Single Rider Bob video?

^^ I'm still young and partially agree with you Zach. However you have to remember that that girl is someones daughter and eventually you may sometime down the line be blessed with a daughter of your own. Would you want her to be looked at in that way?


Hoping to one day build these great machines that we affectionatly call "Coasters"

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

So looking at girls is now wrong, Adam? So I guess when I went to the Taylor Swift concert on Friday I was just a horrible person.

If I did have a daughter I would understand her getting looked at. As long as they don't act on it then its fine. Its just looking...

Let's Get Weird.

Jeff's avatar

Get back to me when you stop looking at girls and start looking at their moms.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

TTD 120mph's avatar

^^Did I say that or are you just trying to put things in my mouth?

I'm saying the way you put it makes it sound really shallow. Very little respect to other women who may not be like the others.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Age/2 + 7. Learn it. love it, live by it. If a girl is clearly younger then that, you probably shouldnt be looking unless you are a creep.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I really didn't mean to sound shallow at all. If they dress like that I'm gonna look. Even girls who don't dress like that are going to get looked at.

Hey Jeff, Jennifer Aniston is old enough to be my mom, and I'm friggin in love with her... Does that count?

Let's Get Weird.

Jesz's avatar

If anyone ever runs into me, full force, on purpose to get to a ride faster...I will be chasing them down and we will be exchanging some words.

As for girls dressing skimpy, it is summer time. Just because it is hot outside, and a girl wants to wear something that doesn't cover her up as much, because it is HOT outside, doesn't give anyone the right to take pictures of her.

If I wear short shorts and a bikini top to the park, I am basically asking to be looked at. That doesn't allow anyone to take a picture of me for their personal use. If anyone thinks that is ok, then you are sick.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

TTD 120mph's avatar

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD. said:
As long as they aren't 400 pounds and wearing a bikini, like a lot of them are, then I don't care. It makes the line a lot more fun. :)

Yeah, that's some shallowness there.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD. said:
If they dress like that I'm gonna look. Even girls who don't dress like that are going to get looked at.

It's human nature....of course it's gonna happen. I've done it many times. But I don't make it a public note online that only good looking girls are allowed to do it.

Im not calling you a bad person or anything. All I'm saying is just be a little more open minded about what you say. You've got a few good years ahead of you till you see certain things in a different view.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Sorry for interupting the debate but I found this and thought you guys might find it interesting or should I say funny. SRB has his own ebay store. Check it out:

I am very suprised there isnt more CP memorabillia.

CP Nut

Jeff's avatar

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD. said:
Hey Jeff, Jennifer Aniston is old enough to be my mom, and I'm friggin in love with her... Does that count?

Anyone who has the same hair for 15 years does not count. Sorry.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Has anyone that has met/talked to him, tried to get him onto the site?

Ryan / A Buckeye stuck in Michigan

TTD 120mph's avatar

Bob or Chris. Bob has but I doubt Chris has the capacity to start a computer.>:-)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

JuggaLotus's avatar

Just put a picture of a person on his power button. He'll know how to push it.

Goodbye MrScott


Jeff's avatar


Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

No dude i rode with him on a ride
He remembers me!
i went to cedar poinrt 4 times this year and
saw im twice and got pictures with himm!
I <3 single rider bob

yes i am friends with bob and single rider 2, his name is Chris. he is first at top thrill dragster in the mornings. I am friends with him also. I am newer single rider. i just got a shirt made this season. bobs ride is mille. chris's is sort of top thrill, and there is darrel at raptor. and i am at wicked twister. 143 times in 1 day!

~Twister Connor

Wicked Twister Record Holder - 143 Times in 1 Day!

coolkid's avatar

^Is your shirt neon green? I saw someone in a neon green shirt over by Wicked Twister this past weekend. It could be many people, but I am just wondering if that could be you?

Break Trims's avatar

Why limit this to rides? I'm going to become an Airblade Dryer single rider. Of course, I will make a shirt first so that it is official, and so that any compilers of records can include me if they wish. Then I will simply get my hands wet in the sink, and run over to the dyer, where I will dry them. I will then run back over to the sink, and repeat the process. I'm going to use my early admission to get a jump on this each morning. When the park closes, I will write down how many times I dried my hands that day. My off-time will be consumed by thinking of ways that I could dry my hands even more times during the following day. I will notify this board of my progress.

God help anyone who gets between the sink and the dryer. I will most likely knock you down. If you are taking too much time washing your hands, I will sigh loudly and clear my throat. You probably don't realize the importance of what I'm doing, but I will make you understand. When I die, people will say, "Boy, that guy sure dried his hands a lot."

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

Singer riders are dumb.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

RideWarrior18's avatar

^^ +1

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