Name CP's next coaster!!!!

I think Banshee WILL be the name of a "worthy" coaster in the future. Probably a floorless coaster with 10+ inversions. I'm not saying near future, but it will happen. Then we could all scream like a banshee.
We could have rides themed by other themed rides, as in:

Batman: The Ride: The Ride.

"Experience the thrills and chills of being on Batman: The Ride, when you ride Batman: The Ride: The Ride. You'll actually believe that you're on another ride actually believing you're Batman!"
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
iluvcp..I would love to streak a wolverine!! :)

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How about this:

The coaster.

Everyone would walk around saying "have you ridden The Coaster yet?" "Which coaster?" "The Coaster." Huh? it'd be great. along the lines of the Roller Coaster 15 thing.

OKay Mean Streak is the sequal for Blue Streak. We don't need a Trilogy in the park do we?!?!?!

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Why don't we name the next roller coaster
"Ticket to Ride"?

Disney Point!!!! America's Roller Ticket!!!!
Like it really matters it will just have fast pass too.

Raptor Flights: 54
Force Rides: 23
I came up with three.
Son of Mantis
Son of Raptor
Son of Mean Streak (if it's a woodie)
That's funny.

I really like
"PHANTOM RIDER" (painted black & purple)

Of course, I'd paint it green and white and call it "SPARTY'S CHARIOT"

just to go along with my fellow Spartan fan...

Hey Fishy6665, A brown streak is something you find in your underwear!!Maybe "The Suicide Machine"
Actually, I like:
Horizontial Force (As opposed to vertical like the old Virtual Boy game)
The Buckeye
The Sharpener (it makes a good "Point")

-The Pants Has Spoken
"Yellow line? What Yellow Line..."
How about, GO BLUE! for U of M and UT (University of Toledo). Or make a deal with Lucas Arts, Jedi Knight Flight, yea its a jock off of Batman Knight Flight, but hey, Star Wars are so much better. Bad Impulses for a LIM. BLEW IT for a Thrust Air. I have no I have a hard enough time coming up for names for my rides on

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
MF Rides-11
I liked the name Happy Fuzzy Bunnies and the cars could be in the shape of Bunnies. I think it would be a great kiddie coaster.
Since my first post got pulled, we'll try it again...

"Millenium Hangover"
"Six King's Universal Superbatman's Revenge of the Day of the Lame Names Given to Parks and Their Rides Escape."
"Mayfly Collector"
"Honey, I'll Be In The Car."
"Big Darn(?) Coaster."

How about "Wanna ride in an ambulance? You can!! After you ride this!!"
How about Graffiti? That way if people vandalize the queues, it will fit in with the theme.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
Jeffrey, youve got to honor the greatest college football team ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would mabey call it;
steel-"Steel Chariots""Sinistar"or"Sandusky Steel"
or,"15th Charm", "Ironclad"
personaly i wouldnt call it "son of streak" or "son of raptor" cuz i think that is sorta coping off of kings island.
I just thought of this: dueling floorless costers named Iron Madens!(sp)
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar in the wolverines right?...NOT!! :)
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