NEWS FLASH!!!! Track and supports sighted

So you just realized that they are building something...

And all this time I thought I was riding the green train.
5 Raptor 4 WT 3 Superman:UE 2 X-Flight 1 Mille

I am laughing at Spewey's post.

The Cedar Point website certainly quashed any lingering questions about next year with that fine, detailed, mind-capturing press release. :-)

I am still the Geminazi!


There goes my guess about the disappointment being that it'll open in the 2004 season. Not complaining tho, I won't have to wait even longer for it.
ShiveringTim's avatar

Jeffrey Spartan said:
WHat the heck do you guys expect this Company to tell you..if they even email you back persay!?

Sparty's right. This contractor probably signed a non-disclosure agreement with the park, meaning that if they start blabbing, they essentially break their contract and will probably end up in court and won't get paid for their work. If you're lucky, all they're going to say is "Yes, we're working in Sandusky on a concerte project"
Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

A few minutes ago I was surfing through Intamin AG's website and I ran across something very interesting. In the Company Info section it lists the company's accolades, at the very bottom it says: First Full-Circut Coaster over 400ft Tall (Watch This Space!). Hmmmm.....I wonder what that could be? Just thought I'd put that bit of info in for everyone.

My Top 5 at CP: 1)Maggie 2)Millie 3)WT 4)Raptor 5)Mantis

*** This post was edited by CPCoaster21 8/27/2002 3:24:03 PM ***

CPCoaster21...Could you provide a link to that site? I can't seem to find it.

But, I cant find the part where is says anything about a 400ft ride

- Dennis

*** This post was edited by CP_Jigga 8/27/2002 9:32:05 PM ***

Jigga, where does it say that? I may be looking in the wrong spot, but where exactly should I look? It sounds interesting....

Turkeys, the only animal smarter than man

The link got deleted but it was for coasterforce.. a rather unreputable site.. not intamin's site.

MF Count - 39
WT Count - 4

There are white supports too now.

And the colors get stranger!

Recap now:
3 colors of supports (yellow, white, and tan)
2 colors of track (red and white)

*** This post was edited by CP4LIFE 8/30/2002 4:08:48 PM ***

I think those are the same color supports as those tan/grey supports just in different light.

I think the tan/grey supports will go under the station or the launch like on the Xcelerator. They look exactly the same as the ones under the launch on the Xcelerator. The yellow supports will be the main supports of the ride.

Does anybody know if there was anymore deliveries made to cedar point. If there is more track or supports now?.

- Dennis

*** This post was edited by CP_Jigga 8/30/2002 7:43:58 PM ***

I guess with that last post, it goes without saying that there is now track AND supports in the Soak City lot. I took a bunch of pics and video with my camera on 8/29 if anyone is interested, email me and I'll send them your way.

1 day, 4 planes, a whole new world. 9/11/01

i think they were just inspecting some of the track on the MF.

- Dennis

the date says April 30th on the webcam...

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
*** This post was edited by Petree4284 8/31/2002 12:39:17 AM ***

Does anyone else think the rails surrounding the track in soak city will double as queue rails? And it looks promising that the red track/tan supports combo will be at least the launch portion.

Off topic, sorta, but does anyone think magnum or mantis maybe painted different colors next season? I doubt it.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
S00perGIR, that picture was from several days before the park opened in the spring. Nothing to get excited about.

-Chris Woodard
Who finally met the infamous Magnum Dan!

Jeff's avatar
Just a reminder... you don't plug URL's in the forum unless you ask me first.

"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

sorry Jeff....I didn't know
Magnum or Mantis will not be painted different colors, but perhaps getting new paint of the same color.

Turkeys, the only animal smarter than man
*** This post was edited by raptor323 8/31/2002 11:05:17 AM ***

If these are the supports for the 400 ft high top hat, why are they intamin supports?

On MF cedar point didn't use intamin for the tallest points on MF they used a company that specializes in the tall tellephone towers. Why would they use intamin for a 400 ft tall section and not on a 300ft section. I don t think it will be 400 ft.

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