Extended Closure

Lots of salt required but... From what I understand during initial testing / running the trains there were some areas where the trains were making contact with the stators on the track. The sections were marked with the date they were initially noticed and after adjustments were made they were checked to see if there were any changes. Based upon that I assume the tape in the picture above was installed on 3-7 and there were no changes noted regarding the mark on the stator.

Edit: I had a picture of the same tape from Monday, definitely looks like no change to me.

Last edited by JUnderhill,

For me that’s a complete toss up. Looks like it could be change as easily as charge. Depends on the persons handwriting

djDaemon's avatar

Considering the observations on site (vehicle shimmy, wear marks on stators, dated tape on stators, missing wheel assemblies), it seems far more likely that it's "no change". As speculated above, it seems likely that tape is applied and dated following a modification/adjustment, then is checked after testing. Rinse and repeat as needed to gather data.



Considering the observations on site (vehicle shimmy, wear marks on stators, dated tape on stators, missing wheel assemblies), it seems far more likely that it's "no change". As speculated above, it seems likely that tape is applied and dated following a modification/adjustment, then is checked after testing. Rinse and repeat as needed to gather data.

That also sounds more likely to me.

Sollybeast's avatar

In semi related news, the downtime hasn't stopped the TT2 themed Live E show The Rally from holding rehearsals. Yes, 'Ready To Go' is in the setlist and it sounds great!

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Sit tight fellas, word is that we’re going to be waiting quite some time 🙁

Sit tight fellas ;)

I was at CP today and was surprised when an employee told me it could be a couple of months.

trains are parked with wheels gone

That shouldn't be a surprise, that El Torro guy specifically said it could open anywhere from 2 weeks ago through next season. Looks like he will be right.

Scott Cameron's avatar


wow, I hope that "couple of months" estimate is wrong . . . .

what a mess.

But CP isn't alone: Hyperia at Thorpe Park closed after one day of operation (apparently a lift hill issue that will be resolved somewhat quickly).

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Seems like the Wheels have some kind of Plague ;)

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Sit tight fellas ;)

If CP is aware that’s it’s going to be a couple of months you would think the general public, some of who are planning expensive trips and want to ride that ride, would be notified very soon.

heric's avatar

I also feel if they truly knew it would be a couple months it would be very disingenuous to even include it as a chance for the Coaster Mania itinerary.

At this rate it could open this week or August and I wouldn’t be surprised by either.

TTD 120mph's avatar

They likely have all the physical media made for the event and aren't stressing too much over changing anything at this point. I imagine, if they feel it's necessary, they'll announce on the socials about it being completely omitted from the itinerary. I also feel, at this point, mostly everyone going to CM is aware of it being down and don't expect it to be open.

That is, of course, unless they get the modified wheel assemblies put back on today and start testing 4 days ago. :P

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut


issue that will be resolved somewhat quickly

You jinxed it! Thorpe just announced it will be at least June 8th before it opens.



issue that will be resolved somewhat quickly

You jinxed it! Thorpe just announced it will be at least June 8th before it opens.


I'm keeping my mouth shut about any closure dates going forward. (This was a softball lobbed for Jeff to quip: "hey consider keeping your mouth shut about everything!" lol.)

No...... Jeff would most likely say to quit quoting the post directly above yours and just respond.

GL2CP's avatar

Why isn’t it running? “I always thought the wheels being removed from the train had something to do with it”

First ride; Magnum 1994


You jinxed it! Thorpe just announced it will be at least June 8th before it opens.

At first I was really bummed our visit to Thorpe was just two weeks too early for Hyperia... Looked like a really great ride in person. I was tempted to reschedule our trip once they announced the opening day and thought, why not maybe go a week or two later once the initial rush was over?

Well, really glad we didn't!

At least some rides (looking at you Nemesis) was up and ready on time and running like a champ. That was 99% the point of the trip, anyway.

But it is a bummer that all these new rides are seeing immediate delays by weeks or more... Especially if you travel around the first weeks of operation (but yeah, should give some buffer if able...). You can't seem to rely on most new rides outside of a B&M or GCI these days being open on time and reliable to any degree once open.

Last edited by Invertalon,


Again, I’m ignorant and don’t have nearly the coaster knowledge that many of you have.

What are the chances that the modification will affect something else they didn’t even think of when they put the trains/ wheel assembly back together?

I hope my question makes sense.

Campfreak06, reborn

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