The fast pass system PART 2

I think if alot of the other rides were really popular they would use the pass on them also but because they are much older than Mf,I dont think so.if they had their way I bet they would use the pass on everything including bathrooms and parking!
I made my virst visit to the park Wednesday of this week. We arrived at about 8:00, gates opened at 9 and we went directly to MF. We were informed that the tickets for TTR were being issued for 11 AM on throughout the day. So, having beat a good bit of the crowd to MF, we got a ticket and stood in line and rode it, 2 rides in the first 1 1/2 the park was open...I can see how it could create problems later in the day but we had absolutely no problems by being there early in the morning.

Also, while standing in line (we were near the front, we were talking to a couple of the ride ops who told us that it's looking as if they will continue using TTR for MF but at this point won't extend it to other rides due to poor customer feedback...whether or not that's true...I guess we'll have to wait and see.
When this ticket crap is over let me know. I'll be SFO untill then. Ya, I'll be kick'n trash out of my way, using dirty restrooms, and all that. But I will be riding coasters.

Does anyone know if CP is planning to use fast pass for MF in Sept and October when operating hours are reduced?
Gemini's avatar
"But I will be riding coasters"

I guess that's the difference between me and a coaster enthusiast. Someone could put a roller coaster in the middle of a landfill and that just wouldn't be good enough for me.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
Land fill? I'm not a big fan of Cleveland either but "land fill" may be a little harsh. LOL

~~Steven~~ *** This post was edited by ToofastGM3 on 7/7/2000. ***
Ok, so I'm conservative and I don't like change. I don't support this system at all, I like most others here wish the system would go away like a bad nightmare... but it's not. On Tuesday I'm going to CP with a church group (cause it's simply another way to get there and i don't have to pay for gas). I haven't been to the park to see the TTR system, so I have no idea how exactly it'll work for me. We leave the Lansing area at 6 and it's about a 4-5 hour drive... which means 11 o clock ETA :( Does this mean I will not be able to get in a TTR lapp on MF? Will I have to wait till 4 to stand in a long line? Anybody know how late is too late to get a reserved ride?
Gemini's avatar
Actually, I am a big fan of Cleveland. I work and live there (well, I won't be living there for long). I wasn't necessarily referring to SFO with my landfill remark. I was just making a general comment.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
i know what you meant, Gemini...just a little exaggeration to make yer point(no pun intended)...
and yes, a good question...what happens to TTR when park hours are reduced??? maybe they will only keep it while it is crazy-busy and get rid of it when no longer neccesary?? we can only hope. and i like those words..."poor customer feedback"....means someone somewhere is listening. a little.

ride early, ride often!!!
I was also intrigued when the ride op told us that they were restricting use to MF due to "poor customer service"...when pushed on what he meant, he said that their phone lines had been swamped with people calling to maybe the best way to get listened to is to keep calling their phone #s and complaining until management learns that people don't want this system...even though as I said before, it worked great for me...two rides in 1 1/2 hours on a reasonably busy day at CP
When I went, I had a good experience with the TTR. I want to start by saying that it was a light day to begin with. I didn't wait more than half and hour for any ride all day. Most rides were 20 min or under, with the use of TTR. I don't know how bad the lines would have been without TTR because by the end of the day the ride broke down :(. Leaving it on MF could be a good idea, but I don't think putting it on all the rides in the park is because where will all the people go? On a crowded day, using TTR on all the rides could result in an extra 10,000 people swarming the midway.

I don't want anyone to jump on me for my comment, I just hit it right and had a good day. I don't know how well the TTR works when it is crowded because as I said it was a light day.
"the Force of the new Millennium is being felt by those who choose to seek it.
Yesterday(Sunday), TTR was surprisingly not used at all. I doubt this means that it will never be used again, but maybe it will now be just saved for the busiest of days
Yeah, I was there on Sunday too, and they said they wouldnn't start it until the queue fills up, so I guess it never did. I also noticed that they were running 3 trains without any breakdowns, helping to keep the line moving and never filling completely up.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
AWESOME, this is perfect timing too! I'm going tomorrow for my first ever ride on Millennium Force and I don't have to worry bout those damned tickets. Thank you GOD!!!
That could be Hurricane. Later on in the day, after the storms came through, the ride did break down a couple of times, and it only ran two trains(the red was not running) but the lines still didn't go to much further than the vending machines. My guess is, that since the TTR signs are still up, that it still will be used once the line reaches a certain length.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I think that by bonus weekends and Halloweekends (smaller crowds) the TTR system will be put to rest for the season..just my little prediction :)

new MF photos
God i hope so, JS...and maybe people are just plain staying away from MF with all of this going on around it and that is why the lines never filled up. some friends of mine were out there the weekend of the Fourth. i warned them of TTR and they NEVER used it. they rode it four times in two days, but avoided TTR like the plague.
ride early, ride often!!!

I am curious as to the change in attitude. After all TTR is the greatest thing in the world next to sliced bread. (sarcasm intended)

Cedar Point's decision to reduce the testing time for this new system is a step in the right direction.

Hindsight should teach them a lesson when experimenting with new systems. A logical approach to testing anything is to do it in small increments. A more intelligent aproach to rolling out this system would've started with a 2 hour

I'm sure time will prove that TTR is more trouble then it's worth. 8 years of work in R&D has given me the wisdom to understand that if two solutions to a common problem are present, the simplest one will always prevail. They have two solutions. I believe the queue system is the simplest to administer and the simplest to understand for the public. The TTR system is more confusing for the public and complex to implement. Everyone knows how to stand in a line and wait their turn (...yes I know, line jumpers are still oblivious to this simple rule but most human beings are still abiding by it) ;o)!

I've thought about this quite a bit and come to the conclusion that deep down, I like TTR. I mean, you can pick up 3 tickets for an hour time frame and 3 for the next and have 6 rides under your belt in 2 hours as long as the wait is 20 min. or less. Could you have done that with the regular system. No, at an hour wait every timem, you'd spend 6 hours instead of the 2 w/ TTR. Doesn't that give you a LITTLE bit of leeway to plan your day around MF??????????

Sure it might sound like cheating the system but what are all of us going to do to get more than 2 or 3 rides in on one day??
Gemini's avatar
Just when you thought the buzz about TTR was going away ...

There is a link to the video clip of the original story halfway down on the right.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway *** This post was edited by Gemini on 7/13/2000. ***

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