New ride... place your bets!

Ha Ha lol:)
I only wonder how much track will be used for this Big Bird that is going to be on the oceana midway? I know that it will revive the park and all the departments are going to struggle to gain space in that area. I would just to love to see their meetings for fighting over space, lol


This is just a guess, but I bet someone at Cedar Point is just laughing their azz off over all of these posts!!
has anyone taken any new Pics lately?  Everything I've Seen has been from 10/29 . I just wondering how far they have gotten  with this coaster.  I havent had time to do it myself
I with ya Dennick. I thought by now someone would have an update. With MF, it seemed like we had something every day.
ive asked the same question many times are there any new pics. Id like to see how the ride is progressing. id do it myself but i live in florida
I figure that with the park being closed, there would be no access to the park now with what has happened. I think they would close off the gates on both sides to only full timers...that is all I could think of and they want to protect what they have going.

Oct. 29th was the last day where employees that were seasonal were mostly allowed to be there...from that point on, I don't know

The PointOL had some good ones from a while ago, but there havn't been any updates lately, and now the site doesn't seem to be working.
Well it's kinda difficult to get pictures of any progress. It was easy-er to get pictures of Millennium Force while she was being built.... just cuz... it was... but anyways, the new ride is on the other side of the park, and I can only really think of two ways to see it: 1. Take a boat to that side of the peninsula and snap some shots, and 2. (unlikely with all the terrorist security measures) fly a plane over and take a picture...

So probably no new pics until they announce it or something like that.

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
MF count: 1, going for 2000

Just to clear it up for Douger1234, some seasonals stay until nov 9 to "winterize" ie clean and etc the park.  one of my friends just moved back home this weekend after helping winterize food stands for the extra week.
}|{ Racepark Rocks! }|{
~~ Really- it literally rocks... check the out field!~~
I could have swore Bay Harbour Restaurant was open year round on Saturdays only.  I usually see billboards in sandusky stating so.  I went there one time in February. Maybe if someone could take pictures that way.
the pictures will be on the website this weekend. they're announcing the ride this thursday at the old dutch. i believe they're also having a game of celebrity volleyball out back
why doesn't soembody just email somebody that works there and ask them to tell you the news
Don't do that. The PR department has more important stuff to do than answer a flood of e-mails asking about what they're going to announce soon anyway. They won't tell you until they're ready.
-John Gilman; Proud Participant of the DT 80 and member of the O.C.!
Mantis 2k, just so you don't get flooded with smart remarks and interrogation like I have...please quote your source and what website...
Simon comin through with all the insider info! lol

"Joei!! WO!!"

All we need is find somebody who likes the cold, and has access to a boat.  They can't close the lake off.


BTW- I was trying to be a nice guy and not use foul language, so Wade- "azz" stands for what most people sit on, or in your case, what you have above your shoulders.

Mantis2k...your post about the new slide. Cracked me up!!!!!! thanks for putting a little laughter in the post!!


Raptor '95, '96, '97

I think were getting a Wooden Intiman Impulse. :)
Joey Ciborek FLCC Member

*** This post was edited by Alantis104 on 11/14/2001. ***

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
"and keeps going and going"

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

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