New ride... place your bets!

MiLLeNNiuMRiDeR said:
"YAY! Post #1000! Where's my cookie?"

Mail me your address on the back of a twenty dollar bill and the cookie's yours.

Chocolate Chip or Sugar?

I think it was a hand-held-device which he had on his last ride of Magnum this year...;)
I think that the coaster will be a height-record breaker. With the new Impulse they'll literally "top" Millennium Force.

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
MF count: 1, going for 2000

I think this will be a wonderful and exciting addition to the park, no matter what it is. (Even though we almost know it's an impulse.) This is because ofits location. As everyone has been saying for months and years, OCEANA NEEDED HELP! So, I say whatever it is, good thinking CP.  The people in the park will be spread out and lines will be shorter(I hope) for Millennium Force and Mantis. I can't wait to see what CP has up their sleeve for the next several years.  I hope everyone is as confident as I am about the exciting years to come, they should be fun!
Welcome back Raptor riders, how was your flight?!
Interesting comments, Millennium Rider...but I don't think they will go higher than MF for this new coaster...


I don't know. Why would CP want to break their own record?
Actually I left my tally counter at home, since I broke 2000 I don't bring it to the park anymore. I have a dragon from Paul the wood carver and the dragon is holding the counter and I just click it when I get home. 

The ping thing is just a inside joke for the people who rode with me that very very cold Friday night of closing weekend.

Daniel "PING" Haverlock
Magnum Count: 2166
"You look like Richard Gere"

Dan said:
Now I think that if our version has a longer train its going to take more to launch it so I really don't think its going to be the tallest ride in the park.  The numbers just don't seem to work out.
Daniel "PING" Haverlock
'01: 901
Total: 2166

Now, I realize that Ride Man probabbly knows more than I do about this, but the power from the electro magnets can only apply force to the part of the train that is in the lauch section.  A longer train would have more lenth in the lauch section at the same time and therefore be able to receive more force.  While this would use a lot more power, I believe that the acceleration would be similar for the same distance, and would therefore be easily capable of equal or greater speeds.

I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

Romie said:
I don't know. Why would CP want to break their own record?

Because they don't have the record.  MF is the second tallest coaster in the world.  Steel Dragon 2000 at Nagashima Spaland in Japan is the tallest, at just 9 inches taller than MF.  (Official Guinness measurement was 310'11" for MF and 311' 8" for SD2000).
The drop on SD2000 is about 5-6 feet longer, though.

Webmaster, Gravibulb Coasters

The Impulse is really gonna help the lines for MF. Not as many people will be making a mad dash for MF in the morning.
A lap bar is all you need!
Dan.. does that make my nickmane "thump" ???

I think that's the most accurate description.. right Joe E. ????

One of us.. One of us..
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

Uhhh, what Rob said.

I like to keep these posts quasi-topical.


model/talent-- Pro Model Management Inc.
OU Forensics 2000-01
Gemini ATL 2001

I think Cedar Point will be happy with just the world's fastest inverted coaster.

But then again you have to ask your self if an Impulse should count as a roller coaster in terms of records. You also have to wonder if this coaster will be a problem:
Some sort of Vekoma Hyper-Inverted, 265 ft tall, and I'd imagine at least 80 mph.

Sure hope it's not a problem, or otherwise it might be a "normal" Impulse. Gasp!!! Just my 2/100ths of a dollar hehe. :)

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz"

Does anyone knows for sure it's a coaster yet? I think they're just building holes in the ground to support the new 350ft slide. You know the ones where you get a big sack, sit on it and slide down getting occasional air on the way down. Then you get to run back up all the steps only this might be a bit tall so they'll make a rope swing from space spiral to disaster and then have a climbing net up to the top of the slide.

Now i'm trying to work out where they can put the ball pit they took out with kid arts which is the real reason that attendance fell after a brief rise for that blue thing being built.

Or they could be building an impulse type thingy. who knows?

I miss the slide.... :(
It's a launched slide. At the top, there's a 30MPH treadmill-track sort of thing that launches you down the hill, aboard a neat and nifty old-fashioned potato sack.

Also, answering Mantis2k's problem, the dive show will no longer use water, but will use plastic balls instead.

Or it's an impulse-ish coaster. Someone should call Miss Cleo over this!

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
MF count: 1, going for 2000

Ms. Cleo? Entertainment purpouses only!!!!! lol:)
Actually sitting back reading 42 pages of guessing is entertainment! :)

"Ahh... Good Times!"
Force Laps: 424
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

Ahh, the best part of the slide. When your potato sack hits the carpet at the bottom coming to an abrupt stop while your body keeps on going till you have rug burn on your forehead. Ain't life grand??
(pretend this is in fine print)
This thread is for entertainment purposes only. Do not consume internally. First 2 minutes/1000 posts, whatever comes first, for free. Each additional minute/post is $2.99. Must have mental intellegence of 18 or over.

Uh oh.

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
MF count: 1, going for 2000

Closed topic.

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