Name CP's next coaster!!!!

Well, CP_Freak, when we do know what the next coaster will be, chances are CP will already have a name for why not give 'em a few suggestions? :-)

That or the religious people (ME INCLUDED, although I thought Banshee was sweet) will shoot it down in a heartbeat! Ha! Well, since DBCahill and somewhatchewy took my first choices, why not the Mufflehead Express? It could have windshields on the back, and at the end of June they could turn the trains around for a few weeks to eliminate the guests from eating their bugs? Why not?

There can be SOG (Son of Gemini) or SOS (Son of Streak [Mean or Blue]) Waterspout Express, Wood Force...
Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
Feel the Force NOW!!
How about they get a standing inverted and call it Raptis!LOL
Windego, Winnabego, Gerdy, PowerHammer, RUTHLESS

F O R C E R I D E S 1 2
I think cp's next roller coaster will have no name at all. Sounds like a good idea
How about Roller Coaster 1? Or maybe in CP's case, Roller Coaster 15. :)

Whats life if you never get to the point?
Why not continue with the Zodiac theme and call the next one:

CANCER! ("There Is No Cure!")
'Brown Streak'?? Nah, too 'Farrelly Bros.'
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar


Jeffrey Spartan
How about "G-Force 6.5" ?
Happy Fuzzy Bunnies
or Force 9 (I hope RCT doesn't have a Copyright on that)

Millennium Force Rids:1
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
I think they should follow up with another giga called "PRAY".

350 foot first hill at 85 deg. 300 foot 2nd hill at 80 deg. 9 inversions, a double helix.


WOLVERINE STREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nut, you ARE a nut! I could deal with that, though.
TERA-FORCE! 400+ feet high and continuing with the "Force" theme. Okay so it won't happen, but I can dream can't I?
how about use the name of a coaster in PA:


there, that settles this topic
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
Steel Coaster = The Titan (always liked this name)
Wood Coaster = Phantom Rider (sound similar?)
Wild Mouse Coaster = Mouse Trap (with a theme)
Ah come on!!!! I was being conservative too. You wouldn't believe what I'd really like to see.

You won't have to dream long. Judging from the queue lines for MF, it'll happen sooner than later someplace or another (hopefully the Point).

Fear is an amazing thing to overcome ;)

*** This post was edited by Nut on 6/26/2000. *** *** This post was edited by Nut on 6/26/2000. ***

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