Single Rider Bob video?

Top Chill Snowcones's avatar

I've been a friend of Bob's for 4 years now, and I visit the Point on a weekly basis. In all 4 years of knowing him, I've absolutely never seen him push or trample anyone. Sure, he knows how to maneuver through a crowd of people, but I think running through a crowd and pushing or trampling people through a crowd are 2 totally different things.

As far as having a problem with Bob brushing by you while exiting a ride, seriously, come on. I don't know why you bother going to a crowded amusement park if you get offended when someone brushes or bumps into you while exiting a ride. It's not like guests are required to wait in a single file line to exit the ride.

If anyone should get recognized for ride count on a coaster at CP, I would say that Bob is at the top of the list. Come on, the guy is at the park almost every day, wears a neon "single rider" t-shirt, runs around and around to get as many rides as possible, and makes tons of friends (and apparently enemies who usually don't even know him personally) along the way. You have no idea how many random guests I've heard talking about "that awesome old guy in the bright yellow single rider shirt."

My suggestion is that you get to know Bob before you criticize him. If you get to know him, you'll like him. He's a really nice guy.

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bholcomb's avatar

OK I can admit - I've never seen him flat out push someone, however, I have seen him run into and brush past people which is still being an inconsiderate ass, no matter who it is.

I've met Bob at various functions, and he is a nice guy. A little fanatical, but whatever. I wouldn't have a problem with him at all if he wasn't "running through a crowd" as you put it. It's rude to "run through crowds" where you brush into people, bump into them and run into them. Can he seriously not wait a couple extra seconds?

Why does it have to be his fault? Why can't the poeple in front of him move a little faster?

djDaemon's avatar

You mean, sprint faster?


bholcomb's avatar

Because I for one am fat and out of shape. :(

Walt's avatar

Kwrle said:
Why can't the poeple in front of him move a little faster?

Why do people have to run at an amusement park?

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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djDaemon's avatar

Because, Walt, they need to get the end of the line as soon as humanly possible, so that they can begin waiting as soon as humanly possible.

Its science.


Kevinj's avatar

I think it's fairly safe to say all the lights in the attic are not exactly "on".

Promoter of fog.

Walt have you not been paying attention? How else are you going to get over 1000 trips on anything without a little hustle. Single Rider Bob if you are reading this I want you to know that I am a lot like you. If I worried about what other people thought of me I would just stay home. I am out to live my life for me and my family and who cares what other people think. Keep Riding.

Force00's avatar

I thought amusement parks were places to have fun, not to be some cattle run. I think what he is doing is pretty neat, but he doesn't realize that he is not the only person in the at these places. He is not being considerate to others. When is someone going to make that "Leave Bob Alone" video? ;)

Coaster H.Q: 2007-2012

Is Bob the only person that you have ever seen running at an amusement park? I don't think so. Hey I have a great idea, how about


I think that it is fair to say that the insults being thrown out are uncalled for, childish and uninformed.

I don't know Bob personally, but I am one of the CP regulars and we all see each other in line for MF almost every Sunday morning. I have never seen Bob run over anyone and when he desired to get past, he has always been polite. We always look for a single spot for him to help in his quest, it's a lot of fun!

It is common to see people run from the exit to the entrance on MF during early entry and I have done it myself. When my kid was finally tall enough to ride TTD (measured at guest services), we jumped for joy and ran all the way to TTD.

It is my humble opinion that there are too man mean spirited comments on this site about Bob and in general. Let us hear more from the nice people out there that fear chiming in!

Please leave Bob alone!!

Bob, if you are "listening", ignore the rude people and keep on ridin'!

Last edited by Smitty Werbenjaegermanjensen,
Walt's avatar

Kwrle said:
Walt have you not been paying attention?

Yes, and I understand the issue all too well.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
PointBuzz on Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

Force00's avatar

Kwrle said:
Is Bob the only person that you have ever seen running at an amusement park?

I didn't say that he was the only one running at Cedar Point (amusement parks) I just said that the way he was plowing over (brushing) people was not right. He made a great feat, 1,000 rides in a season on Millieniun, I give him great credit for that but, I know that running over people is rude and inconsiderate.

Coaster H.Q: 2007-2012

Jeff's avatar

I don't care if the guy is your dad or your BFF, it doesn't change the fact that I've seen him be an inconsiderate ass. Not just once, but most of the times I've seen him. If I knew him, that wouldn't change what I saw.

If you want to dispense with the "mean spirited" comments, perhaps you should tell your buddy to be a more considerate in a crowd.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Either I am reading you wrong or I just don't understand this site, but your posts seem to be very negative Jeff. Just my humble opinion, no offense intended.

JuggaLotus's avatar

The truth usually does seem negative to those who don't want to believe it.

Goodbye MrScott


bholcomb's avatar

Mine are angry because of my INNER RAAGGGGEEE or something.

Ben need to go kick another puppy. ;)

My author website:

Top Chill Snowcones's avatar

I do not see how plowing over and brushing by people could be considered the same thing in any way. Fact of the matter is, Bob does not plow people over or many people would have reported him by now. I don't see why brushing by people is inconsiderate when you're in a crowd. Is passing people that are walking slowly a crime now?

My advice, pay more attention and don't just assume that because Bob runs, he does it in a rude manner. I think some of you are WAY too critical about somebody who is just trying to have fun. He might be a little different, a little odd compared to the rest of us, but that doesn't mean you have the right to insult him.

Last edited by Top Chill Snowcones,

What's life if you never get to the Point?

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