Review: Luminosity (2012)

TheHSBR's avatar

Let me clarify my position and I will leave it at that. I am not against CP selling alcohol. As long as I can remember they have been and have had little to no issues with it that I am aware of. I think this show is a bad place to put a bar given the environment and time. In addition I think this space which is big could be better used for more seating and to be honest if they took the same setup and put it towards Coasters or the Skyride I would have less issue with it because it frees up the space.

Your review makes it sound great and I hope it's as great as advertised.

That said, I loved the "cheesiest 'patriotic' themes, college fight songs."

99er's avatar

TheHSBR said:
I think this show is a bad place to put a bar given the environment and time.

Are you assuming that because the show has a party atmosphere that those who drink AT the show will get out of hand? What about those who buy a beer at Red Garter but then walk down to Luminosity? Are those people "ok" since they didn't buy their alcohol AT the show?

Whether they sell beer at the show or on the other side of the train tracks, those who want it will get it and watch the show while drinking it. There isn't any difference if they sell the beer in Celebration Plaza or at a cart over by Mantis.

I really don't get the opposition to the bar.... I haven't seen Luminosity yet, but I can't imagine it will be an issue. I just got back from vacation and we stopped at Busch Gardens Williamsburg - they had a stand/shop selling beer approximately every 50 feet, and yet I didn't see anyone out of control or falling all over themselves. (Also - Verbolten was very cool).

On another note - has the park said whether Luminosity is a summer-only attraction, or will it remain in some form for Halloweekends?

Maverick00's avatar

The last I heard, they were trying to plan a show for HalloWeekends.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

99er's avatar

The park stated there could be a Halloweekends version of the show. I think its safe to say the stage will be used for the Overlord.

Kevinj's avatar

The sale of alcohol does not, in any way, make an atmosphere less family friendly. In fact, I would argue that to some, it makes it more family friendly.

Good grief Charlie Brown.

Promoter of fog.

Maverick00's avatar

Ya I'm thinking the overlord will come out on the thing used by the DJ.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Though I said earlier that having a drink right before getting in the car is not the best idea, and it isn't,I have no issue with the bar at the show. I don't drink myself. I have never seen alcohol to be a problem at Cedar Point. It's just not the kind of place you sit there and have drink after drink. Luminosity isn't either, most are they to see the show and/or dance afterward. I don't think the majority of people even notice the bar. It's very subtle, no flashing neon sign.

djDaemon's avatar

It should also be noted, however un-PC it may be, that if one were to create a Venn diagram of people who can afford to get drunk at CP prices and people who are unruly, trouble-causing drunks, the overlap would not be significant.


Jeff's avatar

Ha! +1, so true. Eight dollar beers are for the 1%. Suck it, shrinking middle class! ;)

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Kevinj's avatar

Before you know it, Cedar Point will be selling "Fast Buzz" passes for $100 where you can "jump" to the front of the beer line and get unlimited refills.

Capitalistic bastards.

Promoter of fog.


Jeff said:
Ha! +1, so true. Eight dollar beers are for the 1%. Suck it, shrinking middle class! ;)

Not so fast...

$8 for a 20 ounce beer equates to $48 for 120 ounces or the equivalent of 10 cans of beer. That is enough to get a lot of people pretty drunk. And it would cost less than the $50 for Fast Lane which is touted as not being too expensive.

djDaemon's avatar

So, we're completely ignoring value now?

That $48 would need to be consumed over just a few hours ($16/hr), and all you'd have to show for it would be a headache the following day. A $65 FL pass would last up to 14 hours ($4.64/hr), and you'd have FOL access to the bulk of CP's lineup.


No, my point was that you can't say beer is expensive and it is only for the 1% when you can get tanked for less than the cost of a FL.

Why do you only have 3 hours to drink the beer? They start serving at 11 and apparently now you can drink all of the way through Luminosity. That is way more than 3 hours.

And what do you have to show for buying FL the following day?

And no I did not wake up with a headache the day after I had 120 ounces of beer in the park.

djDaemon's avatar

Shades said:
No, my point was that you can't say beer is expensive and it is only for the 1% when you can get tanked for less than the cost of a FL.

Again, you're completely ignoring value. If you offered someone 8 beers or all day FOL access to CP's biggest, most popular attractions, most people will choose the latter.

Why do you only have 3 hours to drink the beer? They start serving at 11 and apparently now you can drink all of the way through Luminosity. That is way more than 3 hours.

The original premise was that unruly drunks typically cannot afford to purchase enough booze to get drunk and thus become unruly. If you drink 10 beers over the course of 13 hours, you're not going to be drunk. Do it over 3 hours, and you're gonna be tipsy.


Okey Dokey

Pete's avatar

No, it is true. If you drink 10 beers over 13 hours you will not be drunk. Here is a paragraph from eHow:

"The general barroom rule of thumb is that an average person can process about one beer or one shot of liquor each hour. Any more than that and alcohol collects in the bloodstream and intoxication ensues."

So even 13 beers over 13 hours will not make you drunk, on average.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

xfireboyx's avatar

Pete said:
So even 13 beers over 13 hours will not make you drunk, on average.

But you sure will have to pee!

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