Extended Closure

Sollybeast's avatar

Plague on Wheels:

Ironic that the ride directly underneath Top Aluminum 2 is made of Iron, and it’s cycling today without issue. Just something to think about….

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

GL2CP's avatar

But this ride can’t cycle!
“She’s made of Iron sir, I assure you she can”

First ride; Magnum 1994

...and she will. Its a mathematical certainty.

Well one train was being worked on today, they had some sort of tarp or fabric covering certain sections of the train. I only saw this while riding Rougarou so there wasn't much time to spy on them.


Well, I sure hope so! As you well know, CF went with Intamin in large part because of Kinzel, who prioritized cheap rides over reliable ones.

Kinzel did seem to go hot and heavy with Intamin for a while. I'm not so sure it was because they were cheap, but they were definitely cheaper than B&M for the size rides CP was looking for. Arrow and Morgan didn't really seem to have the technology to do what the parks wanted anymore and were sort of past their prime.

When I think cheap ride, I think of the crap the Paramount parks were installing in the late 90's and early 2000s. Itialian Job/Backlot Stunt Coaster, FaceOff/Invertigo, Son of Beast with its substandard wood, Hypersonic XLC, etc. Ironically, some of the top decision makers at Cedar Fair at this moment might have been making the decisions back then for Paramount.


TTD 120mph's avatar

It appears silver train is getting some extensive work done on the back cars. Seats are removed and there appears to be electrical work going on regarding them. I recall Silver having a problem with one of those back rows right before the ride shut down. Interesting that they have to take both seats off for whatever they're doing. Lends me to think the issue is more to do with the chassis in that specific spot than the seats themselves. Hopefully nothing too serious though.

I'm curious if this, specifically, is why we didn't see much work or testing going on. Perhaps they were waiting for something to show up to start this specific work or were waiting on American Testing to show up and analyze that part of the train to troubleshoot the problem.

Hopefully continuous testing starts once this fix is finished and hopefully there's no other rows showing similar issues.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Going way back in this thread, I don't see the park's statement as blaming Zamperla so much as indicating that Zamperla is taking the lead on fixing the problem.. That is, they aren't washing their hands of it and handing it off to somebody else or claming it's the park's problem now.

Maybe it just looks that way to me because I remember the sign that Dollywood put in the park explaining the situation with their Topple Tower including language openly talking about the legal action they were taking against 'Huss, the ride's manufacturer." That's language that blames the manufacturer. Cedar Point isn't using that kind of language, not yet, anyway. They're still implying confidence in Zamperla's ability to get Top Thrill functioning properly again.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

Cedar Fair management made the decision to choose an unproven manufacturer for this type of ride, and use an absolutely unproven train. Most likely to pinch pennies. Its their fault as well as Zamperla They should know better

The bright side if this fails is maybe Cedar Fair will quit lottery parks with Zapmerla junk.

Last edited by blauer,
Jeff's avatar

Junk? How do you even arrive at that conclusion? Also, have you seen the invoices for the trains?

The trains are fairly innovative, relative to everything else made to date. Watch the video. There's a lot of good ideas there.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

The trains are fairly innovative, relative to everything else made to date. Watch the video. There's a lot of good ideas there.

I know you aren’t responding to me but what video? Sorry that went over my head

Cedar Pointer's avatar


The trains are fairly innovative,

They are so innovative they don't currently work. Wow what a feature!

The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!

Well, the old trains don’t work either. Also, TT2 is a much better ride than the old version. This temporary closure is just that, temporary. TT2 will be back up and running then you will need to find something else to hate on.


What is everyone angry about here?

Plague on Wheels's avatar

I heard it was a design issue. One of the measurements/components of the train doesn’t have enough clearance with the track. They’re currently redesigning it to meet the specs. Somebody F’d up is the short story. It’s not a fault with the materials or design in general.

Sit tight fellas ;)

CoasterLine's avatar

^^ Not entirely sure, but I generally ignore people who can't use correct punctuation, capitalization, spelling or grammar.

I wish there was an easy regular expression that could automatically filter it out so I don't have to waste my time reading it across the web.

I thought the anger was due to Windseeker being shut down during Coastermania.

^^ To me that would be much more concerning than a part wearing out faster than normal, how could something like that get past so many levels of QC and inspection?

All I know is (in no specific order):

1) I feel bad for Zamperla

2) I feel bad for Cedar Point

3) I feel bad for the people who go to the park and want to ride it, but can’t

I was fortunate and got to ride it 3x at the charity preview event. It’s a terrific ride and I hope they can get it running again sooner, rather than later, for everyone’s sake!

Jeff's avatar

To address something else, I'd like to point out that the people doing the work in the new roller coaster division of Zamperla are not likely the same people designing the Crazy Bus. My understanding is that some of those engineers have actually worked previously for other companies. It's kind of naive to believe that a company enters a new market segment just winging it and not staffing it with qualified people. If you're opening a bank, you don't hire software engineers from Facebook, you know?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Just curious. Did anyone go to the Q and A for coastermania?

Were TT2 questions off limits?

Campfreak06, reborn

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