum TL "03" :)
Snake River Falls ATL "02"
Mean Streak (a few weekends) "01"
Mean Streak/ Snake River Falls "00"
Swings and Swans "99"

*** This post was edited by Rebekah 615 11/30/2003 5:15:52 PM ***

the cops at cp are the coolest-i have dealt with worse. and i agree with Lee- if all you think cp is only Louies-then your just dull!

ain't coming back for a 7th year!

People will go out to drink whether it's at Louie's or not, duh. Louie's isn't the best place, nor the worst. It's close.. end of story. And as far as people acting stupid when they drink.. you can't contirbute that to Louie's, I mean come on. Anywhere you go, people drink, and act stupid. Louie's is a place where you can get away from commons(where there is nothing to do) people gather at Louie's to talk with friends, drink, and dance to bad music. Would you rather have to drive to somewhere, and drive back wasted? NO. If Louie's closes, people will just go somewhere else, simple as that!

'03 WT Crew/ ATL Sky Ride

'02 WT Crew

It's been said again and again, just because it's a bar doesn't make it a brothel. I stepped foot in Louie's once. Guess what? I didn't get drunk. I went there to meet with my crew outside of my uniform and general confines of the park. I consider that one of the best nights I had at Cedar Point and alcohol wasn't involved. Now, before you start yelling at the police, realize one thing; that's their job. They get a paycheck to do things they probably don't want to do. Think of how many times you did something you didn't agree with this summer but did it because it's your job.

Back on topic, I never had a single problem with the CP Po-Pos. Were they sometimes in the wrong place at the wrong time? Of course, it's impossible to cover every square inch of the park.

2003 Super Screw Crew
*** This post was edited by Drew 11/30/2003 6:19:28 PM ***

the 3rd shift cppd is there to keep the liability away from the park. if you got hit by a car in the commons parking lot, im sure the first thing anybody would think to do (once they got out of ICU) is to look for somebody to sue. That is what the cppd is trying to prevent... in alot of ways it makes sense for cp to do this...personally i wish SOME of them wouldnt act like they own the place...but dont some employees act like they own the park when they are there? way to get around the police "problem" is to not make yourself noticed the first week your there...out of sight out of mind. remember the cppd are people like you or i so treat them as such.

Cedar Creek Trading Co. 1999
MF 2002
Sky Ride ATL 2003
Turnpike Cars TL 2003

I worked in First aid and the fire office this year. I really liked the first and second shift officers, but the third shift with the exception of a few seemed to be assholes. Besides the Police, I think First Aid may be the next least liked department. Especially when supervisors send their employees to get a work excuse when we can't give them, its up to the supervisor to let employees go home sick.

David Larson

2003 First Aid/Fire Office

Brian Noble said:
"I'm really upset that I got caught doing something that I wasn't supposed to be doing in the first place. It's all the fault of the person who caught me!"

If you're too drunk to drive, and can't get a sober ride, there is a safe alternative to walking where pedestrians are prohibited. It's called a taxi.
It's not war, famine, or pestilence; it's only downtime.

Do you have any idea where Louies is compared to the dorms? It's literally 2 parking lots away. I could not imagine a safer trip, personally, and I think it's kinda stupid for them being on stake out behind cars... It's just lame and shows that third shift has nothing else better to do than get people in trouble.

BTW: from what I understand the bridge and parking lots are not public property, but private, and as such isn't 'illegal' until Cedar Point decided to crash down on their poor worker's fun.

ABTW: This is why you drink til you are on an ok buzz, and then go back to your room with your friends and finish what you've started *bwahaha* wait, what? Did I say that?

Lee said:
Now, I don't have a problem with having a few drinks once in a while (provided of course that the person is of legal age) .........


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Zone 5 Supervisor '03
2004 TBA -- Wow, four years already?!
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

Oh shut up. You can not tell me you were 'of age' when you had your first drink, and I know you enjoyed it. Now if you seriously can deprive others that are underage now that you're over the 21 age, then there's something mentally wrong with you.

Just think: ANY other place you can drink pretty much right after you can walk. Some places you can drink after you're 5. Some places it's 8. 21? Comon. Do you think we would have as much problems with us getting sh*tfaced every night possible if there was no age limit? Especially those under 21? Um... No?

I know lisa she would not lie about somthing like that. I have knowed him for about 3 years now come to think about it. Myself i love louies dont get me wrong, but thats not the full reason why i come back again and again(Cept this year hahaha). Every time i went to louies this year was when i didn't have to work the next day or didn't have to go in till later on.
Kelly G Ride Operator 2000-03
Army Bound (2004 somtime)
My friends and I have had some great times at Louie's but it's not always the only thing to do. When I come back this season I am coming back because of all the friends that I have made. If Louie's wasn't there I would still come back. You don't always need to get drunk to have fun..sometimes for some people drinking helps. For instance some of my greatest CP memories are playing kickball with my LBFL gurls and at the end of the season working on Mantis. They may seem like *****es but once you work with them, you quickly realize they really aren't. I honestly believe that they were one of the closest crews, compared to some of the other crews that I worked with over the summer. Mantis crew...thanks for making me feel so welcome on your crew! I was sorry the end of the season had to come. Hope to see some if not all of you soon.

Matterhhorn Triangle'03, GW'03, Mantis('03 Halloweekends)


[loud, clear and upbeat voice] Ladies and gentleman, we have another Ironic Post of the Week Winner! [/alla that]

I dunno--I might have to create an ironic post of the month category. Ironic Post Award of Dubious Merit? Help me out here!

Ben Englund said:
Oh shut up...Now if you seriously can deprive others that are underage now that you're over the 21 age, then there's something mentally wrong with you.

Hmmm. I'd contend that there's something mentally wrong with someone compelled to find their fun in a bottle or can instead!

For crying out loud, find something else to do. You'll have plenty of time to reek like all get-out, kneel before the porcelain god and get that liver cracklin' like a Rice Krispie bar soon enough. We may have surmised you're a-chompin' on the bit already. Bon voyage. Don't drive thru my neighborhood.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 12/8/2003 5:27:45 PM ***

I only had one real problem with CPPD last summer myself. And that was resolved fairly quickly. Being that a lot of my family is law enforcement, I tried my best to get along with the officers. I wanted to get into CPPD myself, but they had a preference for those who were interested in going to college for Criminal Justice and such. Which I can't blame the department for such desires. Just kind of broke my heart.

Park Admissions, FreeWay and even a little time in Guest Accomidations -2003

There's a time and place for everyrthing, and that's called college...wait a minute, most Cedar Point seasonals are college aged. Hmmm...

This argument will never be trumped. If you're old enough to die for your country, you should be allowed to drink legally.

Everything that has a beginning has an end.

The Matrix Revolutions

Gemini's avatar
Why do young people drink? Because they enjoy a glass of fine wine ... or because they want to get drunk? There is a huge alcohol problem in colleges. Lowering the drinking age would make it that much worse.

Young adults are responsible for more than half of all alcohol-related fatal crashes. They also have the highest BAC in fatal crashes. This is why the age was raised from 18 to 21 in the first place. It was a very good decision.

The old enough to die for your country argument is comparing apples and oranges. I read somewhere once that, "To die for your country is one thing, but to die because you made a poor choice to break the law and drink underage is quite another."

Walt Schmidt
Virtual Midway
*** This post was edited by Gemini 12/9/2003 5:22:02 PM ***

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