Overpriced hotel rooms.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Jeff said:
Make no mistake, they're not letting a lot of empty rooms go.

I don't know if that's entirely true either. During the value season, the resorts definitely aren't close to 100%. However, I'm sure Disney has their target for what they want each season, and then set prices according to what will meet that target.

Short of offering free rooms, free airfare and bribing your kids teachers, they just aren't going to fill the rooms just after the school year starts.

Goodbye MrScott


What hurt Disney the most? Congress coming out last year and lambasting companies and organizations for having their annual conventions in Las Vegas and Orlando. The convention business went in the tank almost immediately after that and Orlando has not recovered. It is NOT just limited to Disney property.

Last edited by Chief Wahoo,

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

crazy horse's avatar

Because some people may 2'nd guess weather or not they should even go after hearing what the rates are. Not only that, but the more butts you have in your hotels and park, the more money you have comming in.

Also, is that the kind of impression you want people to have about the park? Overpriced "just ok" rooms will just stear people away from the cp resorts, and they will spend there money at a motel 6 or in my case la quinta.

"Maybe its as simple as doing the same, with less?" That may or may not be true, but what kind of impression is that going to give people? Enough to where they will go somewhere next year for vacation? If that's the case, cp losses in the long run.

It has gotton to the point where it is (in a lot of casses) cheaper to book a weekend trip to disney, than it is to book a weekend trip to cp. Example...

Tickets for 2 people for 2 days at disney.....$312.00

Hotel room for 2 nights at disney(value resort).................$160.00

For a total of $472.00

(add another $120.00, and you can book a moderate resort for the weekend. Still cheaper than cp.)

Cedar point tickets for two people for two days....$150.00

Hotel room at a cedar point hotel for 2 nights $500-$600.

for a total of $650-$750

Just saying.......

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

djDaemon's avatar

On the flip side, people have gotten used to the high rates, and don't seem to mind paying for what you consider to be sub-par lodging, and the recession seems to be the only new factor contributing to lower occupancy. Perhaps lowering rates now for what may well be a very temporary economical problem could hurt them in the long run, when they eventually move rates back to where they were.

I don't disagree that it could possibly leave a negative impression with guests, but that's clearly not something they seem concerned with.

And yeah, we get it - you can go to Disney for a comparable amount of money. From what I gather, Kinzel may actually be proud of that fact.

And crazy, I know the horse is long since dead, but c'mon, man... I'm not asking for journalist degree level grammar, but would it kill you to at least capitalize now and then and perhaps even spell check? I mean, at least pretend English is your first language!



JuggaLotus's avatar

Crazy - I just went and made those options.

Next weekend (23-25) a value resort would run me, with 2 2-day tickets, 707.38.

I can get a breakers express package (with tickets) for 305.46.

Last edited by JuggaLotus,

Goodbye MrScott


Jeff's avatar

The point I was getting at is that Disney isn't taking a significant hit in occupancy because they price/package according to what the market will bare, and do what they can to make up for it in admission. Or they do the buy four nights, get some free thing. After all, like Dick says, "they gotta eat." There's money to be made if you get them there.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

crazy horse's avatar

I did the same thing Jugga, and came up with the numbers I posted above.

Tickets for 2 adults are $312.00

Look at the ticket prices here.... http://disneyworld.disney.go.com/

Hotel room is $80 per night(durring value season) , that comes out to $160.00. Or if you go durring a more buisy part of year, the rooms are $120 a night. Still , that's only $240 for 2 nights. Also still cheaper than one night at a cedar point hotel.

Look at the rates here.... http://allears.net/acc/faq_pop.htm

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

coolkid2345's avatar

^ Again your information is not all correct. *Oct.24-26

Pop Century Resort Holds 4: Price in October: $237 (2nights)
Plus 8 tickets: $624 (2 days) or 4 tickets 322
$861TOTAL or $559*

Cedar Point
Breakers Express: $240(2nights)
Tickets(2 day): 300(4) or 150(2)
$540TOTAL or $390*

This is not Disney's Value Season. You save $169 if you go to Cedar Point. Most People fly to Disney so add 160 roundtrip per person. Stats: Disney is going to be cheaper with rooms but the tickets and food they suck your money away.

do the math CRAZY HORSE

Last edited by coolkid2345,

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time: http://pep.si/bTTsfc

crazy horse's avatar

Yea, I based it on 2 adults for two days two nights.

Your figuring in 8 tickets...it should only be 4 tickets(2 days per person).

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

coolkid2345's avatar

There you go Crazy Horse I fixed it for you. I was just showing another way to show it since the hotels hold 4 people each. Cedar Point is still cheaper.

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time: http://pep.si/bTTsfc

WOW, it’s funny how normal season pass holders always are complaining about money. Pay the extra cash early and get a platinum pass. Then you get your early admission without staying on point. Then stay at one of the hotels 10-15 miles away in Norwalk where rooms are $59-89 a night plus the crazy bed tax of course! But I’ve also found those same prices as close as Cleveland Road. They have the same quality of the parks rooms, without the view. I’ve never felt ripped of by those prices because I’m going to a tourist location. Thus the reason the hotel is there to begin with. Even without the season pass, big deal. If your there early enough, the lines are nothing at open. Stop at miejer and get your tickets there.

This isn’t your local shopping mall your going to, always offering the best deal in town, like $5 dollar foot longs! Or a dollar menu. As much as people complain it should be. It’s an amusement park and a tourist area. That has to make a years worth of money in about 6 months. If Disney is cheaper, by all means, go there! BYE BYE! Less people in the line I want to be in, at Cedar Point.

From what I read here, pop (soda) should be $1.50, water should be served by the pitcher, with cups, for free of course, and we should be able to show our preferred customer cards at each food location to get this weeks advertised specials. Just like at home. I don't get it. I'm surprised the parking price hasn't been complained about much this year!

2004,2005 Food Services
2006 One Long visit

crazy horse's avatar

brieeee said:
I stayed at lighthouse point last weekend,always enjoy it there,its pricy,but i like it there,spent over 600.00,woudnt have it any other way.

That's what I am going off of.

So yea, it's cheaper based on that. And when I called about rates for sandcastle, they quoted me $255.00 per night($135.00 more than pop century).I just went to double check on the cp website, but it is down right now.

Breakers on average was around $175.00(low end) per night. Still more than pop century.

Breakers express is off property, and still cost's just as much as pop century. Not to mention that they do not have any of the perks that a disney hotel has. Plus, the place is no where near as nice as pop century.

" Most People fly to Disney so add 160 roundtrip per person. Stats: Disney is going to be cheaper with rooms but the tickets and food they suck your money away."

Same can be said for people that fly to ohio to get to cedarpoint. And don't forget to add a rent a car into the cost, because cedar point does not have any shuttle service.

A lot of people drive a long distance to get to cedarpoint. So why don't you factor in the gas too? Just driving in from michigan, I dump $40-$50 in gas round trip. I am talking about just the cost of the resort and tickets. Not to mention, if you look hard enough you will find great deals on airfair. Right now I can fly to orlando for $86.00 round trip.

Food at disney is cheaper(and much better), than it is at cedar point. So I can't see your argument there eather. Heck, if you book a package at the right time, the food is even free.

You book a disney resort, you get this and more...

(1)Free disney express bus from airport to hotel

(2) Transportation to all the theme parks every day at no cost

(3) You can have anything you buy in the parks shipped to the resort at no extra cost.

(4) Morning and evening ert in the parks. And most times more than 30 min worth. Plus most of the park is open for the ert. When we went, we had an extra 3 hours in the magic kingdom one night.

(5) Several activities for the kids to do in the hotel.

(6) Something to do after the parks close at night. There is disney quest and downtown disney.

The value goes much deeper than just the cost. It's what you are getting for your money as well.

I was just looking into booking a trip to disney based on 2 adults and 2 children. For 6 nights, 7 days that included hotel, park tickets, disney express, and dinning plan it came to just over $1,400. That's around $350.00 a person for the whole week. Not bad at all.

They even have a special right now that gives you 2 or 3 night free, if you stay 4 nights. That's for hotel and park tickets.

Last edited by crazy horse,

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

coolkid2345's avatar

^ Breakers is a little nicer than than Pop Century. Sandcastle suites is also nicer than Pop Century.

Perks you get at Disney:

Shuttle Service
Early Entry
Room Charge Service Card
Cedar Point Perks:

Early Entry
Room Charge receipt

Yes, there are alot more amenities than the Breakers Ex.
Name some other stuff for me! Nothing Big

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time: http://pep.si/bTTsfc

crazy horse's avatar

Breakers express is a dump compared to pop century or many other hotels I have stayed at for that price.

Look at my last post coolkid. I updated it.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Aside from one night where I crashed at LHP with some friends, I've never stayed at a CP hotel, so I'm certainly no authority on them. I thought LHP was very nice, and since 6 people were splitting the cost of a cabin, it was pretty cheap for each of them.

However, all the negative reviews I've seen for Breakers, Sandcastle, and BE on Trip Advisor and other sites like it probably aren't helping the park in the long run. Sure the reviews on those sites tend to have a negative trend to them (people are more inclined to review bad experiences than good ones) but the last time I checked, I had to search for a long time before I found anything positive about a CP hotel. In my opinion, that doesn't bode too well, even if the results of it aren't immediately seen.

I am familiar with how amazing the Disney hotels are, and would never expect to pay less for them than a CP hotel. If the numbers posted by Crazy Horse are accurate, that's pretty shocking.

It isn't at all surprising. Disney has somewhere between 25,000-30,000 hotel rooms. Cedar Point has, what, 2500 or so? It is supply and demand.

You can try to compare Disney to Cedar Point until you are blue in the face but it doesn't make any difference.

I've stayed at All Star Resorts and I've stayed at Breakers. I'd pay more for Breakers and feel like I got value. All Star has tiny rooms, a crazy restaurant that makes me want to hang myself while I'm in it, etc.

Crazyhorse doesn't find value at Cedar Point Resorts. Others do. Should Cedar Point consider upgrading the experience for the guests? Well, it would be the nice thing to do (and they have upgraded Sandcastle Suites in the past couple of years) but they apparently don't feel like they need to.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

crazy horse's avatar

Chief Wahoo said:
I've stayed at All Star Resorts and I've stayed at Breakers. I'd pay more for Breakers and feel like I got value. All Star has tiny rooms, a crazy restaurant that makes me want to hang myself while I'm in it, etc.

Crazyhorse doesn't find value at Cedar Point Resorts. Others do. Should Cedar Point consider upgrading the experience for the guests? Well, it would be the nice thing to do (and they have upgraded Sandcastle Suites in the past couple of years) but they apparently don't feel like they need to.

I agree that the "all star" resorts are not the greatest. Have you stayed at pop century yet chief? Out of the 20 or so resorts that disney has, 3 are sub par or the same as what you will find at cedar point.

The 3 I speak of are the all star sports, movies, music resorts.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Jeff's avatar

Well, I'm spending more (at $59/night, plus $20 more a day to upgrade two of us to the table service dining plan) to stay at Disney a week instead of spending around $400 for two nights in Lighthouse Point, so you can tell where I see more value.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I need to have you guys let me in on your secret as to how you can afford to go to Disney so often. Adding airfare for a family of 4 to the $1400/week number puts it over $2000. Given the discussion it sounds like some people go there more than once a year. How do you afford that?

JuggaLotus's avatar

By not having a family of 4.

Goodbye MrScott


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