If cp opened in April...

PKIDelirium's avatar

Walt said:
Then they would have to close in September to have enough time to get ready for April.

Not to mention the staffing issues.

And the snow.

Rubbish. PKI doesn't close until the first weekend on NOVEMBER, and still opens in early-mid April.

<insert PKI maintenance joke here>

Yeah not really any games at this moment, but I'm in a league that practices all year round.

101 on Magnum and counting...

Walt's avatar

Apples and oranges. Cedar Point is a much larger park with more rides and infrastructure to close down and then get ready again. Just closing and opening three large hotels is a big task, not to mention employee dorms, a huge marina, etc. And they do it with a maintenance staff that really isn't much larger than PKI's.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

Shades said:
Don't get me wrong, I am happy with the May opening. But in regards to the staffing issue and the being ready issue, if Kings Island can be open weekends in April why can't the Point? What makes the Point's issues different from KI?

Aside from Cincinnati's population, it's also much warmer down there in April than Sandusky. I've been down there in February when it was about 20 degrees warmer than Detroit.

If I didn't have you all for my daily does of entertainment, I don't know what I would do...j/k ;)

It's nice to have PKI open in April, but like a lot of parks, it's weekends only until memorial day. I'd rather have CP open a little later on the calendar but be open for daily operation. The fact that CP houses most of their employees allows them to do it that way.

Even so, the first couple weeks in May find the park to be understaffed. I hear crews complaining about long hours, lots of places are closed, etc. Ride operations seems to fair best.

Also, any more we have our nicest Ohio weather in the fall. A much better time to extend the season.

p.s.- Yes, I would still go!
*** Edited 11/22/2005 10:44:09 PM UTC by CP Mac***

I'm the oldest one here. CP emp '73-'74

I remember that April 23rd snowstorm too. To cold for me if cedar point opened in april. or maybe i would wore my leather jacket.

I lived in Chesterland Ohio (near Chardon...the lake effect capital of the world) and I lived in Sandusky. I never, ever, EVER saw snow in Sandusky that could even hold a candle to the snow in Chesterland caused by the lake effect.

There is no comparison.

As a former employee of the Point I can say unequivocally that the majority of the staff would likely drop dead if they were told they were opening in April instead of May.

Also, it is freezing in April. Breakers doesn't have heat in it's lobby. Many of the dorms don't have heat. The poster that talked about Kings Island and the large population within a relative short drive was dead on.

So, if the Point was open in April it would likely be cold and wet...most of the attractions likely would be closed, most food stands would be closed, most games and stores would be closed. Doesn't sound like a great day to me so I would take a pass.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

In answer to the original question: no.

What was the original question again?

bholcomb's avatar

So if Cedar Point opened in April, would everyone here still go?

*** Edited 11/23/2005 7:08:57 PM UTC by bholcomb***

Can we please stick to the topic, instead of telling people they smoke crack, and terrorists, and *stifles a laugh* hamsters and ferrets getting washed away? Thanks.

djDaemon's avatar

Q: "... Would you go?"

A: Nope. I'd much rather save my money for a trip later in the spring, when it would be FAR more likely that I'd encounter better weather. Maybe if the ticket/parking/food prices were reduced to 1/2 of normal, then I would consider an April trip. But, I just checked my crystal ball, and I don't foresee CP doing that, so... the answer remains a resounding 'nope'.

*** Edited 11/23/2005 7:58:14 PM UTC by djDaemon***


Yeah, it snowed pretty bad in this area late last April. I flew home from 85F atlanta in a T-Shirt and Shorts and froze when I walked from the terminal to my truck.

As stated before, CP would have to close a month earlier to accomadate opening a month earlier. We'd probably see even more "omg, wheres <insert ride name here> cars?" *** Edited 11/24/2005 7:45:37 PM UTC by Kyle Dersch***

Kyle D
Rollbacks - 1 - Opening Day 2005
Last TTD train of the night (6-23/24).

I would not go. Weather at that time of year is a gamble I'm not willing to take.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

If cp opened in April...I would most definately go.

Even though the weather may be nasty, it doesn't matter. The weekend of October 24/25 in 04' had weather that most would consider horrible, yet I still went and had a great time. Its all about dressing so the elements outside don't matter. Besides, bad weather equals less people, less people equal more rides, more rides equals happiness.

Trip Count 2003: 13 2004: 24 2005: 22 2006: 25 2007: 25

It doesn't matter how few physco enthusiasts would go in April... The general population would not be willing to go and freeze every limb on there bodies off in April to go hang out at Cedar Point in sub frezzing temps.

Yes. I would also go in January, if they were open. They could have Christweekends in December.

Gilbert, Vegan Rider

They had them over 10 years ago, they failed, so they stopped doing them after the first winter.

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