The fast pass system PART 2

After seeing TTR in action (although not using it) I am neutral to it. I'm not using in (mainly because I'd rather be doing ANYTHING but standing in line between 11-4 in the afternoon), and if it makes people happy, fine.

What bothers me is that everyone thinks that the lines were ALWAYS 3 hours before TTR was instituted. All the news and media says that, so everyone thinks that before and after TTR time, the wait will be 3+ hours so TTR is great. I went to the point last night, and withed about 1 hour at 8 oclock at night to ride. That time is reasonable, and pretty much the same as with TTR.

The lines were never (much) longer than 3 hours, adn haven't been that long since opening week.

So in conclusion, I hate the way the media makes everything sound worse than it is. Rant over.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but, you should only have a 5-25 min. wait w/ TTR anytime. I had a 5 min. wait when I showed up about 10 min. before my hour time slot. That makes a 20 min. wait in all. (counting time to get TTR ticket) Has anyone had to wait an hour?? Or even a half hour or 45 min?
I was just at the point yesterday(July 12), and they still had the TTR system in place. The cutoff wasn't 8pm, though. The normal queue system returned at 4pm.
Ya it's cut off is at 4pm now. That is the reason that a lot of us don't really care if they use it or not now (since 3/4ths of my trips are starlight visits...)
Sorry, askol, but when I used TTR on 6/24, the scene on the Frontier Trail was utter chaos all day, my wait to get a ticket at 11:10am exceeded twenty minutes, and my wait in line was in excess of an hour and a half. My total wait time was in excess of two hours using TTR, not counting the five hours I had to wait for my turn to come up. Add to that the fact that the TTR schedule put me in the queue during a time of day when I would have preferred to be somewhere else. That two hour wait is the longest wait I had for any of my Millennium Force rides.

Perhaps with some tweaking the system is more functional now, but on a very crowded day shortlly after they started it up, it was an unqualified disaster.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
can someone give me a quick synopsis of the story Gemini posted the link to?? i can't seem to get it to run for some reason. where did it come from?

ride early, ride often!!!
Pete's avatar
It was a description of TTR, with some rider comments of how they like the system. All the comments by park guests were very positive in how they liked the TTR system.
My experience with TTR was much like RideMans. Plus I work third Shift and like to get some sleep before I hit the park. Before the 4pm cut off was put in place I had no chance of ridding MF. It was extremly frustrating.
quick question-does anyone know if CP is starting to hand out more TTR tickets per hour than they used to?? All of you said that with TTR in the beginning, the wait was generally down to a 20 min. wait. Has something changed or am I just braindead. (that's pretty hard to understand since I had a 10 min. wait when I went about 3 weeks after TTR was initiated.)
ok dont get mad at me if this is already answered . But is TTR every day or just on the weekends?
They are using it everyday of the week, however if it's really light and they can't fill the entire MF queue, then they won't start it until it's full.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
I've been gone for 2 weeks, and reading the rest of this thread has been an adventure for me. I've decided that I will let the people complain and let the people praise. I'll just go along. I was against it in the beginning, and even after using it to my advantage the first day that they instituted the 11-4, I still do not like it. If it goes away, good. If it stays, fine. And as for the survey that they give, Jeff you are right. It almost seems like they pick out people who have ridden with TTR right when they got off. They gave it to me in the photo shop, I dont know if they still are, but there are a lot of people in there that did not ride MF. 85% is an astonishing number, but I can believe it. Of course I was extremely mad when I took the survey after waiting an hour and a half with the TTR. Also, this new development where they dont start using it until the queue fills is yet another step toward the ultimate removal of the system. It is losing power. And I don't think they will use it in the fall, either.

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 7
*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 7/17/2000. ***
I was at the Point on the 10th and 11th with my fiancee and my mom. On the 11th me and my fiancee got in line first thing to ride with the open queue. The line was back just past the tunnel, but the queues weren't filling yet, either. Our total wait was maybe an hour. Not bad if you ask me. When we got off, my mom was in the TTR line to get me a ticket for later. The ticket was 2-3. I had already decided I wouldn't ride solo since my fiancee really wanted to go again. We walked by at about 2:15. The queue was filled past the vending machines. Ummmm...No thanks. If I have this stupid ticket, I ain't waiting that long. We waited till about 5 and got in the open queue and waited about 90 minutes. Again, fine by me. That's not bad considering it's the opening year for this ride during peak season. I'm just glad they open the queues after 4 instead of 8 or I would have been mad then, since we came up all the way from Texas. I'll say that with the 11-4 times, I can deal with it. It's only 5 hours in the day and there's plenty other to do. I still don't like it, but at least it's only 5 hours instead of 9. It's easily avoided now.
My wife and I got to the Point July 14th, a beautiful and sunny Friday with 3 other couples (coincidentally my 29th birthday). Knowing the popularity of, in my opinion, the BEST #%$!@ ride ever created, we got there at opening time and made a mad dash for MF. Much to my delight I waited well under an hour to take my first ride on the blue bohemeth, my best coaster ride in memory. Of course I had my hands up in the air from start to finish on that MF amazing MF, a difficult task on the Magnum or even Mean Streak. The ride, like many others that day, shut down very shortly after we rode it. Whether for mechanical difficulties or threatening lightning, MF was stalled by the time we made it onto the Mantis. By the time they got it rolling, I believe they started handing out TTR. Most of the bigger attractions were walk-on except the Raptor (25 min wait) and PowerTower (20 min wait down). We were able to cram so many rides in by early/mid-afternoon, we almost left at 4 when a severe storm lingered above us and chased many people to their cars. When we left at eleven we hadnt ridden MF again, more by choice than line length.
To make a long story short, I dont think the system will/should last long. They have so many great rides and things to do at that wonderful peninsula, why put people on a schedule and confuse the relaxed environment? I think the TTR will be non-existent by late summer or at least next spring, when CP management finally sees the error of their ways and does away with these irritating and intrusive ticket tactics. Amen?

My husband and I drove to CP Wednesday nite & arrrived at 5:30PM. By the amount of cars in the main parking lot - there was a pretty good crowd in the park. We walked back and got in line for MF at 5:50PM. The cue was filled to the entrance and the sign in front said 1 1/2 hour wait. All three trains were running. We were going up the lift hill at exactly 7:05PM. Not a bad wait at all! I just don't see the reason for TTR. We've all waited much longer to ride Magnum, Raptor, even Corkscrew when they were new! All I know is TTR kept us from riding MF on the 4th of July - the last trip we made to CP. Let's just hope TTR will be a thing of the past SOON!
From the Cleveland news article noted in the news section:
"For those who enjoy waiting three hours in line, you can still do that between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m."

There is the first, second, third, and last reason the system is there to stay. Not the limits on the hours, but the comment attached to it.

Jeff's avatar
Well if that were actually true, that there were three hour waits (there isn't), they'd have a case. Since I have never seen a three hour wait in all my visits, or for that matter even more than 90 minutes with three trains running, I see even less reason for it.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Three hour waits? What are they doing running one CAR!?!

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
I went on July 11th and TTR was great it lowered the 1-2 hour wait to 40 mins. for me even with MF broken down at 1&2. Best advice is get the 3:00 ticket and get in line about 3:40. The line will be non-exsistent
My niece went to CP on 7-30 and rode MF 5 times!!!TTR was not in effect...not enough people to warrant it. The park was not crowded for a Sunday.

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