New observation tower

How about that? I like Pete's idea. I really don't think the park needs an observation tower as Space Spiral had miserable ridership in recent years and Windseeker serves almost the same purpose. However, throw in a restaurant and bar at the top and now you are talking. Have to say the charge for the elevator is over kill. I could live with it if they validated the elevator ride if you made a purchase in the bar or restaurant.

Super Stew said:

Tyler Boes said:
Personally, I'd like to see a tower right tear the middle of the park. It needs be in way so that you can see everything, and won't have moments where all you're looking at is water.

I concur; the precise geographical center of CP to be exact - or at least as close as you can get it if something already exists there. The big key being here though is that you wouldn't want it blocking the view of any other coasters or rides (ones of significance anyway).

Now that I'm looking at the map, I think another great spot for it would be on Millennium Island right behind/between Mantis and Iron Dragon. A towering structure would be in order of course, taking into account building for the future - and with a stipulation that it would ALWAYS be the tallest creation in the park.

Also it is a requirement for habing high capacity. They should make the ride so it's a thrill and a view. It doesn't have to be scary, but they should make it like 600 feet and with an unheard of capacity.

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Maverick00's avatar

I think 300 feet would be just fine.

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They can actually fit an observation tower into a really small footprint -- Space Spiral's was actually very small itself -- and people will remember how little room the Geauga Lake tower took up --

So in reality, it could go anywhere. We saw how little disturbance there was of anything else park wise while Windseeker was being installed and how fast they were able to install that...

I'd bet they've kicked themselves more than once about having sold off GL's tower.

Incidentally, Windseeker has ZERO similarity to a slow rotating observation tower. WIndseeker has a really high nausea rating and its a thrill ride, not an observation tower. I personally couldn't ride it a second time, I felt nauseas for an hour afterwards. That doesn't happen on a space spiral type observation tower.

Last edited by RonAnnArbor,

WindSeeker has never been up when I've went to Cedar Point anyways. It's just not a very reliable ride.

Something else is needed. Perhaps it doesn't even need to be an actual ride, but something similar to what Pete said. A couple hundred (maybe around 250 feet) tall structure that you could put near Blue Streak if/when they take out/move Calypso and the car ride in the area. It'd be near the Marina entrance which also puts it near Famous Daves and Bay Harbor. They could put a nice restaurant or something in that on it.

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2. Maverick
3. Top Thrill Dragster

RonAnnArbor said:

Incidentally, Windseeker has ZERO similarity to a slow rotating observation tower.

I stand corrected. I now see the huge difference between one giant tower that spins to give fabulous views of the park and the other type of giant tower that spins slightly faster and gives fabulous views of the park. Now maybe you can help me with the difference between the Cadillac Cars and the Antique Cars.

Last edited by The PointGuru,

Pointguru - other than the nausea rate, not much. Some people feel more secure in an enclosed cabin style but for others it wouldn't work but the open air feeling is ok. Also, an observation tower type is something for younger kids to enjoy as the parents are right next to them (and the elderly too).

Currently at x0, y0, z0

Not to mention that Windseeker has a 52" minimum height requirement

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I said similar, not identical. I realize towers come in different paint colors also.

Pete's avatar

Just because both rides are towers does not make them similar enough to be interchangeable. There is a big difference in what type of rider a floorless thrill ride that spins at a high rate of speed appeals too vs. Space Spiral, which was basically a slow turning elevator.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Just an example, an elderly person would ride SS to be able to sit down and get a nice view. That same person would not be on wind seeker.

Not to mention kids and guests that are a little afraid of heights but feel more comfortable in an enclosed cabin as opposed to an open air seat with their feet dangling

Thank you for the examples, I guess I just never thought about those. For example, no one would ever confuse the Honda Accord with the Lexus ES 350. One is a luxury sedan, the other is a family car. They are not similar at all.

Also, I would enjoy drinking a beer at a bar sitting on top of a tall spinning tower, if the park was to build one. However, I think I would have all kind of customer service complaints about ride host not giving me my beer at the top of Windseeker. It would be a nightmare. First, they would have to bring out the evacuation thing, then the ride host / waiter / waitress, would probably spill half of it on the way up, then I wouldn't even have a table or anything to rest my beer on while I was raining the former contents of my stomach on guest below because of the nausea, and the beer selection and price would probably be terrible. What was I thinking? They are not similar at all.

^Just stop will ya? People can tell the difference. It's really not a hard concept. While there are some similarities, they appeal to different bases. Yes, they are towers. One spins faster, one is an open air swing and has a larger height requirement (not making it good for families like Space Spiral was. I personally love WindSeeker, but I can tell you enough differences between the two of them when I rode both of them back to back).

Your logic would make it seem like WindSeeker & Power Tower are the same as well. Both towers, both offer great views, both tall.

P.S. I'm all for a new observation tower. I like Pete's idea.

Last edited by CoasterKid20,
Kevinj's avatar

Windseeker is a thrill ride.

An observation tower is not.


Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

I agree with Kevin. Windseeker may be unreliable, overrated, too slow, and not worth the money Cedar Fair paid to put them in many of their parks, but it is a thrill ride.

You guys wish you knew my strategies.

Ok, Ok. One giant spinning tower is drastically different than another type of giant spinning tower. I stand corrected after I already stood corrected. Got it.

But seriously, that drinking beer on Windseeker scenario is funny, I don't care who you are. :)

Last edited by The PointGuru,
Pete's avatar

The PointGuru said:
Thank you for the examples, I guess I just never thought about those. For example, no one would ever confuse the Honda Accord with the Lexus ES 350. One is a luxury sedan, the other is a family car. They are not similar at all.

What kind of an idiotic comparison is that? Both vehicle's basic functions and passenger accommodations are the same. The Lexus is like giving Space Spiral a cabin with leather seats, air conditioning and nice sound. It's still the same ride which appeals to the same type of rider.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

no, Windseeker only accepts riders over 52". Space Spiral was much more accommodating to shorter guests, i.e. kids

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Sparty42's avatar

I'm surprised that no one has brought up the fact that on Space Spiral you could try to take pictures. You're not allowed to bring anything resembling a camera on WindSeeker. That right there necessitates a need for some sort of observation tower.

I mean look at King's Island. They have three different towers. Drop Tower, Eiffel Tower, and now WindSeeker. I'm sure Cedar Point would love to be able to have some sort of observation tower with the sold purpose of showing off it's park and surroundings without a height restriction.

P.S. No. Your "scenario" isn't funny.

Last edited by Sparty42,

Pete said:

What kind of an idiotic comparison is that? Both vehicle's basic functions and passenger accommodations are the same. The Lexus is like giving Space Spiral a cabin with leather seats, air conditioning and nice sound. It's still the same ride which appeals to the same type of rider.

Space spiral is the Honda. Family friendly, no frills, meant to appeal to a wide market. Windseeker is the Lexus. Sporty version like a convertible, maybe a little faster and cooler, you don't want kids mucking everything, only targeted for a smaller group of customers. Other than that, they are exactly the same underneath. Or one could say similar even though they are considered different classes of automobile. One luxury, one not.

Last edited by The PointGuru,

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