I'm tired of everyone arguing about MS. You are all just repeating yourselves. It's like a broken record. You're getting nowhere with your arguments.
Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1
If you're tired of it, then don't read the topic. No one is making you read it (just saying).
3snoH un=l said:
Blue Streak is walk-on in many respects but it is running at its optimum and is fun because of it. Mean Streak is not and it's pretty obvious when riding it.CP should know that Mean Streak is not living up to its potential. I am not so positive as others who think they have done all they can for it.
Well, Blue Streak has a better design than Mean Streak...soo yea.:P Even at full speed, Mean Streak is still boring imo. But I will argue up and down that it still runs pretty dang well when compared to other wooden coasters I've been on. So in actuality, saying it's not living up to its potential is quite contradictory since there's no real "potential" in its design.....eh?;)
I'll leave it that you can continue to think it is not worth CP's time or money to improve Mean Streak and I'll just continue my opinion and criticism it's impressive only in its looks, otherwise a big waste, whenever the topic comes up again. And I'm sure it will.
I still think you're missing the overall point of this argument. I for one agree that it's impressive only in looks, but I'll vehemently disagree the notion that Cedar Point is doing nothing with Mean Streak. And by that, I'm referring to research. Seriously though, why would they retrack it year after year if the ride is doing so poorly? If it's running and performing as poorly as some of you suggest, why exactly has this argument resurfaced season after season?
Is it not logical to assume that Cedar Point simply has not had an iron clad reason to get rid of it all together? Seriously, what would your reasoning be for their actions? Laziness? Or are you suggesting that they themselves are incapable of looking into the possibilities?
As far as the "whiny enthusiasts", I swear it was only a year or so ago when there were those lamenting the loss of dark rides or other universal attractions and there were those who rebuked saying Cedar Point is not going to install dark rides just to cater to a few enthusiasts.
I think you have this confused a bit. The idea is that Cedar Point doesn't build rides to cater to enthusiasts. That's regardless of what any group of enthusiast is asking for (dark ride or coaster). It has been said in many interviews, that they (P&D) look into what's popular nation/chain wide and decide what would be good for the park. It's not a point that suggests that they ignore us completely, just that we aren't the ultimate decision makers. And again, that's regardless of those who want family friendly rides or more coasters.
I'm not against dissenting opinions, if someone genuinely likes Mean Streak, etc., what irritates me is this assumption of "Cedar Point has already determined..." kind of stuff I see repeatedly as though you're speaking for the park when, unless you're privy, you can't make that determination. And how do things improve? We speak up about it.
And what gives you the authority to say that the park HASN'T determined what the right path is? You don't know any more than I or anyone else knows. You just seem to come from a very one sided/negative opinion regarding the park. The fact that they have improved on certain things in the past year or so is proof that they DO listen to us in some way. But I would argue that some of the stuff that is being/has been improved has just had the opportunity to be included into the capital investments with the direction in operations from new management.
Actually if someone here actually is in the loop, I'd like to know what CP really thinks of Mean Streak in its current state, if they really think it's good enough and what the thoughts are for its future and why.
The truth is, you don't have to know. Any information on the topic that is discussed by the park is icing on a, otherwise, poop cake. I can say that it HAS been brought up (couple times at Coastermania) and HAS been talked about by the park. Not in great lengths though since it's always the "Yea, we continually look into the possibilities and weigh the options" kind of answer. And that's how it should always be left at.
Great, now I need a Snickers.....
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
If they were going to remove Mean Streak they wouldn't have just retracked it. It must be in their plans for quite awhile. I am a fan of Mean Streak. There is plenty of other plots to build on where they don't have to take down one of their big rides. Wildcat and Disaster Transport weren't big rides. Mean Streak isn't that old and at one time was in the top 5 at CP.
With KI getting Banshee and CP getting the disk coaster in 2014 it would be hard to say what 2015 will bring. I'd like to see them develop a midway though the existing DA attraction with a few flats and a restaurant or entertainment. It could connect somewhere on frontier trail.
Redsfan, you hit the nail on the head. As much fun as it is to speculate or dream of wish lists of what we would love done to Mean Streak, the ball is in the court of Cedar Point on that. I am also a fan of Mean Streak. Yes it may not compare to the newer wooden roller coasters that have come out in this new era, but it still packs a good punch.
Another thing is I find Corkscrew boring and bumpy, but they haven't removed Corkscrew yet. It still has high ridership. I'm thinking due to it's history being the first Cedar Point roller coaster to go over the midway. Like Adam said, they aren't going to remove a ride just to remove a ride. :)
It's an AquaTrax. There. Speculation over. Geez. ;)
Director of Communications at Cedar Point
redsfan said:
Mean Streak isn't that old and at one time was in the top 5 at CP.
The same could be said about Disaster Transport and Wildcat :)
Shawn Meyer said:
Like Adam said, they aren't going to remove a ride just to remove a ride. :)
Well I didn't say that exactly, but that is the gist of it.:)
The park has reasons for what they do and don't do......and they aren't obligated to tell us what those reasons are.
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
3snoH un=l said:
"Cedar Point has determined that the meat in Coaster's burgers sells well enough that they won't change vendors to improve its taste."
If it sells well enough, why change?
OnPointTony said:
It's an AquaTrax. There. Speculation over. Geez. ;)
Hey now this isn't 2005 anymore;)
cpfourlife1 said:
Well while we were having a discussion about MS, which I believe is a very great thing to have during the off season, I'm surprised that much hasn't been said about the Blue Streak area.By the way, here is an interesting pic of the area from BS construction. https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1476149_1015178518...2941_n.jpg
That's an awesome photo. I remember my dad telling me about a road that crossed the midway, going under the Skyride.
Is that the monorail I see running under the hills of the Blue Streak?
Sorry for the off topic post.
OnPointTony said:
It's an AquaTrax. There. Speculation over. Geez. ;)
How long until this ends up on Screamscape?
redsfan said:
Mean Streak isn't that old and at one time was in the top 5 at CP.
Yeah, when the only other coasters were Magnum, Gemini, Jr. Gemini, Blue Streak, Iron Dragon, Mine Ride, Wild Cat, Corkscrew and Disaster Transport.
Goodbye MrScott
That wasn't that long ago. I'm only 35. I'm not really old yet. Magnum was only one you listed on my top 5. Mantis, Raptor, and MF. The investment they make in ride is huge. They aren't going to tear down something in it's prime. I know some people will get laughs about that. But seriously, Mean Streak could still be standing 20 years from now.
I know im not the only one, but please let it be a rocky mountain redo on mean streak. That ride is clearly overdue for anything. Last time i rode it, i can honestly say i didn't feel like i snapped my neck; however, that's not praise. The ride just felt like it had the brakes on the whole way through (most likely to deter from the back aches). This ride was amazing a decade ago, but its seriously in need of some tlc. Rocky mountain to the rescue PLEASE. Just imagine, a rehab with an over 200 ft drop, crazy turns and twists, some flips, tunnels, and how about a soundtrack to go with that. A tie with that is a b and m flying coaster. Please CP build a flying coaster. Tatsu is amazing, and I know with CP's brains behind such a ride, layout can only get more amazing! Behind those two, an insane dark ride!
Thabto is right, and I wanted to hang this up, but I will try a rebuttal here, again.
Well, Blue Streak has a better design than Mean Streak...soo yea.:P Even at full speed, Mean Streak is still boring imo. But I will argue up and down that it still runs pretty dang well when compared to other wooden coasters I've been on. So in actuality, saying it's not living up to its potential is quite contradictory since there's no real "potential" in its design.....eh?;)
No, it's not running as it was in its prime because of the number of breaking. The retracking has helped with the shaking that was so painful but it hasn't improved the ride. Then again, I've only been brave enough to ride it in the front car, based on advice here on how to "ride it correctly" and having to keep your back away from the seat, holding on, etc. Lots of fun. ;)
I still think you're missing the overall point of this argument. I for one agree that it's impressive only in looks, but I'll vehemently disagree the notion that Cedar Point is doing nothing with Mean Streak. And by that, I'm referring to research. Seriously though, why would they retrack it year after year if the ride is doing so poorly? If it's running and performing as poorly as some of you suggest, why exactly has this argument resurfaced season after season?
Is it not logical to assume that Cedar Point simply has not had an iron clad reason to get rid of it all together? Seriously, what would your reasoning be for their actions? Laziness? Or are you suggesting that they themselves are incapable of looking into the possibilities?
I don't think they've looked into the possibilities or don't want to spend the money to do something to make the ride fun as it was when it had first opened. The breaking going down the first hill is the real punchline on it. I don't know of any coaster that would be designed in such a manner on purpose and pretty much kills it before experiencing all the other thrill-killing breaking throughout.
I think you have this confused a bit. The idea is that Cedar Point doesn't build rides to cater to enthusiasts. That's regardless of what any group of enthusiast is asking for (dark ride or coaster). It has been said in many interviews, that they (P&D) look into what's popular nation/chain wide and decide what would be good for the park. It's not a point that suggests that they ignore us completely, just that we aren't the ultimate decision makers. And again, that's regardless of those who want family friendly rides or more coasters.
The responses last year weren't exactly toward me but I was speaking as a regular joe park goer, that CP was a power park with a kiddie zone. I've used our own example, we stayed away until the kids were tall enough. I'm not a dark ride enthusiast per se, I like all kinds of rides. It seemed some didn't understand that the universal ones that were destroyed one by one ended up driving away the families that wanted to ride things together or perhaps adults that liked lower impact amusements. Liking scenic rides or missing flumes for general audience and wishing there were some back at CP again does not make an enthusiast. Point over, though, most are seeing it now that CP has decided to change course. Just don't understand how some didn't get the point before.
And what gives you the authority to say that the park HASN'T determined what the right path is? You don't know any more than I or anyone else knows. You just seem to come from a very one sided/negative opinion regarding the park. The fact that they have improved on certain things in the past year or so is proof that they DO listen to us in some way. But I would argue that some of the stuff that is being/has been improved has just had the opportunity to be included into the capital investments with the direction in operations from new management.
If I'm questioning of someone who might be in the loop it means that I don't assume I have an authority of what CP thinks. I'm asking why doesn't CP do anything about Mean Streak that's been complained about for some years now? (Whether some people believe it or not) I have not heard of any other ride at CP that has been b-d about even close to Mean Streak. And some even suggest what they should do about it. Then someone pipes up, "Cedar Point has determined..." speaking for the park. I think it's pretty obvious that nothing has been done thus far to help the ride's structural issues so it rides better, just the track. As far as the "right path", there are always hits or misses so why keep shutting off dialogue about something that some strongly think isn't working the way it should?
How is it criticizing some things that are pretty obvious is being negative about everything CP. But just so you know, there is one topic where you could say I am bitter, and that IS the destruction of the universal attractions over the years. But now that CP is talking about changing direction, I am more hopeful about it.
But here's the thing about that, too. Granted, they have some catching up to do considering the amount that's been removed. But it doesn't mean abandoning what has put them on the map either- coasters. Now of course there isn't a whole lot of room to work with but my point is, it's having variety of rides, and especially interesting rides everyone can ride. How is that being a whiny enthusiast when one is looking for variety?
The truth is, you don't have to know. Any information on the topic that is discussed by the park is icing on a, otherwise, poop cake. I can say that it HAS been brought up (couple times at Coastermania) and HAS been talked about by the park. Not in great lengths though since it's always the "Yea, we continually look into the possibilities and weigh the options" kind of answer. And that's how it should always be left at.
Knowing that they've actually acknowledged and talked about it is something now isn't it? Not a surprise someone asks what are they going to do about Mean Streak. People don't ask that about Blue Streak or even Corkscrew. I'm not demanding detailed inside knowledge but darn if I'm not wondering what in the world of their general idea of what to do with the behemoth.
Lastly, I'm going to make a statement that I think a lot of you are selling yourselves short about this idea that you can't have an opinion because you are an "enthusiast". Sure, there might be some over the top coaster fantasies, but I've seen some really great ideas floating around here. There could be some critiquing but I don't think it's fair to shut it down as if an enthusiast can't be objective about what might be attractive to the general public.
Great, now I need a Snickers.....
I'm going to switch to a Milky Way.
Cutting/pasting the quotes is such a chore! I don't know how ya'll have the patience to do it.
Upside-down Fun House
Operative Me,do you know what year this pic was taken? Amazing. https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1476149_1015178518...2941_n.jpg
Frito Joe
Since the Blue Streak opened in 1964 I would assume the winter of 63/64.
Cedar Point guest since 1974
Thanks,45. That monorail idea would look good around the park.
Frito Joe
3snoH un=l said:
The breaking going down the first hill is the real punchline on it. I don't know of any coaster that would be designed in such a manner on purpose and pretty much kills it before experiencing all the other thrill-killing breaking throughout.
You don't like the Beast at Kings Island...trims everywhere including the drop. Seems fine without for me..
Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011
3snoH un=l said:
No, it's not running as it was in its prime because of the number of breaking. The retracking has helped with the shaking that was so painful but it hasn't improved the ride.
I'm not actually saying that it's running as great as it was back in the day. And no one, at least to my knowledge, has said that the retracking has improved the ride aside from a comfort point of view. I agree that it isn't as rough as years previous but agree that the main problem with Mean Streak is its boring layout.
I don't think they've looked into the possibilities or don't want to spend the money to do something to make the ride fun as it was when it had first opened. The breaking going down the first hill is the real punchline on it. I don't know of any coaster that would be designed in such a manner on purpose and pretty much kills it before experiencing all the other thrill-killing breaking throughout.
I'm sorry but I can only summarize your first and last sentence as slight ignorance. You can't make that kind of assumption. Well......you CAN but it's quite a claim to make when you have no idea how Cedar Point decides on things behind close doors. We all agree that the trim on the drop suck something serious but we know why it's there. It sounded like the rides structure wasn't designed as well as they thought to allow the ride to run at full speed without harming the structure.
The fact that Mean Streak isn't the only wood coaster that has this happen to doesn't make it any more of a special case. It has happened a lot and still does. But it's a good thing designers have improved by leaps and bounds since the old days of wood coaster design. Plus, wood coasters aren't exclusive to the dreaded trim. Ever been on Raging Bull at Great America? That thing trims you going up, what would be, an amazing airtime hill and kills the rest of the ride.
It happens........ and sometimes it sucks. But they don't put them there to peeve us off.
It seemed some didn't understand that the universal ones that were destroyed one by one ended up driving away the families that wanted to ride things together or perhaps adults that liked lower impact amusements. Liking scenic rides or missing flumes for general audience and wishing there were some back at CP again does not make an enthusiast. Point over, though, most are seeing it now that CP has decided to change course. Just don't understand how some didn't get the point before.
Hmmmm, not sure what to say here except that people change. I use to be a hardcore "more coasterz" kind of person in my younger days. But I've come to appreciate a lot of different aspects of an amusement park and what makes it special for different people. Perhaps you're just seeing this happen now with our younger enthusiast crowd.
If I'm questioning of someone who might be in the loop it means that I don't assume I have an authority of what CP thinks. I'm asking why doesn't CP do anything about Mean Streak that's been complained about for some years now?
Well, some of us have made some fairly simple and straight forward points but you don't seem to want to consider them. I mean really, it's very logical to assume that the complaints have not been justifiable for serious action. Why? The simple fact that is HAS been a reoccurring point. The ride isn't posing a threat to anyone who rides. It may not be a fan favorite (minus a few) but it's also not getting the abhorrent kind of reviews that would justify something serious.
And some even suggest what they should do about it. Then someone pipes up, "Cedar Point has determined..." speaking for the park. I think it's pretty obvious that nothing has been done thus far to help the ride's structural issues so it rides better, just the track. As far as the "right path", there are always hits or misses so why keep shutting off dialogue about something that some strongly think isn't working the way it should?
Actually, the existence of the drop trims and the near complete stop at the mcbr is exactly what has been keeping the ride from destroying itself. Any kind of suggestion you, myself, or anyone else might have to make the ride better is nothing more than a suggestion. You speak as if some suggestions have years and years of experience behind them. When was the last time you maintained a large wooden coaster for 22 1/2 years?
If there's anyone who knows what works best, doesn't work or might work for the ride....it's Cedar Point and their maintenance team.
This isn't a shutting off of dialogue, it's an attempt to suggest that there are powers at work that know more about the issue than you do.
How is it criticizing some things that are pretty obvious is being negative about everything CP.
No one is suggesting that.
my point is, it's having variety of rides, and especially interesting rides everyone can ride. How is that being a whiny enthusiast when one is looking for variety?
Again, that's not what's being said. Having a genuine point or suggestion generally does not receive backlash or criticism. But the moment your ideas or suggestions (everyone in general) are critiqued and you throw a tantrum.....as if everyone is out to get you, then you've become a whiny enthusiast.
I'm not demanding detailed inside knowledge but darn if I'm not wondering what in the world of their general idea of what to do with the behemoth.
Then ask them directly. And I'm being serious. You can shoot the park an email. You can even ask for an answer from a specific person. I can't promise a response but I can testify that I've asked Monty Jasper a question or 2 about Dragster back in the day and got responses.
Again, I can't promise anything, but I've known them to be quite generous in that department of information giving. I wouldn't expect a super specific answer, but I also wouldn't suggest asking a super specific question. Like the kind of info that is only talked about in closed meetings.
Lastly, I'm going to make a statement that I think a lot of you are selling yourselves short about this idea that you can't have an opinion because you are an "enthusiast". Sure, there might be some over the top coaster fantasies, but I've seen some really great ideas floating around here. There could be some critiquing but I don't think it's fair to shut it down as if an enthusiast can't be objective about what might be attractive to the general public.
Again, I honestly don't see this happening around here. No one is telling anyone they can't have an opinion. But don't expect every idea and opinion to get a golden seal of approval from everyone. There's nothing "fair" about criticism. It's how the person takes the criticism. If you can't handle opposition to an idea or can't learn to move on when that very idea is beaten to the ground, then you probably shouldn't be here. But I would also suggest to not take that as a negative or get bent out of shape over it. It's still your idea.....and nobody can take that away.
The saddest thing I've come to realize on these forums over the years is that no one can have a constructive debate without name calling, pointing fingers and acting like a victim.
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
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