New ride... place your bets!

Thanks for clearing that up for me! I thought maybe that another park had at least three. But, Cedar Point is always looking for records to hold!

"Ahh... Good Times!"
Force Laps: 424
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

Fury Cam... They HAVE to be screwing with our heads now!

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
MF count: 1, going for 2000

I always thought it would be fun if CP screwed with us a little (I know I would if I was in their place), but I never expected this.  The suspense is really getting to me.
How about Twisted Fury?
OK...maybe i'm going out on a ledge here, but I think they are dropping us HUGE hints.  so far, the webcams have been the biggest clues.  We have the names:  gale...twister...fury.  I'm just thinking that these are clues to what the real name is gonna maybe Tornado or Hurricane or something like that.  someone lemme know what you think of this.  also, has anyone found a good website with pictures of the track.  I saw a few, but i didn't know if anyone had more.  Thanks guys...

by the are the coolest!  :-)

*** This post was edited by Brian Short on 11/18/2001. ***

Hey, Brian Wasup? I can't remember the last time I saw you.

Anyway, I should have pics later this week. I'm out of school for Thanksgiving on Wednesday thru Friday.

"Ahh... Good Times!"
Force Laps: 424
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

King's Island currently holds the record for most inverted coasters. 


Scooby's Ghoster Coaster

Runaway Reptar

Top Gun

As long as it's NOT Gale Twister.  It sounds too much like Gay Twister
I believe I posted this here...but a few weeks ago I called the park and someone in marketing told me the announcement was scheduled for November 19! We shall see tomorrow...


My Campaign For A 2004 B&M Flyer Has Begun!

Maybe it's 3 impulses!!
Welcome back Raptor riders, how was your flight?!
I remember that post Mikey - ha, I remember how angry I was that we had to wait until Nov. 19th.  But now that is tomorrow...  And Jeff said that an announcement will come after IAAPA... everything falls into place.  As for Fury Cam, who knows.  Those pranksters at CP are doing a good job!

edit:  about the 3 impulse comment, you never know - remember the article stating that there would be 6 operator stations?  Well, two for each impulse?  Hmmm...
VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 30

*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 11/18/2001. ***

Maybe this means there will be a theming and the ride will have multiple personalities and you won't which ride you'll get because the steel will morph randomly just before the ride!!!

Majin Heero said:

edit:  about the 3 impulse comment, you never know - remember the article stating that there would be 6 operator stations?  Well, two for each impulse?  Hmmm...

Six Operator Stations? Maybe that's where all that wire is going! :)
Force Laps: 424
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

Theming? Hah!
-John Gilman; Proud Participant of the DT 80 and member of the O.C.!
Shame on you for laughing at the theming idea, John! After all, isn't your favorite ride the only coaster that has any theming in the park? ;) As for 3 impulses...I would be shocked and amazed beyond words...


My Campaign For A 2004 B&M Flyer Has Begun!

Whoever mentioned the "Fury Cam"...

I checked the cam and it still says Gale.  Are you looking at a different one?

VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 30

I had the same problem, try copy and pasting the URL into your browser instead of clicking on the link.  That worked for me...
My hat goes off to the webmaster at for humoring me this weekend. Let's face it people, CP is jerking all of our chains! They intentionally put the cam up on the site to start up the rumor mill again. Can't you see this?
MF Laps: 2
Raptor Laps: 3
Magnum Laps: 2
Power Tower Launches: 1
Power Tower Drops: 1

Brian Short said:
"We have the names:  gale...twister...fury.  I'm just thinking that these are clues to what the real name is gonna maybe Tornado or Hurricane or something like that.  someone lemme know what you think of this. "

Perhaps they will name it the Cyclone after the legendary classic that was once located in that area? Just a thought.

...expect the annoucement to be tommorow..not today....
Ultimate Cedar Point.
The Ultimate site for Cedar Point. (somewhat)

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