New ride... place your bets!

Has anyone thought of a whole new section for frontier town....maybe it's like something to do with the wrod storm............or maybe the name of the coaster is storm.Just a guess
That would be a "Theme", and Cedar Point is against those ;).

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz"


You all are sure beating this horse dead.  Patience.

lol i see what you mean
I was looking at those pics of the yellow track a little more closely.  Maybe somebody already pointed this out but I think that the blue behind the track is actually more track wrapped in blue tarp.  Look on the right side of the blue... oooh that looks like more track sticking out to me.  =)
"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
MF 9
S:UE 8
hey guys the fury cam is now the vektron cam!!!
The vektron cam is actually showing an image.
They are preparing to let the light show the ride!  Sunrise with the veiw of the constuction...

Hey! We can dream :)

yes it's nice

just to let everyone know, tomorrow @ about 6am you can see the news on this page. be ready!!!

I'm beginning to think that beav is the CP webmaster...  beav knows way to much in my opinion.... :) Keep it going beav...
Mill Force - 25 laps (1 lap in a cold light snow 10-27-2001)
Magnum - 15
Gotta love that airtime on Blue Streak...
you guys can see both cams in action here. this page is the cam page that was up a couple of months ago.
lol, i am a webmaster, but if a different sort, i'm very knowlegeable (sooo... sp. i suck @ spelling. i luve spell chk!!) about cold fusion (the web server cp's site runs, i know a lot about their site. But i WISH i was thier webmaster, it'd be nice. i didn't see your last comment so look at my last post about the both cams thing.!!
ok, that explain's it :)
Mill Force - 25 laps (1 lap in a cold light snow 10-27-2001)
Magnum - 15
Gotta love that airtime on Blue Streak...
Gemini's avatar
No offense, but I don't think any knowledge of Cold Fusion is needed to figure out 88 comes after 87.

Virtual Midway

lol, bu i'm just saying, i do have knowledge, just trying to make myself sound smarter!!!
so jeff u still gonna post the keys for that nice little messege that supposudly says what the coaster is going to be tomorrow???
I Am The Webmaster!!
Be sure to check your local newspapers for those of you living in the Erie County/Lorain area. The papers already have the annoucement, they just print it the next day, or tommorow. And yes, for those of you in doubt, coming from a seasonal employee the annoucement will be tommorow.
Here are some links to the action for tomorrow...


The Morning Journal

Sandusky Register

The Plain Dealer

Cedar Press Release

Yahoo News


get ready for the big day!!!

I Am The Webmaster!!

vektron cam, could this mean vekoma???




i don't think so, CP isn't THAT stupid!

I Am The Webmaster!!

**************************IMPORTANT NOTICE...BREAKING NEWS**************************
I just talked to a supervisor at Cedar Point and she informed me a few details about the ride.  Here is the conversation that we had...I've deleted her name for obvious reasons:

drummajor2469: i was wondering if you heard anything about what the new coaster is gonna be up there?
drummajor2469: i've heard a lot of speculation...i know that it's on the employee beach though
$$$$$$$$: um, nothing official, but i heard from someone close to the source that its going to be a taller faster dueling version of superman at six flags ohio
drummajor2469: interesting...everyone's thinking like V2 at six flags great america
drummajor2469: but your the first person that i've gotten the chance to talk to though
drummajor2469: kinda tomorrow is supposed to be the big announcement day
$$$$$$$$: i heard it from someone that knows the person that is building the ride
$$$$$$$$: i can't wait to find out for sure
This is definately big.  And tomorrow is definately the big one of my good friends said:  vertigo535: "November 20th, the day that changed our lives!"
This is it!.  That means a dueling/faster/taller version of Superman at Six Flags Ohio.  Oh yeah, baby, oh yeah!  :-)
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
I love my CEDAR POINT!

*** This post was edited by Brian Short on 11/19/2001. ***

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