Single Rider Bob video?

mermaidsair's avatar

I find when I am walking thru the park alone or in a group of 2 it is the larger groups who are an issue. People in groups of 4 to 10 trying to walk as a large unit and walking into people so they can stay together. I find that to be more of an issue. If Bob is just trying to get around large groups I can see him being a little aggressive.

I have sort of had it with being knocked into by large groups who need to walk in a long line so no one will be single file and you can't get around them. That is my biggest peeve about the park.

I'm going out to get some air.

Jeff said:
I don't care if the guy is your dad or your BFF, it doesn't change the fact that I've seen him be an inconsiderate ass. Not just once, but most of the times I've seen him. If I knew him, that wouldn't change what I saw.

If you want to dispense with the "mean spirited" comments, perhaps you should tell your buddy to be a more considerate in a crowd.

I go to the point every weeked, & see Bob pretty much every weekend. I've known him personally for 4 years, & I have never once saw Bob "plow" into anyone.
I think it's pretty inconsiderate of you to judge someone you don't even know personally. You've seen him around, but you still DONT KNOW HIM! Nobody has the right to judge people they don't know, that's not cool.
So maybe you should talk to him and get to know him before you bash him like that.

1.Magnum 2.Maverick 3.TTD 4.Mill Force
next trip: coastermaniaaa

bholcomb's avatar

Coaster Queen said:
Nobody has the right to judge people they don't know

That's it. The presidential race is over. We also aren't allowed to think Bush is an idiot anymore. Also, no judging Britney spears.

Please give me a break. We can make observations of people and make judgements upon what we see.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Which is why, based on your actions of chasing tornados, I've judged you to be a nut. ;)

*EDIT* Forgot the winky.

Last edited by JuggaLotus,

Goodbye MrScott


bholcomb's avatar

Yeah, well, that just has to come to a stop until people know me.

But why so mean spirited about it? Bob hasn't even had a chance to defend himself and he is portrayed as brainless and ruthless. So maybe he did run into someone at some point in time and it was purely by accident. Does that give you the right to call him an ass? How many times have you ran into someone in a crowd and didn't mean too? I don't understand how regulars from this blog can be so rude to others.

Walt's avatar

I'm confused as to where "this is what I saw" turned into "mean spirited."

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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mermaidsair's avatar

I feel bad about this. Bob is a 71 year old unique person who likes to ride Millie. :(

I hope he does not read this. It is kind of sad.

I am a Bob fan and I hope to meet him one day. He is free to knock me over if he needs to.

I'm going out to get some air.

e x i t english's avatar

Does that go for all of us? because I'll knock you over on my way to Red Garter if you get in my way. :-D

Thats funny i didn't know anthing about him and me and my buddy from school saw him wearing a shirt that said single rider i just thought he was some weird guy

Jeff's avatar

Top Chill Snowcones said:
Fact of the matter is, Bob does not plow people over or many people would have reported him by now... He might be a little different, a little odd compared to the rest of us, but that doesn't mean you have the right to insult him.

So you're calling me an others liars? That's exactly what you're doing. Don't tell me what I saw. And don't put words in my mouth either. I could care less if he's "odd" or "a little different," I care if he's pushing past people and being a dick. Don't give me this "brush past people" crap either, because that's not what I saw.

I used to ride with the original marathoner ("Magnum" Dan, with many thousands of laps), and I can assure you he was odd, what with the tally counter and all. But he never pushed past people to get around for another ride.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Is Bob a member of Coasterbuzz or was he a guest at Boobuzz? He seemed a little pushy on the Maverick ERT. I have seen him at Coastermania as well and he is very pushy on the MF ERT.

Blue people fly sideways when it rains

Jason Hammond said:
There is another guy with a "Single Rider" shirt. He is younger and much more rude. I've actually seen him shove people of the way.

Jason, his shirt says "Single Rider 2" on it, and he really is very very rude. He says hes very good friends with Single Rider Bob. He was talking to my friend and I about his rides for the season, and my friend told him he had 1123 rides on Magnum in 2005 (which was true), and he replies "Anyone can make up a number."

I've also seen him push his way into some empty seats with the people next to him looking very nervous about it. I don't believe it is in the Magnum SOP to fully load trains anymore. I would generally ask someone if they minded, I wouldn't just push them through the gate so I could take the seat next to them.

Anyone who is pushy like that should be kicked out. Its rediculous, especially when you're marathoning. Kinda sets a bad name for the rest of the "regulars" of a coaster. I've ridden with a lot of people who are known to be "regulars" or "marathoners" (Magnum Candy Man, Raptor Man Dave, Magnum Rob, etc.) and not one of them act like that. Its just some local out for some thrills, and doesn't care what he does to get them.

Last edited by crashoverride,

-Evan Hendrick

ChrisC.'s avatar

This topic should be moved to Geauga Lake Today. Conspiracy! ;)

I have been looking at this thread for awhile and have been trying to come up with a scenario in my life that I would do the same thing. I believe all scenarios point to something that may need professional help. One of the main points that I look at is that someone stated Bob is around 71, thus probably retired. This is much better than my original thoughts on this being40 year old doing this. Trust me, I have no problem with someone wanting to get a record, but at least make it a Guinness goal. Hell, the park would probably help out if that was the case.

I just find it a little creepy that anyone would just run around like this with no real goal. No, I am not saying a goal needs to recognize by others to make it reel. However, there just does not seem to be something right here with the few people mentioned. I keep thinking of that guy that did the Rotor for years and he does not seem right either.

I know many say, get to know Bob and you will understand. MaybeI would, I do not have that time though or care to. I only get to the point forthree days a year at best (my yearly trip at Breakers). This being said, if Bob“brushes” against me on my mini-vacation than I will trip the hell out of him.He can have the day after I leave to make up for it…

Last edited by Bill2,
mermaidsair's avatar

The people I work with think I am nuts because I go to Cedar point sooo much. It is a hobby, just like those who have cotteges or those who like to boat or fish. It is something I enjoy.

Each of us likes it enough to be part of a web group to discuss an amusement park. We are in a small percentage of the population and are each somewhat eccentric for this.

If Bob rides MF alot that is great! I kind of do think he is cool for this. Actually I think he is supercool for this.

If he is being inconsiderate, that is not so cool.

He is trying to get a record for whatever reason. I also think that is kind of cool. No one will give him an award for it but it obviously is not about that.

I am scared on drop towers. (Never been on the green PT) so I made myself do the Wonderland drop tower 10 times in a row to show myself I could.

Anyways, I am not calling anyone a liar but I really like the idea of Bob. If I learned he was a jerk it would be like seeing Santa in a bar with a stripper. I see the innocence in the idea of Bob.

There could be something wrong if he is being rude but there is nothing wrong with his interest of riding MF a lot.

I'm going out to get some air.

e x i t english's avatar

Strange, but in the last few years the roller coaster hobby has given way to other things I enjoy. I haven't even been to Halloweekends yet this year and yeah, I'm looking forward to going, but every weekend I'm doing photo shoots or recording or something of that nature and it just feels good to have other things that I enjoy just as much.

Loopy's avatar

Bill2, I think he does it for exercise. So not only does he get to ride his favorite coaster, he improves his health too. He's never been overly rude or pushy when I've seen him. Possibly on the exit once or twice, but hell, I'd like to push people on the exit half the time too.

As for "Single Rider 2", not only is he rude but he doesn't have the best personal hygiene either.

Last edited by Loopy,

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

I rode with Bob last night at Halloweekends and I didn't even know it was him!!!!! I was waiting in line @ MF and he asked me if I was a single rider and I said yes, and he was talking to someone else across from him about riding so many times. We exchanged a few words before we took off and he thanked me for being a single rider as he ran, he he, off the train. Not until the person behind me said, "that was single rider bob". Wow, cool........ awesome old guy, I want to be like him, honestly. :)

Last edited by Mel1974,

gotta go, bye.

While we're on the subject of single riders, wouldn't a movie about that be great? I mean guys that go to amusement parks as single riders to meet girls... basically wedding crashers at an amusement park... haha sorry, the damn off season is getting to me already :(

Last edited by Corkscrew Headache,
4 summers of employment in ride operations does stuff to you.

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