Extended Closure

jimmyburke's avatar

Here is that salt miner seen walking up Frontier Trail one rainy day to share info with Dippin-Dots guy.

Total power couple!

Jeff's avatar

TTD 120mph:

...some interesting wiring going through areas of the 3rd and 4th cars.

I've seen stuff like that before on prototype trains, used to measure... something. I want to say it was for stress loads on metal pieces or something, but I don't even know how that would work. I most recently saw them a few years ago in our local theater, where the entire back of the room is on giant tracks and moves like a hundred feet. The sensors were attached to something around the wheels.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Dvo's avatar

^Could be strain gauges possibly to measure how much deflection is happening in the chassis. That would give indication to the stresses that the trains are actually experiencing throughout the ride.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

TTD 120mph's avatar

In light of today's merger announcement. I couldn't resist.....

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

eChameleon's avatar

Stupid me, a lover of history and cool places, I looked up "Morton Salt Mines" hoping it would be an actual place.

Kevinj's avatar


Based on my memories they could remove Frontier Trail with one exception - they have to keep the pillories. Lots of pictures of us kids in them, as well as our kids.

You don't get the cake without the icing, no matter how messed up our kids are ;)

Promoter of fog.

Sollybeast's avatar

Fishels :

Woah!!! When was the Museum closed??? I was seriously looking forward to that as a first timer. Wasn’t there a miniature of steel vengeance in there?

Before the 100th anniversary. They were going to jazz it up and make it more park-centric as opposed to the park history/random antique setup they had before.

Unfortunately, they ran out of money and now it's glorified storage.

As for the SV model, that was actually given away in a raffle a couple Winter Chill Outs ago- the winner donated it to a museum, so I heard.

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

JohnMosesBrowning's avatar

The salt mine under Lake Erie used to be owned by Morton. I think someone else may have it now.

1974: Catering Slave for Interstate United
1975-77: Catering Manager for Cedar Point

Kevinj's avatar

I totally take back what I said about lack of enhancing the guest experience.

I mean, sure it's not on the trail, but...

Bringing the Strip Mall experience to the midways. I mean, who needs freshwater perch when you can get saltwater pearls?

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Skyhawk06's avatar


Before the 100th anniversary. They were going to jazz it up and make it more park-centric as opposed to the park history/random antique setup they had before.

Unfortunately, they ran out of money and now it's glorified storage.

Holy hell, that's a shame. I was wondering what happened to the museum. And also, didn't they try this before their 150th anniversary? Either way it would've been awesome to see it decorated like they planned.

Steel Vengeance rides: 221

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

Vince982's avatar


What fresh hell is that?! Is that on the main midway?

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

XS NightClub:

The weird one is the guy sharing his private conversations from a mine shaft

True, that is weird! Who would do such a thing?

In regards to the other conversation going on here we were rather Cedar Pointed out after going there how ever many dozen times since opening day so we’re hitting some other parks this week while on vacation. Cedar Point has a great collection of rides but it is definitely missing a heart beat or soul, a vibe or whatever else we might be able to call it.

There’s something to be said for live entertainment, nighttime shows and effects that actually work -or at least mostly work. Even my teenage kids have noticed the difference and while we all agree that the overall line up of coasters at Cedar Point is better, Kings Island and Carowinds are better parks. Obviously Knotts is as well but that isn’t really a fair comparison, Knotts has palm trees and that’s an instant win.

I also do not think we can blame Covid or Cedar Flags company policies for the horrible dispatch times at Cedar Point. If that were the case wouldn’t Carowinds, Kings Island, and Kings Dominion suffer from the same issues? Of course it’s a very limited sample and maybe they all had their A-Teams on shift when we visited but it is such a striking difference seeing ride operations at these other parks compared to Cedar Point.

At the end of the day we still have fun at all of the parks but Cedar Point could be doing so much better than they are at the little things. As long as the guests keep piling in and the cash is flowing I guess it doesn’t matter.

Sollybeast's avatar


. And also, didn't they try this before their 150th anniversary?

150th, yeah, my bad.

And it's a huge bummer for sure. I understand going overbudget in light of the COVID pandemic happening at the same time 150th planning was going on but you'd think they would have put together enough funds to restore the museum by now.

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Kevinj's avatar

Why do you need a museum? You can't ride it, and it doesn't make any money. It would just be "atmosphere".

Every inch of the park must either be rideable or short-term profitable.

Promoter of fog.

e x i t english's avatar

How about a museum about the history of chicken tenders? There can be a paid portion where guests can hand bread their own as part of the experience.

A win/win, really. The people get a museum and the option to purchase and make their own lunch. Staffing should be minimal if the guests are doing their own hand breading, too

Last edited by e x i t english,


As for the SV model, that was actually given away in a raffle a couple Winter Chill Outs ago- the winner donated it to a museum, so I heard.

Someone on Reddit told me this and I thought they were trolling me. Super glad it’s in a museum but why not leave it at the park? That is such a neat thing to give away.

Don’t get me wrong if it was for a good cause then I kinda get it, but still hard to believe they wouldn’t keep that for their own museum.


Why do you need a museum? You can't ride it, and it doesn't make any money. It would just be "atmosphere".

Every inch of the park must either be rideable or short-term profitable.

The Museum should have been another fast lane plus attraction I guess

Dvo's avatar


What fresh hell is that?! Is that on the main midway?

Seconded, as I'm genuinely curious. Is that an actual stand in the park?

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

Yep, it's really there. Just outside Pagoda. Used to be a leather items stand. They're selling jewelry and a get your own pearl from an oyster 'experience'.

Atleast the lightning trains seem to work on a small scale 🤷‍♂️

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