Extended Closure

TTD 120mph's avatar

It would make sense considering they altered a part that wasn't originally designed with that particular thing in mind. If that's indeed what they did.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Quiet on this thread for a day and a half. I take it everyone is speculated out.

Campfreak06, reborn

Not much else to talk about. Ride opens to public. Ride closes due to issue. Ride eventually re-opens (or not). Repeat cycle (or not).

Last edited by SRE123,
TTD 120mph's avatar

At this point, we'll only know if they're testing or working on the trains if there are reports from people staying on site and they post it to Twitter or Reddit. We're pretty much in the dark from here on.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Plague on Wheels's avatar

I guess nobody on this forum has insider information, or is willing to share it here ;)

I heard it was a design, clearance/spacing issue. Somebody made a mistake when bringing everything together. They have to redesign to ensure proper clearance between the train and the track. Not sure how this was missed, and actually ran for a few weeks as well! But somebody messed up.

Sit tight fellas ;)


Not much else to talk about. Ride opens to public. Ride closes due to issue. Ride eventually re-opens (or not). Repeat cycle (or not).

That was true 23 pages ago too.

GL2CP's avatar

“I know what’s right but I’m not gonna say because you’re all jerks who didn’t come see my band last night”

First ride; Magnum 1994

Plague on Wheels:

I guess nobody on this forum has insider information, or is willing to share it here ;)

I heard it was a design, clearance/spacing issue. Somebody made a mistake when bringing everything together. They have to redesign to ensure proper clearance between the train and the track. Not sure how this was missed, and actually ran for a few weeks as well! But somebody messed up.

I can never tell if you're being serious or ****posting. You've got my brain in a spincycle.

XS NightClub's avatar

There's people on here that know, but out of respect for peoples jobs don't share.

Thats kind of why the conjecture on here is so interesting.... sometimes.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Super serial this time. But the source is a guy who knows a guy who worked on the project. But, I do trust guy #1, and he has no interest in amusement parks/roller coasters at all, just a guy with lots of life connections. He would hardly know Cedar point even has a new roller coaster this year. So, for him to even have this knowledge of it means something to me. Take that in consideration in your calculations, i guess we'll all find out eventually.

Sit tight fellas ;)

Kevinj's avatar

We've been here for two days and there is nothing to write about.

Which I just wrote about.

We honestly haven't been paying it much attention, but whenever we have walked past there was nary a soul in sight. Unless mayflies have souls.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

jimmyburke's avatar

Kevinj, I've been there the last two days as well. Did you see that line for 10:00 opening of Maverick? We skipped that and were first ride on Magnum xl2000.

DRE420's avatar

Plague on Wheels:

i guess we'll all find out eventually.

No, we won't. They'll just announce a reopening date and that's it. They won't get into the specifics of what malfunctioned, nor will it even be mentioned.

Everything that has happened thus far has lined up near perfectly with the set of information that points to a mid July or thereabouts opening. I was hoping the earlier opening information was correct but sadly that is not the case. TT2 is an incredible ride and my daughter and I are very much looking forward to riding it again!

I’m not so sure it won’t be mentioned. These things must be done carefully but the best way is to somehow assure your audience that alterations had to be made and it was all for the better. Like “after examining the train (or track or wheels or launch…) adjustments were made to assure a comfortable and safe experience for our thrill-seeking guests.” I’d think that would do it.

Whatever it is, it’s gotta be major and most likely a safety issue.

Wicked Twister used to have to be welded back together every night, yet they didn’t shut that down long term.

Campfreak06, reborn

Kevinj's avatar


Did you see that line for 10:00 opening of Maverick? We skipped that and were first ride on Magnum xl2000.

We did. We hit up Millennium which was thankfully open and ready for early entry and then went straight to Steel Vengeance, eventually getting on the second train of the day. When we saw the line for Maverick it was threaded through the old Frontier Town Cars tunnel headed into the Farmhouse.

Maverick, as usual, was a headache all day and we never made it on.

Maybe tomorrow.

Promoter of fog.

There’s people at TT2 this morning wandering around the trains with clipboards. They are way too clean to be any type of maintenance worker so they’ve got to be supervision or engineers!

Are they debating the pros/cons of aluminum amongst themselves?

lol, Yes they are and the discussion turned very heated. Especially when the aluminum guy got all bent out of shape when the steel guy hit him

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