Extended Closure

TTD 120mph's avatar

Fishels :
You must have some different expectations or more opportunities to come back because man that is brutal! Totally would have ruined the trip for me. I’m sorry to hear that.

I consider myself a realist when it comes to these matters. It could also be because I'm slowly getting more pessimistic with age and try to not set myself up for too much disappointment. Alas, that's a discussion more suited for a therapist....not a coaster forum.

Also, I can assure you I don't get that many opportunities and earn just enough to get by in life. My Cali trip was in 2013 and all my park trips since then have stayed within driving distance or have been a cheap flight away. I've also put myself in quite a few financial pickles doing said trips (including a recent Florida trip on Frontier airlines and a visit to Great Adventure that I want deleted from my memory). To put the 2013 Cali trip in perspective, I went to multiple parks/haunt events and X2 was the biggest let down. Other than that, it was a blast. I haven't been to California since but do hope to visit again in the near future.

To bring it back to TT2, I'll reiterate that I'm completely sympathetic to long distance travelers being mad or upset about TT2. I'm very privileged to live soo close to CP and that privilege isn't lost on me. I want more people to experience the ride but I also want this to live up to the promise of being a much more reliable ride. Zamperla and the park are making sure that the issue is being resolved in as little time as possible while keeping safety at the forefront. We can be angry for a brief moment but my wish is that everyone takes a deep breath and looks at the bigger picture.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

You’re not wrong man. It definitely is what it is and nothing can change that now. Safety first. But still for me personally I would absolutely prefer to wait until it’s open because I can wait. If I had been there the day of its closing I’m sure I would have had a grand time with the whole park as I don’t mean to diminish the incredible lineup your home park has.

Hope you get to ride X2 someday. Hopefully karma will reward you!

djDaemon's avatar

Fishels :

It’s not a minor inconvenience for the many coming across the country and the world who already have trips booked.

Not to diminish your disappointment, but I think you may be overestimating the number of people in this group. The type of person who would travel a long distance primarily for a single new ride would also tend to be an enthusiast. And an enthusiast would, or should, expect the potential for downtime in the very early stages of a new ride's life.


Marcus B:

They're still advertising the ride and season passes. "Ride all summer long" I believe the YouTube ad said. That's kind of a big deal if they have any reason to suspect it won't be up all summer. Technically they have some weeks to make that line true and I hope they aren't misleading people.

This is interesting as I heard a radio ad a few days ago as well. I wonder how long it takes to change the content of ads that have already been bought. Cedar Point removed TT2 from the Fast Lane pages on the website very quickly yet they left all of the other TT2 pages intact. Not sure what the difference would be unless they had a lot of folks who recently purchased the all season fast lane asking for refunds.

Since there isn't much else to speculate upon at this time I'll take this as proof.

Last edited by JUnderhill,
Scott Cameron's avatar

^Adam we must've went to the SFMM around the same time in 2013. I wanted to ride that ride for over a decade, finally made it in 2013, and it was down for the chain. And you're, didn't let it ruin my trip at all. Disappointing, sure. But to let it ruin a trip is just nuts. I was in LA for a week and had a blast!

Jeff's avatar

Fishels :

...there’s still the possibility for TT2 to do that too lol.

I don't think that there's anything particularly "lol" about someone sustaining a permanent, life changing injury.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


I wonder how long it takes to change the content of ads that have already been bought.

I thought about this too. When they announced the closure, I heard an ad a couple days later and figured they just couldn't get it pulled in time, or they were super hopeful it would be up soon. Either way, I didn't think much of it.

But with the change to fast lane plus and coastermania, it definitely feels like they're gearing up for the possibility of a longer closure but not wanting to outright say it. I hope that's not the case, though.

Regardless, I think they should pull ads that directly advertise the ride. I've been told there are several other coasters in the park to ride all summer. They should be able to put those in ads.

Come ride Gemini, the worlds tallest and fastest coaster!

With the high speed announcer voice then saying "in 1978"

True Jeff. My sense of humor is a little dark. But I was mostly talking about the possibility for tons of other maintenance issues.

Gemini may have been open less this year than TT2. Not so sure if that's true but I bet it's close. And if you count preview events, I'm sure TT2 has been open more.

So get ready for an adventure on Cedar Creek Mine Ride... And wait til you see what's in the shed (Nothing. Absolutely nothing.).

Last edited by Marcus B,
djDaemon's avatar


Not sure what the difference would be unless they had a lot of folks who recently purchased the all season fast lane asking for refunds.

FLP adds 5 rides compared to FL. And if they know 20% of those rides won't be available, they'll avoid a lot of Guest Services headaches by removing it from the list. On the Coastermania page, they list it as possibly not being open for the event, in which case a substitute will be available, so they're covered there.

I think the only scenario in which the park would pull TT2-specific ads would be if they know it won't be available for the rest/bulk of the season.


Now they can work on adding the lockers to the queue (with another worker team of course)

MF as a human eager to talk about my home park!

Coming in 2025, TT3.

number of times to Cedar Point:50s/60s/70s/80s-3,1995-1,1996-27,1997-18,1998-13,1999-20,2000-16,2001-8,2002-7,2003-18,2004-14,2005-18,2006-28,2007-16,2008-17,2009-28,2010-26,2011-27,2012-21,2013-18,2014-24,2015-29,2016-46,2017-13,2018-14,2019-10,2020-0,2021-3 Running Total-483 72,000 miles traveled for the point.

99er's avatar

Marcus B:

They were specifically advertising TT2.

Let me rephrase then...

"Considering the amount of time left in the season to ride TT2, I don't think they are misleading people.".

Fishels :

True Jeff. My sense of humor is a little dark. But I was mostly talking about the possibility for tons of other maintenance issues.

It was funny. People need to lighten the heck up and not be so friggin' literal.

Anyone with a modicum of non-literal observational skills (and even a small dose of humor) could tell you obviously weren't intending to make fun of a horrific injury -- you were taking digs at TTD2's "chance" to be a nightmare maintenance ride too....


Last edited by veritas55,
Jeff's avatar

You don't need to be like that just because others don't share your sense of humor. You could just move on.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

my humor is like the void. dark and empty. like a day without magnum


You don't need to be like that just because others don't share your sense of humor. You could just move on.

I guess you don't appreciate the irony in that comment, given that you didn't just "move on" from your non-shared sense of humor regarding JUnderhill's joke, but rather implied he was an insensitive dolt chuckling at someone's serious head injury....

Jeff's avatar

I found it insensitive, I didn't like it, and I spoke up. I write the checks, so I'm certain that's within my prerogative.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


I guess you don't appreciate the irony in that comment, given that you didn't just "move on" from your non-shared sense of humor regarding JUnderhill's joke, but rather implied he was an insensitive dolt chuckling at someone's serious head injury....

I was not the one that said that, I take that incident very seriously. This was a lady simply waiting in line enjoying a day at the park. She did not break any rules and was not in a restricted area. Just waiting in line for a ride with her family when, through no fault of her own she sustained a life changing injury for herself and her family. It could have been any of us.

I can have a dark sense of humor myself from time to time but there is nothing to joke about when it comes to the injury she sustained.

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