Jeff- I've had enough. Grow up.

Jeff's avatar
ignorance - the lack of knowledge or experience

Are you sure you understand the proper use of the word?

There are cliques (note the spelling) in any community. Oddly enough, I don't even think I'm a part of the one in this community. That aside, I think people really need to understand the difference between opinions and making things personal. Disagreement is OK and encouraged.

For example:
WRONG: You're wrong and you're stupid.
CORRECT: I disagree with you because...

And in stating opinions:
WRONG: That sucks.
CORRECT: That sucks because some other reason than "I said so."

People can get their panties in a bunch all they want about how they think moderation is unfair or whatever, but they're wrong in that case. People can disagree all they want, and if I disagree with you I'll call you on it and argue the point. I'm not going to shut anyone down because of it. That's something you need to be prepared for whenever you put your opinion out there in a public forum.

I love to argue. I should've been a lawyer. I got drawn into a journalism degree not for the news bug (though that was a part of it), but because I loved writing my opinion column. Naturally, I enjoy the challenge of debating anything. It sure as hell isn't personal. I don't know everyone.

So hate on the JP if you want, just don't do it on my dime.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I also have seen a change, that's the reason I don't post as much as I used to.

First CP Coaster: Corkscrew
MF Laps: 26
MF Front Seat Laps: 2

Sorry on the click thing..but according to Websters dictionary.. CLICK.... a : to fit or agree exactly b : to fit together : hit it off <they did not click as friends> c : to function smoothly d :SUCCEED <a movie that clicks> 
I was using (a) fit or agree exactly
Oh, and I wasnt meaning you Jeff when I said some people in a "click", from your post, Im taking it as you thought I was directing that towards you. Theres a few on here.  But I think thats kind of what squishy was meaning, one uses a different word  ( click, cliques) then what I would of, both with the same meaning and then put (note the spelling) to me that comes off as rude, no disrespect meant, but thats how I take it. Correcting me is one thing.. but you seem to have thrown it in my face. I defended you in my post, for I do think Squishy went overboard, but seems like you didnt even notice that part or what I had to say, other then what you thought was a misuse of a word.  Both words can be used for my post.  Other then that statement Jeff, my post was not directed at you but towards everyone one at CP place.  I see how some people can get easily frustrated. But that wont make me leave here or totally slam someone.

*** This post was edited by tohot2se on 11/29/2001. ***

Jeff's avatar
click - a slight, sharp sound as that of a door latching

clique - a small, exclusive circle of people

Give me a little credit here... I've got a degree in English and a dictionary. I'm pretty sure by the context you used you meant the second, not the first.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I think the word Shorti was thinking of is arrogance. ar·ro·gance
Pronunciation: 'ar-&-g&n(t)s
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
: a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner 

I can't imagine why he thinks that....LOL

*** This post was edited by ToofastGM3 on 11/29/2001. ***

Although I'm rather new to the site, when I first came to GTTP, I was impressed by the friendly atmosphere.  I never participated in forums until GTTP. When I post I try to read and re-read my posts to make sure it stays friendly.  Sometimes we all make those ugly post, but we're human.  I have a lot of respect for Jeff, as I run a website myself, I couldn't imagine two.  Depending how big a site is, it takes a lot of time and patience.  Good Job Jeff.  Keep up the great work. :)
Just dont make money take over your life....that is the root of republicans
Live for FUN!

Don't let life fly by.

Compared to many people here, I am just a youngin' here on GTTP. I've made a few online friends here, and I'm hoping to meet them at the Point some day in person. For the majority, people here are very friendly. And note its the unliked people that you don't see return. The ones you do see posting are the friendly guys. (I hope that in your opinion I'm one of them :)

And yeah I do see more un-friendly (and non-grammar-using) types on the boards nowadays, compared to the posts I've seen during the summer. However, Jeff can't control who joins up and what they say. From what I see, it's just part of the off-season ignorance rush, and it's just something we have to live with. I admire Jeff for holding on and not completely blowing up. Keep up the good work here :)

Hoping I made sense...
Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
MF count: 1, going for 2000

I think there is a reason that Jeff has left this post stand for a while instead of deleting it.  I believe that most everybody here is a good person, but we must remember that no one is perfect.  Im almost positive that there are many posts or e-mails to Jeff like Squishy's every week, and how would you like to read how bad a person you are and how poorly your site is run every day?  I do not blame Jeff in the least for sometimes being a little sort with people when they decide to goo off on him.  Lets just remember this, and to thiose who jump all over someone's back for getting the track length wrong or mixing up the name of a coaster, just remember that there are more important things in the world.  Our own countrymen are fighting right now to preserve our safety and freedom.  Compared to this, does it really matter that someone forgot how fast Millenium Force goes?
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
btw, whoever said I was on a "side" with Squishy needs to fill that space for rent upstairs in their head. I am a newbie, been here for a few weeks, before I was matt2003 I used another screename, that was awhile ago, before people like squishy and others came. This is a great site. is it the best? no. It certainly isn't a tripod site either. I said I respected squishys opinion, which I still do.
2002:Its gonna shock you!
Oh, wait, it already shocked me, its Tuesday..

Jeff said:
..... I think people really need to understand the difference between opinions and making things personal. Disagreement is OK and encouraged.

For example:
WRONG: You're wrong and you're stupid.
CORRECT: I disagree with you because...

And in stating opinions:
WRONG: That sucks.
CORRECT: That sucks because some other reason than "I said so."

... People can disagree all they want, and if I disagree with you I'll call you on it and argue the point. I'm not going to shut anyone down because of it. That's something you need to be prepared for whenever you put your opinion out there in a public forum.

I love to argue. I should've been a lawyer. I got drawn into a journalism degree not for the news bug (though that was a part of it), but because I loved writing my opinion column. Naturally, I enjoy the challenge of debating anything. It sure as hell isn't personal. I don't know everyone.

Jeff is absolutely correct on the above points. Opinions are fine to express. However, personal attacks are not why we are here at this forum. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can express it, but one should not belittle themselves or this community by personal attacks on other members.

Jeff and I have had our differences of opinion. While we disagree on things, it is pointless to get into personal attacks. Jeff has had some trying times lately (job-search and all) so it is easy for anyone under stress to be a little "touchy". Yet, even though many people use bad grammar with their posts, a simple stating that there was a misspelling or you need to watch your grammar would suffice. A belittling of another member due to their inability to spell or use correct grammar is not beneficial. Not everyone has had the same amount of education as others at this site. Sometimes, typographical errors occur and people do not take time to read their own posts after writing them. Please read your posts after writing them and look for any typographical errors.

I, too, have made personal attacks and have been personally attacked on this site and on CB. It belittles my opinions when I do so and makes others in the community think less of me as a member. I am sorry for any personal attacks I have ever made, but I am only human and I will attack back when someone makes disparaging remarks about my character or knowledge. It is human nature to do so. Squishy I will miss your opinions and dialogue, but personal attacks against anyone without real provocation is wrong.  

Open dialogue and discussion on opinions is fine. If someone can rationally explain why an opinion I made was wrong or incorrect, I will change my opinion. If not, I will defend my opinion to the end. Sometimes, our opinions are wrong and we must be open to explore the possibilities that we are wrong. We must be willing to accept other opinions in the community because opinions are shaped by life experiences. Do not denigrade others for their opinions, but accept those opinions or rationally spell out why that person's opinion is possibly wrong without resorting to name-calling or personal attacks.

Well, I will get off my soapbox now and give others a chance to respond. I just think we need to practice a little more civility here and on all internet sites we use.

*** This post was edited by coasterkingoftheworld on 11/30/2001. ***

Hey Jeff...

Thank you again for taking the time to create GTTP and CB.  You have done a lot for us coasterjunkies and I for one, appreciate it.

I certainly want to thank you Jeff for this site.  I am careful of how I post here, not wanting to face any of the "old-timers' wrath".  I think that some people just naturally love to debate, and I thoroughly enjoy reading a lively one.  Sometimes the debates do get personal, which is fun to read, but I personally try to avoid any  "ugliness".  Thanks again.
Same here, thanks Jeff for this great site! You've put a lot of time into it, and it has grown greatly. :) :)
We... well, let me correct that from the start.... *You* all talk about not feeding the trolls... yet this thread is growing by leaps and bounds.

I've been 'lurking' this board since 1997... It's a daily stop for me... Log on, check my email, and hop on over to GTTP and catch up on the message boards.  I chime in now and then with a post here and there, but for the most part I just read the opinions, thoughts, jokes, etc. that everyone here posts. 

Maybe I was simply brought up to respect everyone I come in contact with, especially the people I don't even know... but this is just plain ridiculous.  Someone isn't happy with the community that resides here, and desired to leave.  So be it.  Is there really anything else to say?

We don't need to go around defending our opinions or our beliefs... we're all here for the same reason, yet we're letting differences outside of that reason start these petty arguments between us.  All I'm trying to say is that enough is enough... let's get back to CPPlace as usual, shall we?


Jeff's avatar
I feel that I do have to defend not my beliefs (because I could care less what people think of them) but what I'm about and why I'm here. I am sick to death of the ungrateful punks of the world who don't even remember a time before the Internet when anything that we could enjoy for free in our leisure time was something we cherished and were thankful for.

The greatest evil that the Internet has created is a sense of total disregard for people and resources, and it is demonstrated the most in people who hit puberty after 1995. Understand I'm not making a sweeping generalization here, as the kids I'm involved with aren't that way, but a very vocal and irritating type of person has emerged who is all about "me me me." They want everything handed to them. They're the same crybabies my wife teaches in a college intro class who *****-and-moan because they actually have to work to get a decent grade.

As I said before, I don't ask for much, but I will not be pissed on for handing something to people without asking anything in return.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Well said Jeff.  My favorite question of the mid to late 90's...."Is that going to be on the test?"    Favorite statement of the late 90's...."Mom, I need a new cell phone."
Favorite phrase of the past that needs to become popular again...."Just wait till your father gets home!"

It is pathetic.

Life changed for the worse when parents became afraid to punish their children.

*** This post was edited by Chief Wahoo on 11/30/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by Chief Wahoo on 11/30/2001. ***

Exactly guy! There's not enough rear-ends getting tanned anymore. Seriously, when I got out of line, I wasn't able to sit for a day. That's probably why I turned out so good.......... or should I say, good at it ;) SPANKS

I was super before Superstew was cool!

Ok time for my 2 cents.........Although I think that Jeff runs a great site, one of the best CP ones I have ever seen, I think Squishy has a point, you can't get mad everytime someone post something you don't like, it might be a really important interest for the person writing it,  that person might not know that you guys have already talked about it because they do not have the time to spend every waking moment on this site, looking at it everytime something updates like some of the people on this site oviously do.  The fact is for everyone to get along, we all have to respect eachother and not jump on someone when they say or ask something that is not to your likeing.  If you don't like it then ignore it and move onto the next post.  With that said, how many days till opening day???
Oh yeah,.......I love the new Beaver Creek Ads........can't wait for ski season!

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