Extended Closure

GL2CP's avatar

Lightning trains? Isn’t this a thread about frontiertown and jewelry shops?

First ride; Magnum 1994

Kevinj's avatar

The trains worked great on TT2 during media day as well, so give it time.

And GL2CP, threads evolve.

This thread has been a great example of that.

Blame Canada.

Promoter of fog.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Beanie :
Atleast the lightning trains seem to work on a small scale

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Vince982's avatar

I feel attacked.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Jeff's avatar

I can't understand why the "new" PNE ride was ever a hydraulic launched ride. Seems like overkill given the space they had.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Cedar Pointer's avatar

For sure! Kinda weird seeing as it was built in 2009 and Maverick was 2007. Could be the 2009 LSMs didnt have the kick it needed? For sure overkill.

The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!

Aaronosmer's avatar

Fishels :

Super glad it’s in a museum but why not leave it at the park?

To be fair, they had left it sitting partially assembled in the back of the arcade for a few years, after the museum closed. I guess they might as well give it to someone who cares about it. Also, IIRC they had to move it to make room for the "immersive" put-put golf experience.

Every inch of the park must either be rideable or short-term profitable.

I guess this explains the above. :)

eChameleon's avatar

They turned the ballroom into a mini golf course?

Maverick00's avatar

I can’t believe we’re going on month three for the closure. What an unfortunate and frustrating situation for the park. All the buzz is gone.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Jeff's avatar

Uh, I checked the math, and it hasn't even been two months yet.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

An update would be nice. Are they close? A couple weeks? Another month? Or it's worse than they thought and they have no fix. Honesty would be nice. Or is it none of our business? Are they keeping quiet so people with hotel reservations in later July and August don't cancel? I'm considering doing just that. Yes there are many good rides but I booked Breakers for two nights with the expectation we could ride TT2.

Tony’s silence on social media is very loud. I think he does maybe 1 tweet up now per week (if that). I have no doubt getting constantly asked about TT2 is annoying, but why so quiet?

eChameleon's avatar

I hear TT2 had a bad debate performance and everyone is asking it to drop out of the coaster lineup, but the other coasters are asking it to stay in.

The timing of the re-opening from the initial rumors has come and gone now. I do not follow many on social media but it seems like even that front has been relatively quiet for some time now. Every day that goes by with nothing much going on at the park coupled with no official word from the park is giving me more reason to think the last rumors of the planned fix failing the test runs is true. I am still hoping to see it back up and running soon but it doesn't seem like that is very likely to occur.

Kevinj's avatar


Uh, I checked the math, and it hasn't even been two months yet.

I mean, we're 3 days away from 2 months (May 12th). No where near month three. But still. The coincidental nature of the fact that we are here can't be lost on anyone....

I don't know how everyone else's summers ebb and flow, but once you get to mid-July any idea of trips or plans are long out the window. If we were single or childless this would be different, but kids' fall sports and activities are getting into full swing. We can certainly be spontaneous here and there but the closer you get to August the tighter the window of...

...gets tighter and tighter. And if you you get that movie reference we can be besties.

The excitement for us planning a family trip to CP to celebrate and enjoy the ride's opening has come and gone. We have more or less reconciled that it won't be opening (at least for what we consider "summer") this year. And that's OK. We're having fun doing other things.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Hello new best friend.. 🤣

Maybe next year the new midway game will be "find the marble in the oatmeal"

Ride On!

08- Arcade Mechanic

TT2 laps - 4

djDaemon's avatar

To be fair, Maverick00 said "we’re going on month three." That is, we are about to enter the third month of TT2 being down, which is true. Sure, we're still technically a few days out from that milestone, but unless an unprecedented amount of activity happens in the next few days, I wouldn't expect the ride to open by Friday.

Master D:

Yes there are many good rides but I booked Breakers for two nights with the expectation we could ride TT2.

I struggle to wrap my mind around the idea that one ride being open or not would affect my enjoyment of a visit, but you have until 72 hours before your arrival date to cancel to avoid paying the first night's fee. I would think that by the time you're a few days out from your visit, it will become readily apparent whether or not the ride will be open during your stay.


Plague on Wheels's avatar

If you consider only days the park is open, and only operating hours, we're hardly cracking two weeks ;)

Sit tight fellas ;)

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar


And if you you get that movie reference we can be besties.

Billy was the OG Hawk Tuah!

XS NightClub's avatar

Ohio schools start back up in 6 weeks.
and as Kevin pointed out sports and other activities are ramping up soon, along with back to school spending.

Trip planning is at its end for summer, it may not have been a we are not going if TT2 isn’t running, but something along the lines of let’s go to another park for something new planning.

also keep in mind the park ended other activities for families as well as the new for 24 flop.

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