Extended Closure

Blue was their primary test vehicle. Probably the worst condition and why it sits without bogies. They may be waiting on a redesign approval to remanufacture the wheel bogies for blue. Silver is the obvious test vehicle choice for mods as it is the "youngest" and saw the least wear and tear up to this point. Just wanted to throw that opinion out there. Also very possible they're implementing a fix on Silver and Black to get to the end of the season while they take one train down at a time to install new wheel carriers as they are manufactured.

I also think it's still very possible that this isn't just a one or the other situation in terms of there being an issue with just the wheel bogies (which we've seen visual modifications to already) or just the wheels themselves.

Manufacturing the wheel bogey modifications and getting them in action is the quicker of the two modifications and it's reasonable to assume that those changes were completed rather quickly. It's very likely that all interested parties wanted to use the available time to perform initial testing on the bogey updates upon receiving the shipment and tossing on some spare V1 wheels that they know would be fine to run limited test laps on while they continue to wait on the new wheel compound to cure would be a solid intermittent step. This would allow for breathing room for staying on schedule to be ready to open ASAP when the new wheels are ready should they have to make additional changes to V2 of the bogies.

Given that it's primarily been sitting idle after those few days of testing the past few weeks and the new wheel bogies remain on the trains, I think it's reasonable to assume that step 1 of the changes is in an acceptable spot for the time being, and now it's a waiting game for the curing process to implement step 2.

I think this is another informative video on the Zamperla TT2 wheel assemblies and some reasoned speculation on what might be going on with them on TT2:

Last edited by veritas55,
TTD 120mph's avatar

I'm genuinely curious how long it takes to create a single wheel bogie.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Kevinj's avatar

Promoter of fog.

Rumors started popping up over the weekend of Cedar Point voiding their contract with Zamperla and moving on with another manufacturer.

While these rumors are unfounded, what is everyone’s thoughts on how much longer Cedar Point will put up with the delay before they seek some sort of relief?

Campfreak06, reborn

TTD 120mph's avatar

I'm sure Zamperla engineers/reps had plenty of discussion with the park about their plan of action and a possible time table. Unless they are completely screwing things up and not delivering on any kind of "promise" on their end, I highly doubt the park would do such a thing. Especially when doing said thing means that a completely new party would need to do their own evaluation and design work before manufacturing anything. Something like that would definitely postpone things even more further than what they are dealing with now.

It definitely seems plausible that the initial tests we saw with the modified wheel carriers was to see how it performed. So it's plausible that they got some positive results, including a review from American Testing (the NDT people) and could now be in the process of making completely new sets of wheel bogies with that modification actually built into the design instead of it being something that was welded on. That scenario could definitely explain a few things. Like, that there's been no testing since June 8th, the NDT people showing up, blue train remaining on the track but without modified wheel bogies and them shifting focus to fixing whatever is wrong with silver train.

That's all just speculation of course. Any new development could throw that whole possibility into the trash. But if they're able to pump out new and approved wheel bogie designs in a relatively short time frame, then I can totally believe the initial mid to late July timeframe rumors.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut


Rumors started popping up over the weekend of Cedar Point voiding their contract with Zamperla and moving on with another manufacturer.

If you are talking about this tweet it is satire. But that didn't stop a popular clickbait site from picking it up as real.

TTD 120mph:

Especially when doing said thing means that a completely new party would need to do their own evaluation and design work before manufacturing anything. Something like that would definitely postpone things even more further than what they are dealing with now.

Before saying this, this is not a "Cedar Point should have gone with Intamin" post...

I do not think that there is any truth to the rumor that they voided their contract with Zamperla, but to the point above, Intamin already has a variety of solutions for trains for this ride. It's their track design and they have more rides than any other manufacturer that utilize this propulsion and braking system.

Regardless, I feel confident Zamperla's trains will be fixed and be on there for good.

Last edited by Speed104,

So far everything that has actually happened lines up darn near perfectly with one set of the initial rumors from folks with alleged insider ties. Also, when ride crews were originally re-assigned a few were told that they were hoping to have them back at TT2 in mid July. So far nothing that we can actually see happening supports any doom and gloom scenario that some are spreading online. The next milestone is coming soon, hopefully we will hear something official soon as well.

“Cedar Point have announced… “ should been the clue there.

Jeff's avatar

It takes an extraordinary lack of critical thinking to suggest that you can just "void" a contract. That's not really a thing.

While I couldn't possibly know if this is the case, some types of contracts may have performance bonds or insurance to cover unexpected things or failures by either party. I don't imagine that there are any severe penalties because it wouldn't make sense for the manufacturer to agree to them. The cost of materials and labor is real, and if they had to return anything, it would be the end of the company. Not only that, but I think you'd have a real hard time proving any material loss on the park's part, when a rainy day has far more influence on attendance than any ride availability.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

To me, the funniest part of all this is how many people online picked it up and ran with it. The saddest part is how many believed it…

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Lots of aspiring metallurgists, lawyers, and mechanics in this thread ;)

Sit tight fellas ;)

e x i t english's avatar


It takes an extraordinary lack of critical thinking to suggest that you can just "void" a contract. That's not really a thing.

Surely, they can just write a letter that says they were under the age of 18 and cannot be legally bound by the contract to purchase 4 full priced coasters after getting the first 12 for a penny.

Jeff's avatar

The regret about that Poison CD, er, coaster, is real!

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


If you are talking about this tweet it is satire. But that didn't stop a popular clickbait site from picking it up as real.

Surely the person who made that article knew it was fake but wanted clicks. I hope lol

jimmyburke's avatar

How can I void that too good to be true contract with Scandanavian Health Spa or Planet Fitness?

Dvo's avatar

Yeah if CP can exit that contract that easily, I may need to talk to them about my time shares. /joke

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

One party breaching a contract may give the other party the right to terminate it. Would make (at least potentially) the Top Thrill situation different than the time share or spa/fitness membership.

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