Extended Closure

DRE420's avatar


There’s people at TT2 this morning wandering around the trains with clipboards. They are way too clean to be any type of maintenance worker so they’ve got to be supervision or engineers!

What color shirts are they wearing tho? 🤣

Black polo shirts and I couldn’t tell if there was a logo or not. Sorry lol

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Wait until the Iron guy enters the fray.

Sit tight fellas ;)

He was incapacitated when the electro-magnets were energized. The aluminum guy then won the battle.

I’m not concerned that important people are wandering around the trains. I’m concerned that they’re carrying clipboards. 😜

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Wood Man just entered the conversation!

Sit tight fellas ;)

e x i t english's avatar

Nothing is a match for…

Chicken Tender Man!

Those look hand breaded. YUMMY!

jimmyburke's avatar

So, I just got home from CP, as I walked past TTD2 I did indeed notice some activity around the trains. It seems as though they were removing a certain part from the wheel assembly. I describe it as about 1 to 2 inches long with beedy eyeball-like protrusions on the front, long thin tentacles off the back, sticky feet to allow it to adhere. I was able to actually snap a picture and will post it here, as many on this site are indeed self-described experts in mechanical functions related to rolly-coasters. Can it be that the removal of this is the remedy thrill seekers have been wishing for?

Sollybeast's avatar

You heard it here first- TT2's inaugural year thus far has been... buggy.

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Plague on Wheels:

Wood Man just entered the conversation!

I’m not really into gaming, so I’m not sure if this relates to my post or not.

The park can’t keep camels in their pen. How do they possibly think they can get TT2 up and running?

Last edited by Shades,
TTD 120mph's avatar

To be fair, isn't the Petting Zoo run by an outside group?

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

^ I believe the animals do belong to an outside group. But it is staffed by Cedar Point employees. My roommate’s girlfriend worked Pet Check/ Petting Zoo in 2002. Also, when I worked in Challenge Park, one of my coworkers split his time between the tracks and the petting zoo.

Campfreak06, reborn

DRE420's avatar

The animals belong to Honey Hill Farms, and it sounds like someone let them out, they didn't just escape.

Dvo's avatar

A saboteur! Who is behind this Camelgate? An Intamin activist? PETA? Sea World Parks (see, it's not just us!)? We need to get to the bottom of this.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

djDaemon's avatar

Well, Kevin has been there this week...


Kevinj's avatar

You can check the tapes. At our around the time of the "escape", my wife and I were in Hugo's grabbing some pizza for the hotel room.

Then again, while we were doing that our girls claimed they were off to get one last ride on Raptor before we left the park. They emerged from the exit suspiciously later than anticipated, concocting some kind of story about a "delay in operations" while they were in the station. These two also made some bold ideas at younger ages about wanting to free the animals.

Time to start asking questions.

Promoter of fog.

I had left long before the camel escape I swear!

XS NightClub's avatar

Camel to the other camel- "Baby, I'm ready to go?"

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

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