Single Rider Bob video?

djDaemon's avatar

Sarah Palin has passion, too.


Tony said:
I have witnessed Single Rider Bob try to run through people to get back in line while riding Millennium Force. I have been one that he has tried to brush by before.

Running through someone and brushing by someone are two different things. I brush by people all the time. If there is room to go around you why should I walk behind you?

djDaemon's avatar

If you're "brushing by" someone in a queue/exit line, I would say you need better priorities.

If you're "brushing by" me in a queue/exit line, you had better keep running. :)


bholcomb's avatar

He's calling me a liar too. :(

What Jeff said was right (as much as I hate saying that) If you are running into people while running around a coaster, you are an ass. I'm thinking I may have been guilty of the same thing before, I don't know. Having a passion is fine, interfering with others makes you a jerk.

mermaidsair's avatar

I like SRB. I like to think he is just active and fit. Getting his exercise at the same time.

I abhor how a lot of people walk in the park (not in lines). Groups of 5 - 10 walking together and not letting anyone get by. Like the mall at Christmas :(

I'm going out to get some air.

Jeff's avatar

Kwrle said:
I am just saying that I did not see what they saw... The man has a passion. You don't have to be an ass because you are jealous of what he is doing.

What, so because you didn't see it, it didn't happen? You think I'm just making it up because I'm jealous? How old are you?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Sorry that it took so long to respond. I am not saying that it did not happen. I am sorry if you took what I said the wrong way. I am sure that someone gets in everybodys way at one time or another. I could be all wrong but the first impression that I had of Bob is that he is a very well liked guy. To answer your question I am 34. I have been going to the point for 25 plus years. I probably don't get there as often as most of you because my family and I live 4 hours away. We did manage to get our ninth trip in last weekend though. We are hoping for 1 more. Do you have anything nice to say about Bob? Do you think that it is a neat thing that he has accomplished this year? Just curious. He was treated like a celebrity when I saw him on Milli. You go BOB.

Jeff's avatar

No, I don't think it's an accomplishment. It seriously ranks at the bottom of things that I think are important. If he works at a food bank or cleans up a public park or cures cancer, I'll be first to pat him on the back. What I think is irrelevant, too. The fact is that it appears this guy is being inconsiderate toward others, not just on some random occasion, but on a regular basis, and that's what I take issue with.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Sorry we have a difference of opinion. Do you ever think of it in the way that maybe he is doing this to keep his mind off of something else? Who cares about Bob if he is doing what he enjoys. The world is full of rude people anyway. If you don't like being brushed up against then maybe you should get out of the way of move a little faster.

djDaemon's avatar

So, if my motivation is good enough, I can be an ass? That's beyond absurd.


JuggaLotus's avatar

Kwrle said:
If you don't like being brushed up against then maybe you should get out of the way of move a little faster.

Or he could not be an impatient ass. Who cares that he's doing what he likes, if he's knocking people out of his way in his "quest" then he's doing something wrong.

Goodbye MrScott


e x i t english's avatar

How is that absurd DJ? It's completely in line with your everyday thought process. ;)

djDaemon's avatar



mermaidsair's avatar

Jeff said:
No, I don't think it's an accomplishment. It seriously ranks at the bottom of things that I think are important. If he works at a food bank or cleans up a public park or cures cancer, I'll be first to pat him on the back. What I think is irrelevant, too. The fact is that it appears this guy is being inconsiderate toward others, not just on some random occasion, but on a regular basis, and that's what I take issue with.

Jeff, I agree that this is not the cure for cancer but why can it not be viewed as a small accomplishment that makes him happy?

We are in a roller coaster forum. We do not know everything about each other and certainly not about Bob.

It was a fluff piece in a newspaper. It was supposed to be light and simple minded. It did mention other interests he had had.

I don't get it. I think a lot of us are here because we do not have people in our personal lives who love rides as much as us so we have found others to discuss it with and now we put down Bob.

Criticizing him because he runs into people makes sense but who cares if he sees his ride marathons as an accomplishment? This does not mean he has not done anyting society would consider valid.

Personally I think it is pretty neat. I felt great on my birthday when MF was a walk on and rode it many times. I bragged to my friends about this.

I am a clinical social worker and work in addictions and mental health. I am working on a graduate thesis in advanced anti oppressive theory and I save kittens... but I felt like i had accomplished a great deal the first time I stepped off TTD.

So again, the paper offered a fluff piece about an ordinary individual doing something unusual. Why is this so offensive?

I'm going out to get some air.

bholcomb's avatar

You save kittens? That's funny, because I kick them. ;)

Last edited by bholcomb,
mermaidsair's avatar

I knew someone would write that.

I'm going out to get some air.

What, puppies and kittens too, Ben? ;)

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Jeff's avatar

mermaidsair said:
Criticizing him because he runs into people makes sense but who cares if he sees his ride marathons as an accomplishment?

I didn't bring his "accomplishment" into the discussion, someone else did. I simply don't care for his behaviour.

So again, the paper offered a fluff piece about an ordinary individual doing something unusual. Why is this so offensive?

What's offensive is that he's being an inconsiderate jerk to other people. Why should we give him a pass for that?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

mermaidsair's avatar

needless quote removed

I agree you did not bring it up.

I like the idea of him. I liked the article. I find it all simple and innocent. I see older and prefer them to the teenagers who spit at the fish and swear thru the lines.

I hope to visit the park well into my 70's and I guess I think that makes him cool but in many ways my opinion is moot as I have never actually seen him at the park so I can not really speak to his behavior.

Last edited by Jeff,

I'm going out to get some air.

Jeff's avatar

Please don't quote the previous post. See here.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

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