Extended Closure

TTD 120mph's avatar

Sweet, in 2 weeks, we'll finally get to find out that it's still not opening soon.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

eChameleon's avatar

Master D:

Tony said this will NOT be a summer long thing correct?

That was before Six Flags took over.


That was before Six Flags took over.

lol TONY should tweet this if it can’t open this year

Jeff's avatar

Master D:

My main point of contention was, where is the update?

Even if there was one, no one would be satisfied anyway. It'd be picked apart like a hand-beaded chicken tender.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

djDaemon's avatar

Master D:

...many WILL cancel their trip if that is the case.

*Citation needed.



That was before Six Flags took over.

Six Flags did not take over. Four of the top five spots went to Cedar Fair people. Cedar Fair is operating under the Six Flags name.

XS NightClub's avatar

And it’s operating out of Paramount Parks old HQ.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

GL2CP's avatar

TTD 120mph:

Sweet, in 2 weeks, we'll finally get to find out that it's still not opening soon.

You can use this opportunity to change your name to “TTD 0mph:”

First ride; Magnum 1994

^TTD has been 0mph for years. TT2 has only been 0mph for 2 months.

Campfreak06, reborn

e x i t english's avatar

Yeah, that’s what it means. TTD1 and 2 are traveling 0 mph.

Jeff's avatar

It needs more 00mph?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

jimmyburke's avatar

Jeff breaking out the "Dad joke"!

Is anybody here going to the IAAPA event on July 25th? Apparently there is a portion of TT2 that will be discussed on the agenda. I’m curious if it will be the typical passive Q&A responses such as “nothing to report at this time”, or if they will actually be transparent about a potential reopening date. I am getting anxious to re ride TT2, and I’ll more than likely be taking PTO the day it finally reopens 😃

djDaemon's avatar

I wouldn't expect any updates, given the description of the event from the "IAAPA Presents: Cedar Point" page:

Get an insider look at the triple launch strata-coaster, Top Thrill 2. Guided by members of the construction team, you'll explore ride conversion, the construction process, engineering overview, and the launch system.

That sounds to me like a construction/back-of-house tour and a Q&A related to the design and construction of the ride.


I agree not to expect any updates. But seems like it will be an odd event. Have a construction/back of the house tour and Q&A session about design/construction of the ride (presumably talking about building a team, vision, dedication, engineering challenges/solutions, etc). All the while the ride at issue is sitting closed during the what is busy season for the park who purchased it.

I am a corporate attorney rather than a litigator. But it would seem like talking about everything that went into a high profile case in terms of planning, hard work, legal challenges/solutions, etc. all the while my client is sitting in jail. Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln.

Maybe it’s kind of like coaster mania. If the ride is open by the 25th they will talk about it. If not open or close to being so by the 25th then maybe they don’t talk about it? Idk

Jeff's avatar

It's not an enthusiast event, it's a gathering of industry professionals. Totally different audience.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

True Jeff. How much of what they speak about is generally known to the public?

Having worked in the industry from the mid 1970's up until mid 2020, little if anything discussed at such meetings ever reaches the public's ear. It's called a non disclosure agreement, and violating it can cost you your job at the very least, and potentially legal action against you.

99er's avatar


It's not an enthusiast event, it's a gathering of industry professionals.

This here. Those attending the Q&A know what to ask and what to avoid and they will also not repeat anything outside of that room that Cedar Point says not to talk about. It's about being professional and respecting the host that invited you into their house.

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