Single Rider Bob video?

Jesz's avatar

haha Josh yes I do. :)

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

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Josh M.'s avatar

First Lady I'd Like to Follow? ;)

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

mermaidsair's avatar

Canadian politics do not tend to get this type of reaction.

I'm going out to get some air.

Jesz's avatar

I hope it is First Lady I'd Like to Follow, rather than something else! lol.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

Actually, it was First Lady I'd Like to . . . um, Feature. Yeah, that's it. But 'follow' works too.

Josh with the win!

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JuggaLotus's avatar

How about First Lady I'd Like to Forgetinaforeigncountryandneverbringherbackbecausesheisawasteofspaceairandtime?

That fits doesn't it? ;)

Goodbye MrScott


Sounds like a bumper sticker to me. A bumper sticker for a very wide car.

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e x i t english's avatar

mermaidsair said:
If it is a Palin reference I don't get it but I am in Canada and female...

But, can you see Russia? That's the real question...

I have witnessed Single Rider Bob try to run through people to get back in line while riding Millennium Force. I have been one that he has tried to brush by before. Would not let it happen, made him wait till we got out of the exiting que by the photo booth. He is even worse when the Wheel Chair access gate is open.

Last edited by Tony,

MF Circuits=3,011(272)

Jeff's avatar

Agreed... I've seen the same thing on my last two visits as well. I don't care how novel or cute it all seems, if you're going to be an inconsiderate ass to people, that's not cool.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

mermaidsair's avatar

e x i t english said:

mermaidsair said:
If it is a Palin reference I don't get it but I am in Canada and female...

But, can you see Russia? That's the real question...

Nah, just Detroit mostly. Does that give me foreign policy experience for Canada/US relations?

Last edited by mermaidsair,

I'm going out to get some air.

Daniel Smith's avatar

I've seen him just about every time I've ridden MF this year, in May on day the yellow train had the one seat in the front row taped off, so every time they called out single rider he took it.

Last edited by Daniel Smith,

Quote from a Corkscrew ride op, "And Dragster is down again"

While I've also seen Bob running on several occasions, I've never personally witnessed him touching anyone. He always goes around people.

Chris, on the other hand, is a different story. I've seen him run into a couple people before. It was more carelessness than intent I'm sure, but uncool nonetheless.

Co-founder of the most fun CP Facebook Group - Day Drinking at the Po!nt

Now wait a minute. This is just an older guy out doing what he loves to do. My family and I had the opportunity to talk to Bob on Friday 10-10-08. He is a nice guy. He did mention that there are a lot of mean people that post on this sight. From what we witnessed we never once saw him cut, push, or force his way to the front. He waited his turn like everybody else. My 11 and 9 year old thought that he had a great idea. If you guys are going to pick on somebody then pick on somebody that deserves it. LEAVE BOB ALONE. You are probably just jealous anyway. You go Bob and ride until hearts content. Don't worry about what other people think just keep on doing what you are doing.

Josh M.'s avatar

How long until we see a tear stained video on YouTube.... "LEAVE BOB ALONE!!"....

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

bholcomb's avatar

I would laugh at a video like that for an hour. Seriously.

Walt's avatar

So, Kwrle, are you saying that Tony and Jeff are not telling the truth?

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Jeff's avatar

Nice guys don't trample over other people to ride a roller coaster. That's "mean."

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I am just saying that I did not see what they saw. He waited his turn like everybody else. If anything I saw people asking him if he would ride with them. The man has a passion. You don't have to be an ass because you are jealous of what he is doing. Lets face it over 1000 trip on Milli this year is awesome!!!!

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