Jeff- I've had enough. Grow up.

Would that mean that if you don't feel you're part of an issue that I bring up you don't need to participate either?
I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.
Hey Jeff, you're ugly and your mama dresses you funny!

(just figured I'd add to the inanity) ;)
Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)


I think I'll listen to PimpDaddy's critiques as soon as I see the popular and highly regarded website of his making...or even a post that takes more effort to compose than a single paragraph.

hey coastaplaya, that did not take you too much effort either did it.  Sorry I do not have time to write books, I actually have a life!

Anyways Jeff I am not saying you are a bad person, or that I hate this site, cause I don't I think its great.  Actually my first comments were not even directed toward you.  They were towards the people here, like coastapalya , who jump over every littel thing that everyone says, like that sh*t don't stink.  I just feel that everyone should be a little more understanding here and not act like they were raised at a Six Flags Park!

*** This post was edited by pimpdaddy on 12/3/2001. ***

Understanding of what, exactly?

I'll put it this way, 'pimpdaddy'...let's say you finished your degree, got a decent job and dropped a couple hundred grand on a house (like some of us have).  Of course, for that kind of money it's a decent house...let's say, near good schools in a quiet Beaver Cleaver neighborhood a stone's throw from a good-sized lake....just to paint a well-rounded picture.  Nice, huh?

Now let's just say this visitor shows up who's lived on welfare his entire life stops by. (Not to say they're a bad person...maybe their parents were poor and they're going to school to make a better life for themselves...buuuut)  They walk from your door straight to your fridge, help themselves to your grub, plunk down on your couch and crank up your TV while complaining that everything in your house is wrong.  Your interior's the wrong color, your curtains are goofy, your leather couch is last year's style, your fireplace should be wood instead of gas.....

Would you put up with that?  Or would you snatch the Cheetos from one thankless hand, your remote from the other and tell them you'll listen to that crap from them the minute they actually accomplish something themselves?

Why would you expect Jeff to put up with it?  Get your feet off his couch.


yeah exactly....his couch......not yours~!!!  As i have already stated, I have nothing against Jeff or his site, just the way that some people are treated around here.  Maybe its just the way that youth has become??  Disrespectful and so quick to judge....who knows. I just think people here should be a little more respectful and open minded to other people and there posts and questions, not like a bunch of stuck up poeple who think their sh*t don't stink
Jeff's avatar
This grows tiresome.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

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