Single Rider Bob video?

CP rush's avatar

^lol I was on that train

First rollback=opening weekend '09

W!cked R!der said:
^When did Bob act like this. The most i've seen is him do is race people back to the entrance
I was comparing 2 different people by the way

I made post by your original comment. You did say
However bad his behavior is he is one of the nicest people to talk to, he told me"I'm retired and mow lawns."

and then said

on the other hand single rider 2 is the most cocky wannabe ever

This is were I came up with my comment.

In reality, I could care less and happy for the man if he does this . More power to him as long as he does not get in the way of the other guests and is happy. Your post did come across to me as Single Rider Bob ( or Coaster Gump as I think of him) as being a split person. Also, and before I get crap for calling him Coaster Gump. Look at the movie, it is not a bad comparision. Forest mowed lawns when he retired and ran across the country many time for fun...

Last edited by Bill2,

I met both of the single rider guys today in person at the park. I arrived at 8:15 at the "secret gate" and #2 was already there. Obviously we struck up a conversation about the park and what not. No more than 10 min later SRB shows up. He was not at his normal entrance because at that time Millie had become stuck at the top of the hill again.

Although SRB seemed like a nice guy and everything he could not stop talking about how he set this record or rode this ride so many times in a row the day before (apparently he got in a marathon on Raptor Monday because Millie was down. I understand enthusiasm, but sometimes you have to be willing to step back and talk about something else. He ended up leaving to go back to the marina gate because Millie started going again 10min before 9am.

As far as #2 goes. I have to agree with everyone else. He went as far as to say that he was going to try to scare people away from waiting in line with him to ride TTD first. He talked about how he has had so many roll backs and just loves them (Later saying that he has 2, at which point I laughed). But I mean if you are already first in line, then why do you need to get other people to not wait with you? BTW For the record. He did not get his roll back as I witnessed him take his ride.


Hoping to one day build these great machines that we affectionatly call "Coasters"

Josh M.'s avatar

We had a funny moment on Sunday when Dragster was only launching with the front row filled. We were in line for Millennium, when we saw Dragster launch. It was blatantly obvious that it was Single Rider 2 in the front seat by himself. His orange shirt was more vibrant than the train or the tower. I understand wanting their shirts to be visible... but are the reflective strips really necessary?

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004


Video of single rider 2 doing pushups infront of dragster.


Mark Small's avatar

And SR2 doesn't have to "scare" people away from waiting for Dragster. His smell is enough to keep people away. He's so obnoxious. Although I'm missing being at Cedar Point as much this year, I'm certainly not missing him.

Unfortunately, I don't live near Cedar Point. I live "Close" to Hersheypark (though I just bought a house about 50 minutes from the park whereas before I was 13 minutes away).... I try to go there at least 4 times per week, maybe more. In any case, I make my own tshirts as well to wear when I go to the park. Its a lot of fun to get to know the ride ops and talk to the crowds of people! Unfortunately, I have to have hernia surgery on tuesday which is going to keep me grounded from coasters until at least middle of august. :(

My 9 year old sat next SRB on Tuesday the 2nd.

TTD 120mph's avatar

While I'll agree that Bob can be a nice person to talk to (as I have talked to him) that's as far as it goes. He IS a nice person in that sense but I agree with everyone else in the whole rudeness issue. In the multiple times I've seen him marathoning Millennium, at one point or another (getting off to get back in line or in the station) he has pushed through people to get his way. I've even seen him knocked a young child to the concrete and continue on his way....and no I'm not lying. I'm sure that was by no way what he meant to do but it did happen. I have no problem with him marathoning rides and going around people in his quest, but if he's so fixated on what he's doing that he's knocking down little kids as well as brushing into others, then I think he's gone a bit too far. So if you're reading this Bob, I harbor no ill will to you (as I think most of us don't anyway), but I'll just say to please be careful and weary of those around you when you marathon.

NOW as for Single Rider Chris. Where do I start? The fact that he'd just copying off an already silly "fad" is enough...but he knows no limits when it comes to marathoning Dragster and other rides. I really hope you're reading this Chris because in my 7 trips so far, you've done the same thing every time. So with that said, I have a few things to say to you.

First off, stay OUT of the test seat. That seat was NOT meant for you to sit in till Dragster opens. Second, stop pretending you can butt into a guests conversation with a ride host at entrance because you can't. Unless they come up to you and ask you specifically if Dragster is open or what's wrong, keep your mouth shut. For that matter, stop pretending you can measure kids heights and tell people to try the test seat and clip their belt for them. Let the ride host at front do what they're suppose to do. It's not your job to do ANY of those things.

Thirdly, stop babbling on and off to random people about your ride count. I'll say again that unless they specifically ask you, keep your mouth shut. No one really cares you have no life to the extent that you visit the park every darn day (yes I do know how many times you were at the park last year). Fourthly, STOP pushing through people to take single seats. I love marathoning Dragster and taking single seats, but I would never stoop so low as to rudely push people out of the way to get to the seat.

And for the love of god TAKE A SHOWER or wear deodorant! You always have a foul odor to you and it is NOT pleasant.

See the big difference between you and I is that when I marathon Dragster, I'm always polite to people in the station when I see an empty seat or when they call for a single rider. I always ask people in line if I can pass by to take the seat (since it's a bigger deal on Dragster to fill seats). If I don't get it, no big deal. I'll just wait for the next seat. Another thing that's different is that despite what you may think, you're not scoring brownie points with the Dragster crew. I'm good friends with a few of them and they don't care for how you go about things. You have a reputation for sure, but it's by no means a good one.

And finally a warning. The next time I'm about to take a single seat only to have you push me aside and take the seat, I'm going to call you out and refer you to the CP police.

And don't think I won't do it.

P.S.- Ben, do you have any puppies or kitties I can kick while I'm on this rant? I'm fresh out.;)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

First off, your comments about Chris measuring kids' height and the like were downright hilarious!!

I talked to this guy for a bit yesterday and rode TTD with him once (having no idea who he was until reading this thread today), and I will say I noticed no hygiene issues, but it was early and that's one day. He did come off to me as very boisterous, and took offense when I asked him about trying Diamondback (like Bob did) at Kings Island (my home park) or going to any other amusement park...he acted like CP was the one and only and mention of anything else was blasphemy!

Later in the day my girlfriend was talking to a girl on the TTD crew, and I asked her about SR2 and she said, "He's a little annoying, but a reliable seat-filler, I guess." To which I replied, 'since you can't use the over-sized stuffed animals!' and she laughed. While I wasn't fully paying attention, I did see SR2 walk back (not run) to the TTD entrance after riding with him. He also never rattled off any riding stats, except when I asked him about his RB count (2 seems a bit paltry for his TTD ride count!).

As for Bob, while I've never seen him knock anyone down, I've always seen him run, which isn't the safest thing. In addition, there's no science or art when it comes to Bob! I talked to him for a while in the Diamondback SRL about all of my queue and station strategies and he was clueless and his mantra was more of a "do what you want/what it takes"! Both SR2 and Bob could use a little GP perspective!

I also ran into a Diamondback ride op at CP yesterday who assured me my high double-digit ride count pales in comparison to other's who are in the multiple 100's and I'm still another face in the crowd! (good since I didn't want to be the 'Bob' of Diamondback! ;) ) But I am surprised Bob doesn't have a Wikipedia page at last check.

LuvRaptor's avatar

I must admit finally talking to SRB on MF Saturday morn during ERT while we waited to get back into the station. He said my name several times but didn't know he knew who I was.

I had to ask him what political party he was with since the back of his shirt said "Vote for single rider Bob in 2012." We ended up having a very nice conversation. With that being said that alone cant change my opinion of him since I overheard him bad mouthing one of my closest (MF freak) friends to someone last season.

Also someone mentioned he did a Raptor marathon and set a record? I'd like to know just how many rides he got since I did a Raptor-thon back in '03 and got 84 rides. That was from O-C and even with the crews letting me have some rerides.

As for that other SR2 whack - this is not the 1st time I've heard mention of his (lack of) personal hygiene. He even looks dirty to me. Someone mentioned to be sure you don't sit beside or behind him or you could easily pass out from the stench. There is another marathon rider who is just as bad--swear his gray shirt and jeans would stand on their own-he's another bragging skank.

SR2 has never spoken a word to me---guess I'm glad about that. I tell people how many rides I've gotten on Raptor when they ask (2019 :)) not just to brag....also I've gotten 98 rides to date on Diamondback and I would dare SR2 to say anything about that.

I would sure hope if people felt about me the same way they feel about Bob and the Whack they would tell me!
(I know Im a very clean person! :))


It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

Jeff's avatar

A contest to see who gets the most attention for who rides the most. There's a contest without winners.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

TTD 120mph's avatar

tigellinus said:I talked to this guy for a bit yesterday and rode TTD with him once (having no idea who he was until reading this thread today), and I will say I noticed no hygiene issues, but it was early and that's one day.

Consider yourself lucky indeed. You must have caught him on a good day. It must have been the fact that my trips were during prime marathoning conditions that his a**hole levels were heightened. But the day I'm by him and dont smell a dump, I'll eat some dirt.

Later in the day my girlfriend was talking to a girl on the TTD crew, and I asked her about SR2 and she said, "He's a little annoying, but a reliable seat-filler, I guess." .

Anyone can be a "reliable seat-filler".;) All I'll say is be thankful you don't know him like I do. One encounter with him isn't enough to get the full feel of how bad he is.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Super Stew's avatar

I love riding coasters and going to amusement parks as much as anybody, but it sounds like these dudes need to get a life. There's a whole big world out there to explore.

Speaking of contests ... How about one to see who has the best personal hygiene ?? I have to say that I would be the winner hands down. No one can match what I bring to the table with what being the trimmed package and all. Sorry Jo.

Last edited by Super Stew,

I was super before Super Stew was cool !

TTD 120mph said:

And for the love of god TAKE A SHOWER or wear deodorant! You always have a fowl odor to you and it is NOT pleasant.

Single Rider Chris smells like a chicken?

My author website:

TTD 120mph's avatar

lol Why not? If anything it's a dead chicken. So he smells something of a FOUL fowl.:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Dvo's avatar

^well played, sir. I can handle SRB on any given day. He's a little excessive on the trip from unload to the entrance, but he's a pretty nice guy to talk to. I've only ridden with SR2 one time on TTD, and that's one ride too many. Yuck.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

Millie_Freak_0329's avatar

I saw someone two weeks ago, the day MF broke, that had a shirt that said Single Rider 1 i think. I can't remember the number. I'm pretty sure it was 1

"You are NOT going back to your friends in line. I will be monitoring you VERY closely!"
-remember, line jumping is NOT a sport!!-

I have a question after reading all about SRB and #2. Dont they have to wait just like everyone else until they get close to the loading area and can see that there is another single rider? Or, do they line jump to the front and just wait on the first single rider? Sorry for my ignorance.

CP Nut

TTD 120mph's avatar

It's ok, you're not being ignorant. First off, neither of them line jump and they don't get any special excuses to cut in the queue. Once they're in the station, they find/wait for single seats to be called. SR2/Chris does this, but in a more rude manner as he will push his way through the crowd in the station to get at a single seat. Not to mention that he doesn't signify he's making his way to take a seat. He just pushes his way through and gets in the seat....even if someone else was in the process of taking that seat. I witnessed him do this several times on my last trip. He even found a person to ride with only to blow them off when they called a single seat. Funny thing was he was only ONE train away from riding with that person he was with. I took the seat with that guy he left and the guy said "You see what that guy in the orange shirt did? He left me after asking me if he could ride." I told him I wasn't surprised.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

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