Name CP's next coaster!!!!

Cp...I got an inverted I called Independance which is red,white and I call Sonny,orange and yellow,a woodie I call Onyx and one i call Raging Bull.It all has to do with themeing.How do you get people to ride yours if its too intense?I got to Adrenaline Heights and peeps will ride an extreme coaster but not ultra.
My clue is I use the coaster competition to build and then use them in smaller parks.i wonder if Cp built their coasters in a field first to see how they ran before placement..makes you wonder how realistic RCT is doesnt it?
CP doesn't build coasters in a closed site, and then build them in the park. For one thing the location of the building site would be exposed, and for another, the designers and engineers figure out the G's, stress on the supports and track, and other elements that affect the rides before the announcement of and the ground breaking of the coaster.
Ok well how to you explain Thrust Air 2000 being built on a farm?Thats still in the development phase.Someone had to experiment with banked turns and a 300 ft drop b4 MF was built right?
1.) Thrust Air 2000 is a proto-type still in the testing phase FOR S&S Sports. The parks don't build them off site to test them, and if this wasn't a proto-type, it would be tested by the manufacturer. They tested it to make sure it worked, but this model WON'T be the same coaster that will be installed at a park. The one installed in a park will be much taller-probably an excess of 300 ft.

2.) No there wasn't a coaster with a 300ft. drop or over-banked turns before. Because it there were, MF would hold the records as the worlds longest drop at 300 ft., or the most non-inverted banked turns.

Jeff's avatar
Actually, that's not true about the "over-banked" turns. That inverted portable in Europe has them, as shown in ECC's First Drop magazine a few issues ago.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34 point was someone had to test to see if an 80 degree drop at 300 ft was possible first so how do you think they did that?I know they tested the lift system cause they would of had to know that a standard lift wasnt strong enough to hold the trains on the hill.I would love to build coasters for a living.Heck..i would love to ride them for a living too..Ill be the test dummy...
It's called a computer yo! They are wonderful pecies of machinery that let you do just aout anything you want... so why not plug in the coaster data and have it configure for you?!

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
Jeff's avatar
Give that guy a prize. I don't think it would be a mystery, either, that a chain that long would be rather heavy for the average coaster motor to deal with. And as far as angle and height of descent, well, that's just physics. You don't build a $25 million coaster on a hunch!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
Yeah, like I said, the designers and engineers figure it out the specifics and possible dimensions that a roller coaster can handle without producing too many G's.

Thanks Jeff! I completely agree. I think that I might waste $25million+ on an idea that might just work or not....;)
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
LOL I just had to read this one again..

How about Wicked Twister! hey do I win?

Proud to be the first 'MiLlEnNiUm' user on here!
Offseason sucks
MF: 24 , 7 counts in light snow:)

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