New ride... place your bets!

Bay Harbor is open year 'round but you still cannot access the construction site of .....
To everyone about pictures, there is only one circumstance that has been preventing me from taking pictures. I have a jet ski, but i winterized it about a month ago, not even thinking (or knowing) about this new ride, if it wasn't winterized, i would be out there everyweekend, with my wet suit on, and a stocking hat riding the 50 degree waves, takin' some pictures, sorry bout it!! I did try go get into the point lsdt weekend, though (you may have seen my post on coasterforums) ithe security guard wouldnt even let us back to the hotels or anything. although i live accross the bay so if i see anything rising from the sky, i'll grab some snapshots of it!, but i din't see any track or anything, so i dono whats goin' on.
It's ok beav, we all forgive you :)

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
MF count: 1, going for 2000

maybe they're gonna build a coater like the boomerang that they have a world's of aventure in k.c.!!!

i think that would be a kick @ss coaster.

if the build a woodie how much better than the mean streak could it be???? any suggestions???


if i offended anyone with my language with my last post i'm sorry i didn't realize the it wasn't allowed. :(!
If you're worried about offending, click the edit button above your post and remove the offending word(s).
If they built a woodie, and especially if it was by CCI or GCI, it would be MUCH better than Mean Streak.  Compared to most of the good woodies out there, Mean Streak is rough and unexciting.  But I can guarantee that this project on the beach will not be a woodie, unfortunately.
VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 30
Jennbug, I hope to god that you were kidding about getting a boomerang.
You mean, like the Vekoma Boomerang at Worlds of Fun? My, I hope not...


taller, faster,higher capacity and scared the hell out of you eh, jeff?

I got my money on a double track Vekoma Hammerhead Coaster. NOT and impulse coaster as most people think. just watch

I have my doubts that CP will do any business with Vekoma any time soon considering Vekoma's rough track record and CP's penchant for building high quality rides.

This is not to say that Vekoma is incapable of building a high quality ride, I'm just going on what I've heard of all of their work.  Although I must admit, I've also heard that the new Super Invertigos track a *whole lot* better than older Vekoma's.

I hope for the sakes of those in Europe getting that hyper SLC (235ft with a 200ft loop?)  that Vekoma has worked the kinks out of their engineering...:)

*** This post was edited by Logan on 11/15/2001. ***

Check out that other thread which has to do with something up their has a key factor in which ones that knows Cedar Point well has to assume that it will be indeed a record breaker...

respond to that one becasue that may be a big clue


It's called the Twister


Check the webcam posted elsewhere

Right now i'm sitting in my vacation house look out the window at the bay on this VERY VERY foggy morning. But i have some news. I went into cp today (via the old causway) and went down that little street that paralles the parking lot on the lake side of the park. (there are houses there) and i got up to the gate and lowe and behold, SOME YELLOW TRACK, intamin of course (from what i can see) 2 or 3 sections. Then i went through some guys backyard, and got to the beach, i walked down towards DT but there were people there, and i wasn't gonna get in trouble, but i did get some pictures through. As i speak they are being 1hr. photo developed (at Basetts IGA of course!) and when i get back home i will scan them immediatly, (about 3 or 4 o'clock), if you guys can wait that long!!¿ So to recap, there IS yellow track sitting by DT in the parking lot, and more of the footers have been poured, but after that i dono. Next weekend we'll see!
According to the webcam, which i saw it at 7am, it londeed bigger, but if it is more than 1 / 2 in length, then it could be a coaster, that would be sweet...I am looking forward to see the Twister (referred as Big Bird, lol) in progress...
We'll see sooner than next weekend my friends....

We'll know by Turkey Day.  Well before then...

Ahhh, good times, good times... If I had guess right now, I would say Tuesday at the latest.
I read a post somewhere else from a guy to claimed to be a park employee, and he said the announcement is comming on Monday, or Tuesday at the latest, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.  Whatever it is, it will be great! 
Beav - sounds like you were in Dick Kinzel's back yard to me! :)
2001 Magnum Crew
Did anyone see this link that was put up on another form last night?  Looks like this cam was accidentally put on the CP webpage, it was only there for a little while.  It it labeled Twister Cam at the top.  
Don't worry, I have a plan. I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to SPEED around the city, keeping its SPEED over 50, and if its dropped, it would explode. I think it was called "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down".

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