Name CP's next coaster!!!!

better than you guys
You know, what ever the name, people will ride. Remember how sucky the name Millennium Force sounded? Well, everyone is talking about it so the name really doesn't matter too much, unless it's called the Sandusky Puker!

Cp_bound.... very cool. It has a very subtle under-tone to it as well! LOL!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
I don't know why people didn't like Millennium Force as a name when it was first announced, I thought it was cool right off the bat. "Millennium" promotes the year 2000 and "Force" gives it that space-type feeling to it-like best in the universe.
i like the name "Ironclad" for a steel coaster.
How about Tempest or Galaga (Sorry, been playing a little too much Atari lately).
What actually goes into naming a coaster anyway?
Well do what I do...when playing Tycoon,take into account the height,length,intensity,speed and whatever theme you are going with.Take MF for instance,MILLENNIUM because its the year it was introduced and FORCE because of the speed and intensity of the ride.the next coaster always has to top the last.i believe CP next one will be either a floorless or a woodie.
Probably by CCI or B+M.You usually name it after you see it.
Let's Remember this is Ohio the only place they could have a place as cool as cedar point.
I called one of my steel twisters "Death is Iminent" because of it's intense G's and speed.
For CP's next coaster, if it is steel, i like the name Millenko. From what I remember it means something like the kiss of death. I like that name a lot.....or is that too close to Banshee? ;)

For a wooden coaster I like the idea of Sandusky Schorcher or some of the others that were mentioned above. If i think of any, Ill let ya know.
Oooh...Iron Maidens is really good, it catches your attention, but Steel Maidens would be less confused with Iron Dragon. The Stinger could go with anything.
Meltdown - color the track all acid like, like Kraken.
How about one of the classic names for my RCT coasters, the "Widow Maker"?
For a floorless I would call it Steel Serpent.
CCI Wooden I would call it Wolverine(sp?).
How about IT:THE RIDE
Jeremy, I called one of my woodies that too.

Great Minds think Alike!
mike7, I don't think there would be a problem with it, if it wasn't the name of an ICP (Insane Clown Posse) record. That's not a good thing to promote at a family park :) *** This post was edited by eggs on 7/5/2000. ***
If its a wooden coaster, how about:

or just
or are these taken already?

My brother suggested another one of our RCT classics also, The Cookie Tosser :-)

I think they should build the worlds smallest, shortest, and slowest roller coaster and call it the Crippled Gerbil!!! What do you think? *** This post was edited by sivaII on 7/6/2000. ***

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