Extended Closure

Surely there's a better phrase to use other than "final solution."

Plague on Wheels's avatar

I don't think these guys need to be testing 7 nights a week. Nobody is on their deathbed here, we talkin' about an amusement park ride.

Last edited by Plague on Wheels,

Sit tight fellas ;)

TTD 120mph's avatar

Yea, an amusement park ride they've spent millions and millions of dollars on to build and promote. No big deal.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

djDaemon's avatar

Exactly! It's obviously not life and death, but if I'm running Zamperla, and sending, at a nontrivial cost to the company, engineers and/or technicians across the western hemisphere to fix an extremely high profile attraction that was supposed to open a month ago, work would not stop until a solution has been found and implemented. They can have their Saturday nights back in a few weeks.

That's what I was getting at with noting the lack of work overnight the last couple of nights. To me, it indicates things are not going as planned. Again, I hope to be wrong.


Plague on Wheels's avatar

It'll be fixed, don't worry. Like I've said all along, sit tight. ;)

Last edited by Plague on Wheels,

Sit tight fellas ;)

djDaemon's avatar

Oh, thank goodness. I was worried they were going to give up and dismantle it for scrap.


Plague on Wheels's avatar

You worry too much ;)

Sit tight fellas ;)

Anyone have a ballpark range of how many cycles they tested the ride before the season?

Or a ballpark range of how much testing they might need to do before reopening the ride?

Campfreak06, reborn

Really cannot use the length of the initial ride testing to determine the length of what will be required to re-open the ride. The initial testing involved every aspect of the ride, launch system, vehicles, programming, sensors etc... The testing required now should mostly be to make sure the issue has been appropriately addressed. If one chooses to believe the online and / or in-park "experts" I have been told everything from a day or 2 through a few months so yeah. Pretty sure all the options are covered there!

Someone’s about to pull up the webcam and keep a tally.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Or a ballpark range of how much testing they might need to do before reopening the ride?

I would have to guess a tablespoon of salt worth of testing.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

99er's avatar


but if I'm running Zamperla, and sending, at a nontrivial cost to the company, engineers and/or technicians across the western hemisphere to fix an extremely high profile attraction that was supposed to open a month ago, work would not stop until a solution has been found and implemented. They can have their Saturday nights back in a few weeks.

Glad you aren't my Project Manager! :) While working around the clock seems like the best idea, it most of the time does not get you very far when you can't think straight from the lack of sleep. Most clients understand this, and some will not even allow a schedule like that when the team with the solutions is a small one (which this one likely is). If I am the client, I don't want someone who is sleep deprived working on my roller coaster. With that said, Zamperla likely had a hyper care team already on site for a month or so in case problems came up. This would have been factored into the budget already.

Any lack of progress in the past couple of days could be due to the on-site team waiting to hear back from the team at Zamperla.

Lets be realistic here, Cedar Point has been just fine for the past few years with Dragster shut down and prior to that they were just fine with Dragster down more often than not. Of course both Cedar Point and Zamperla want the ride ope and operating. That being said the park seems to be just as busy this season without TT2 running as it has been in years past. People are still staying at Breakers, buying food, buying drinks, buying souveniers and otherwise having a good time.

Thankfully, and to the chagrin of some here. Cedar Point is not shutting down everything else and pulling everyone to fix TT2. I know I have said it before and I will say it again, TT2 being down is much more of a priority emergency for us here in the enthusiast community than it is in the real world that everyone else lives in.

djDaemon's avatar

In rereading my comment, I can see that it seemed I was implying literal round-the-clock work. I'm not suggesting that. Just an absence of days off, or at least consecutive days off. It's obviously not a healthy long-term schedule. But in this relatively extreme scenario, warranted, I think.



That being said the park seems to be just as busy this season without TT2 running as it has been in years past.

Is it? Or does it just seem that way because operations are subpar? Honestly, I didn't think there were that many people in the park over Memorial Day weekend judging by the ability to walk free and easy without running into people and the plentiful parking available, but the lines sure were long.


I usually go by parking lot and food lines. I’m sure you can pick any day and say last year on the 17th of May at 2 pm there were more people at the park than there were this year. I’d also be willing to bet some have webcam images to back it up.

My opinion, with whatever number of visits I am at greater than 10 this year. Is that the crowds seem normal.

And yes, operational efficiency is flat out awful so far this year although there has been a very positive uptick in the past week so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Jeff's avatar


Surely there's a better phrase to use other than "final solution."

Agreed, but to be fair, American history education isn't the most robust thing.

Plague on Wheels:
You worry too much ;)

And you try too hard to be the life of the party. (winky or whatever) Probably should take your own advice.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Plague on Wheels's avatar


Sit tight fellas ;)

XS NightClub's avatar


That being said the park seems to be just as busy this season without TT2 running as it has been in years past. People are still staying at Breakers, buying food, buying drinks, buying souveniers and otherwise having a good time.

Breakers room rates are down from the rates posted at the beginning of the season, and this is prime time for the hotel on site.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

We’re still in the first week of June so that shouldn’t be too out of the ordinary is it? I know there is availability during the week but last weekend I couldn’t get a room. Granted, that was last minute but I think based on that either Friday or Saturday were sold out. Possibly both.

Last edited by JUnderhill,

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