New home for Terror Island

Jason Hammond's avatar

You do realize those aren't live images right? Those are images from when Maverick was being built.

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Morté615's avatar

There are multiple pictures of the same area. Some are from when Maverick was being built, others are from later (probably 2010 by looking around.)

The newer pictures show the paths better. You can view the newer ones by moving around till the map reloads with new pictures then scroll back.

Morté aka Matt, Ego sum nex
Dragon's Fire Design:

Thanks guys. It would probably help if I paid attention to the date stamp at the I know you guys can go ahead and say it at me. ::DUH::

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Bing maps is weird like that. You move it around a bit, and magically several years pass by.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

That is very weird indeed. But I can see that area actually being a decent place for terror island to go into just going to have to get a lot of black netting for all those unprotected areas.

2007 to present CPPD

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

It wouldn't be all that different from the previous location, where the only netting in place was in locations where the path went directly under the track.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

It looks like there would be like six spots it would be needed whic is more then the two if not one area that was on the island didn't mean a lot as is the whole way just meant more then two since maverick rides so low in so many spots. But I would also think or hope they make it much more elaborate a pathway then just a big circle.

2007 to present CPPD

We-o-we-oooo's avatar

^ Six is more than two or one. Much obliged for the heads up.

Girl: "l want to ride that yellow one again... Twisted Wicker"
Me: "It's a roller coaster, not a broken clothes hamper."

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

The Terror Island setup as of this past year had 4 coverings over the path that went under sections of track. The original layout (08-09) had at least 5 that I can recall, possibly 6.

In the dark and fog, they're barely even noticeable, so I don't think it really matters how many a zone would need to have. I can't recall if Bayou has any of these coverings other than the two sections that pass under Dragster.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

The only coverings were under Dragster, but again Iron Dragon was down for pretty much all of Halloweekends.

11 years.

We-o-we-oooo said:
^ Six is more than two or one. Much obliged for the heads up.

Thanks for completely taking that out of context.

2007 to present CPPD

Ralph Wiggum said:
The Terror Island setup as of this past year had 4 coverings over the path that went under sections of track. The original layout (08-09) had at least 5 that I can recall, possibly 6.

In the dark and fog, they're barely even noticeable, so I don't think it really matters how many a zone would need to have. I can't recall if Bayou has any of these coverings other than the two sections that pass under Dragster.

I can only rmember three now that I think of it but your correct it doesn't matter really how many especially now that Kinzel is gone before it would have as the man would count every net and structure to hold it up. Atleast thats how it was for the five years I worked there under his leadership. I wasn't looking at as an aesthetics thing because I barely noticed them, just a logistical viewpoint that was so ingrained in us from the past regime.

Last edited by menecer24,

2007 to present CPPD

Actually, Knizel had very little to do with Halloweekends. It was one of the rare areas where the people doing the event decided what was going to happen.

Granted he would express his opinion from time to time but for the most part the event is the direct result of JT, John Hildebrant, Bill Spehn and his trainers.

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coasterfanatic2012's avatar

And that is why we all love it. :)

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