Name CP's next coaster!!!!

Ok, so let's say CP decides to build another roller coaster. What would YOU call it?

My thought is this:
if it's wood by the it the
It sounds very traditional for a wooden coaster, and it would also bring the local feel back to the park...kinda like they did when they named the BLUE STREAK after Sandusky's football team.

I just hope they don't name it the CYCLONE.
So, what do YOU think????

I have thought about this alot and this are some names: Power Surge, Nessie, Abyise

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
PSYCADELICA!!!!!!!!.....Okay, it's a blaint rip-off of what they were going to call Magnum, but it sounds cool!
You know, I don't think Cedar Point has enough rides named after liscensed products. I think the next coaster should be named something like The Pepsi©-nator or Huggies©:The Ride. Heck while we're at it, lets keep re-using these names for all the other Cedar Fair Parks. Instead of those exact names we could use Mountain Dew©-inator and Huggies©-The Ultimate Ride. You know, change the names a little bit but keep thhe same basic idea. Heck, we could even use the EXACT SAME RIDE!! Then we don't need to pay anyone to think up new ideas. Give everyone in the country the exact same fully liscensed experience! I can't believe no one at Cedar Fair has thought of this yet! Maybe they should hire me to work at a Cedar Fair park (or a Six Flags one :))
Jeff's avatar
Millennium Force

Oh, my bad, I was just enjoying what we already have for awhile before I start dreaming about what will happen next.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
So CPcyclone, what do you have against naming a CP coaster Cyclone? That name served a purpose once, and it would be simple, yet nostalgic.

Or you could always name it after Sandusky's other high school team, the St. Mary's PANTHERS. Nah, that just doesn't cut it, does it?


Why not we already have Millennium Force. ;)

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Is Banshee taken?

Duane Cahill 2000 Park Tour:
April 1-7, WDW
May 27, Dorney
June 3, KW
June 16-20, CP

Well, I don't have anything against naming it the Cyclone if it's an exact replica of the original, but I they could at least call it the CLASSIC CEDAR POINT CYCLONE (you know, have a logo like the old IOU sweatshirts.)or the CYCLONE STREAK instead of just plain's just overused.

Oh, I dig the PANTHER idea...
A Cyclone Racer would be cool.

or the two football teams could go head to head in a dueling wooden coaster!

Sorry, I seem to be thinking out loud here

How about: "Internet Morons"

-The Pants Has Spoken
"Yellow line? What Yellow Line..."

Force Rides- 12
Well if it is true and the next coaster will be a woodie, I really hope it doesn't end in Streak. We already have Blue Streak and Mean Streak. I think that's enough streaks in one park, save for all the streaks caused by MF excitement! ;-)

If we ever get a floorless they should name it Samurai, and paint it white with grey supports. If we are to get a woodie I think that Bombshell would be pretty cool. Although Cedar Point Cyclone would be cool! *** This post was edited by CABEWNCP on 6/24/2000. ***
I just have one word...and this is for all the true Monty Python fans out there. That word would be "SPLUNGE!" It would be a perfect word for a coaster that was good but possible not good.

Others will smile and the rest will look around for an explanation.

"And now for something completely different" MPFC
Sausage Linkages? Now thats a cool name.

Force Rides- 12
If it is a woodie, maybe...Thunderstruck for a twister. Yes it's the name of an AC/DC song but it is kind of cool. CP Phantom, CP Cyclone, maybe.

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
MF Rides-11
Since we dont even know what the next coaster will be or when it will arrive how about we stop jumping to conclusions about it.
This thread should be closed before it gets out of hand

Closed topic.

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