Extended Closure

Plague on Wheels:

T-Bone better have this thing fixed before the kids get out of school. If you guys see him, tell him to grab a wrench and help out. Those wheels don't put themselves on!

I know this is Al Gore's internet and all, but dude, you are weird.

They way they have barricades set up it is really hard to tell what the status of the other trains are but it appears there are at least some wheels back on all of the trains. They even have black tarps or fabric obscuring the wheel assemblies from every angle I was willing to try. From Valravn you could see folks working on Top Thrill but I’m not climbing or going on the stands to see what they are doing!

Tell them to remove the barricades and tarps. Don't they know we NEED to know what is going on. And have a RIGHT to know. LOL

Tell them to remove the barricades and tarps. Don't they know we NEED to know what is going on. And have a RIGHT to know. LOL

if only the gift shop sold Zamperla shirts lol

After another Fort Sandusky or 2 I’ll be jumping this fence and demanding to speak with the manager!



Yeah, taking Lagoon Maintenance Tony precisely at his public statement word is always a little shaky .....

To be fair, they were actually performing lagoon maintenance at the time. It's just that they were also doing something else in addition to lagoon maintenance.

Well, if he was a kid, someone might categorize that as a "white lie." I get it - he was protecting marketing and a premature reveal of a big announcement.... but....

More like a half truth. But he isn't held to a 10b-5 standard of truthfulness.

It was discussed here at length at the time. Park wanted to control the timing of its announcement. But construction needed to start before they wanted to announce.

Jeff's avatar

We live in a world where a sexually assaulting, veteran hating, fraudulent, libeling, wanna-be-dictator felon can have a legitimate shot at the presidency. Truth is relative.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


We live in a world where a sexually assaulting, veteran hating, fraudulent, libeling, wanna-be-dictator felon can have a legitimate shot at the presidency. Truth is relative.

We also live in a world where people actually believe all that is true.

Well after riding power tower the black train definitely has some wheel assemblies re-installed but it appears the blue train is still wheel less. Either way they have awnings set up and are actively working on the black and silver trains today.

Last edited by JUnderhill,

^^ TheLooseGoose — in my will I’m going to leave you all 164 of my scoring game points. You deserve it!

Campfreak06, reborn

djDaemon's avatar


We also live in a world where people actually believe all that is true.

Well, at absolute bare minimum ~83% of those things occurred in public and was recorded to video, so is pretty damn incontrovertible. And the other ~17% was sufficiently factually supported in a court of law, so...


TTD 120mph's avatar

And 2% is butterscotch ripple....

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

As interesting as the politics isn't, any update on Top Thrill today? Not sure if they would put a full set of wheels on one train and test it for a period of time or test multiple trains at the same time. And do you test longer than they did originally given from what we have heard, the issues developed over time (though not a huge amount of time given the time from media day to extended close).

heric's avatar

@Gobucks89 - I been following this account for the latest: https://x.com/TopThrillStatus

Black train was testing last night.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I recently started following that page. Looks like work has stopped today and the blue train is still without wheels. Could be a reason for it but it's hard to tell. I'm sure they're really trying to aim for it being open by Friday but I'm not confident there's enough time. There's soo many questions we don't know the answers to. Is 6-ish days really enough time to get the all clear? What, exactly, is the time frame for all the necessary testing and multiple inspections from Zamperla, Cedar Point and their 3rd party inspector?

I'm sure they're trying their damnedest to get it open asap but also without cutting corners. I have a feeling the park will make an announcement very soon about the ride's status, especially given that testing is going to be much more frequent from this point forward.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Screamscape is claiming the new testing doesn’t mean anything and they are testing for a future re design. Or something like that

Don’t shoot the messenger

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but coastermania and the entitled enthusiasts that come along with it are not as important to cedar point as the attendees think they are. Cedar Point is trying to re-open TT2 as soon as possible for all guests and coastermania is most likely nothing more than an afterthought…

TTD 120mph's avatar

It still being listed on the itinerary as a possibility indicates the park has some hope it'll be open by then. Not specifically FOR Coastermania and those entitled enthusiasts. But rather that it could be ready by then. Personally, I feel it could be another week or 2 before it opens. Tony seemed to indicate an update of some kind soon so we'll just have to wait and see what that entails. Perhaps once they get the blue train fully assembled, they'll release some kind of update about the next step of the testing process (like daytime testing or something) and a possible timeline for reopening. And maybe even a formal statement from the park that it wont be open for CM.

Who knows.......¯\_(ツ)_/¯

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I think we will hear something official from the park this week as well, even if it is a simple were still working on the issue etc... Over the course of the last few days I have run into quite a few people at the park that seem to think Coastermania is the top event and if TT2 isn't open by then CP will go bankrupt because of how important the attendees are to the bottom line. Just frustrated with folks like that and I ran into one such person last night just prior to my comment.

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