Overpriced hotel rooms.

I think I remember someone saying they have eliminated the "Getaway Guides". If that is true, this gift card basically replaces that but gives folks more options as to how they spend their money.

I know those Getaway Guides were very popular back in the day...particularly because they include 2 free startlight tickets.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Vince982's avatar

They still have the ordering page on the CP site to order and Getaway Guide. I know I ordered one a long time ago but still haven't received it. I also could have swore that I read on here that someone got one and it was the same format as last year, just a single page with mostly coupons.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

djDaemon's avatar

We received our a month or so ago, I think. They are indeed the same one-page format as last year's.


The Getaway Guide is now a coupon sheet? That is a shame. I have fond memories of looking through that guide and dreaming about my next trip.

In general I know that printed materials are on the way out the door but a quick drive on the Florida Turnpike will show that the big boys still believe in it. Disney, Universal, Sea World, etc are all still spending a lot of money on beautiful, printed brochures. It is hard to pull the kids away from those big displays.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Just dial 1-800-BESTFUN,,, you'll get yours ,, dont wait to long

To what extent was Breakers actually remodeled this year?

If you stay in the old Bon-air section, (I'm pretty sure "Bon-air" is French for no elevator, 1960's wallpaper, and complimentry coffee in the lobby - if the cups & supplies aren't all gone - did I mention no lids so you can spill it a-la "McDonalds hot liquid burn" on the way back upstairs?) the room rate is a bit high even with the view (many rooms do face the trash area behind the newer section). But, I do find the outlandishly loud heater/air conditioner (with settings of Snow & Sauna) to create a very nice white noise I can sleep to quite well!

We stayed there a few years ago when our children were small, we wanted to save some $, and yet have the convienance of staying "on property" - so the kids could nap in the afternoon. But if you ever try this - beware! Schlepping a cooler, luggage, stroller, and the kids to the third floor makes for a nice hernia!

JuggaLotus's avatar

SteveH said:
Schlepping a cooler, luggage, stroller, and the kids to the third floor makes for a nice hernia!

Not if you take advantage of the complimentary bell-hop service. I know I wouldn't bother carrying all that stuff up the stairs myself.

Goodbye MrScott


You obviously aren't married to an impatient (a.k.a. - cheap - Note: "we wanted to save some $") wife and kids.

Wait here kids (and honey), while I track down a bellhop from the lobby that is two buildings over.

JuggaLotus's avatar

You ask for one when you check in. By the time you're done signing forms and getting your keys, he'll have your bags halfway up the stairs.

Goodbye MrScott


They do tend to have very good bellhops (it is a great summer job). Some of them are so good, in fact, that they go on to GREAT things within Cedar Fair.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Vince982's avatar

I just checked into my room at Breakers. Two things surprised me upon check in. Number one is we booked a room for $79/night and they put us in a giant room at the end of a hallway in Breakers East instead of Bon Air. Number two is that we have a fridge and WiFi access in our room. Best surprises ever.

Last edited by Vince982,

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

JW Addington's avatar

+2 points for Breakers so far Vince! lol Hope the rest of your trip follows suit!

Hey, could you do me a favor, whenever your in the lobby could you ask the front desk if Paul is still one of the managers of the breakers this year? He is a great guy, enjoy talking with him on our trips!

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835

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