Extended Closure

djDaemon's avatar

Breakers availability seems on par with our experience dating back several years. We'd normally go the first week our kids are out of school, which is available as of today, but at this point rooms would be harder to come by the next week and thereafter, which is the case now.


New update posted… there’s no new update…

djDaemon's avatar

So the "continues to work on" update kind of lines up with my posterior-sourced theory that whatever fix(es) they attempted/tested last week did not produce a positive result, so it's back to the drawing board.


Was just coming to say the same thing dj. Will surely get accused of reading too much into press language. But the way it is worded imo lends credence to the whole “this isn’t the final fix they are running it with the new wheels to fabricate a final fix”

Apparently, ride Ops were told mid July and the guy from that other site was pretty darn confident with his wording. Since I want the ride to re-open sooner rather than later I have been clinging to anything I can find that supports that want. However, at this time the majority of everything is pointing towards another month or 2 before we can ride TT2 again. Oh well, since the weather tomorrow is not supposed to be supportive of exterior painting I will head to the park and demand some answers! Or, most likely just ride a few rides grab a drink or 2 and some food.

TT2 events have been removed from the Coastermania itinerary. (Also noted in the Coastermainia thread).

Last edited by Bozman,

^^ I know who you're talking about. What's weird is, his simp followers are like, "You were so right". Huh...the rumblings were that the ride might not open until late June/early July. But of course, since his views are down and are only up, when they pertain to Cedar Fair, he re-worded his weekly vids about TT2, to make it seem like he has "inside" sources. lol

Plague on Wheels's avatar

They need to consider forcefully restraining these Zamperla engineers to the trains with shackles, and setting the launch sequence to next Thursday. Sick the project manager on them to ensure they are working 24x7 until then. Give them a colostomy bag, and feeding tubes, blast heavy metal music to keep them awake. Cedar Fair invested millions in this mostly aluminum paper weight. They fix it by Thursday, or face the consequences of a launch without a redesign. No excuses ;)

Sit tight fellas ;)


I know I have said it before and I will say it again, TT2 being down is much more of a priority emergency for us here in the enthusiast community than it is in the real world that everyone else lives in.

I'm pretty confident it's a priority emergency for another group of people: CEDAR POINT and ZAMPERLA.

They dropped probably $20M-ish (my guess) on this new ride and they expect a strong ROI on it, preferably this season. If this thing sits like an enormous paperweight into July, I guarantee you they won't be taking this lightly.

This was a huge investment, with tons of press, and there is no way that revenue is not down without it being up and running -- if it being up and running didn't result in a significant increase in attendance, then why in the world would they have invested so much money into it?

Once again, yes. Cedar Point and Zamperla want the ride operating as it was intended to operate. However, the world will go on. Cedar Point will go on, Zamperla will go on. This is hardly a panic inducing situation like some think it is…

ROI is not defined by weeks or months and long term the ROI for TT2will most likely be just fine. I haven’t sold any units of Cedar Fair yet. Heck, they probably paid for the ride already with how many TT2 shirts and other items I see everyone wearing.

Stop being overly emotional about it and realize this type of things happens.

Last edited by JUnderhill,

^ and ^^

I’ve said some pretty crazy things in here over the years, but even I know that a $25 million coaster is not going to pay for itself in one year, much less a month of operating season. Even with merchandising.

Cedar Fair as a whole operated on a NET income of $125 million last year. Let’s say they do that again this year. You can’t tell me that 1/5 of the NET income is attributable to TT2.

Campfreak06, reborn

So then do not tell me they are going bankrupt because one ride is down and the world is ending…

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Zamperla needs to take its ‘L’ for making the trains out of aluminum. If Good ol’ fashioned steel (or super strong Iron) was chosen we’d all be riding right now, and Cedar Fair would be raking in thousands per day, and filling up Breakers so much that they allow tent camping along the beach.

Last edited by Plague on Wheels,

Sit tight fellas ;)

This was a worse investment than the original Top Thrill. At that time, at least intamin had experience with smaller versions of the ride first.

Since then intamin has built Red Force and successful swing launch/rapid switch coasters.

Cedar Fair cost cutting strikes again. If a company is going to spend as much money as they did on this rehab they should spend a little more and do it right with the right manufacturer


Once again, yes. Cedar Point and Zamperla want the ride operating as it was intended to operate. However, the world will go on. Cedar Point will go on, Zamperla will go on. This is hardly a panic inducing situation like some think it is…

ROI is not defined by weeks or months and long term the ROI for TT2will most likely be just fine. I haven’t sold any units of Cedar Fair yet. Heck, they probably paid for the ride already with how many TT2 shirts and other items I see everyone wearing.

Stop being overly emotional about it and realize this type of things happens.

I'm not aware of being "overly emotional" about anything affiliated with TT2....

But setting that aside, I'm simply commenting on the obvious: you build a ride to increase revenue, and, you typically expect that revenue to be realized in the first year of operation -- no, the entire ride is not paid for in a single year, but it has maximum impact in its initial year, and you tend to do new things every year precisely because the carrying power of a new attraction tends to decline over time.

I'm not saying this is an unmitigated disaster or running in flames down the causeway. But to pretend this isn't becoming a significant issue for CP is silly: the longer this stays down, the longer they lose revenue. You think if this is still closed through July 4th weekend top brass at CP will be just shrugging their shoulders and mildly stating, "ah, no biggie... one of our biggest investments is closed for a significant portion of its opening high-profile-press season, but we will make it up in later years....."?

Now, I will return to my apparent emotional breakdown over TT2's problems......

Maverick00's avatar

Not that it’s a given that Tony and team pay attention to people’s reactions over the wording of their statements regarding TT2, but I do find it interesting they double-downed on blaming Zamperla.

Overall, I just can’t imagine the frustration from the park’s management. To have all this (extremely positive) buzz surrounding the ride leading into the season disappear within the first week is quite gut wrenching.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

TTD 120mph's avatar

They're not blaming Zamperla. Enthusiasts are blaming Zamperla. The rides manufacturer is working on a modification to the trains......it's simply stating a fact. It's not like CP is saying "Just fyi, none of this is our fault!You should blame Zamperla!" Both the park and Zamperla have been unabashed about referring to the partnership. So why is it all of a sudden "taboo" for CP to use their name to state an obvious fact? Sure, the park is probably not happy with how the trains are performing this early into their debut. But it's not like it's the first time they've experienced problems with a prototype ride. And they certainly aren't calling out Zamperla for making an improperly engineered ride component.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I just hope whenever it reopens that it’s safe as possible. Really don’t want to see something terrible happen because someone is overworked or rushing. I’m not saying cedar point is that stupid. But hopefully patience will be a virtue when alls said and done.

Sorry for the coaster mania people.

djDaemon's avatar


Once again, yes. Cedar Point and Zamperla want the ride operating as it was intended to operate. However, the world will go on. Cedar Point will go on, Zamperla will go on.

I mean, sure, Cedar Point will be just fine, but there is no universe where a marquee attraction costing tens of millions of dollars being SBNO more than a month after opening day is anything but bad for Zamperla. Will they go out of business? No, but what does this do to their short- and long-term prospects of being awarded another large scale project? Hard to say, but I can't imagine the phones are ringing off the hook in Italy.

That said...

This was a worse investment than the original Top Thrill.

LOL, you cannot be serious.

TTD 120mph:
They're not blaming Zamperla.

No, but to be fair, they did blame Zamperla for CF's inability to foresee the need for lockers.



if it being up and running didn't result in a significant increase in attendance, then why in the world would they have invested so much money into it?

From information we know (Cedar Fair does not release attendance numbers by park), attendance has largely been flat for decades. Even with all of the investments over that time.

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