Extended Closure

Can’t tell forsure but it looks like it.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Well they better put them back on! Some enthusiast told me that it could open yesterday.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Jeff's avatar

It looks like the guide wheels have a spring closer to the hinge, and something else toward the outside. Not sure what I'm looking at.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

CoasterLine's avatar

From the looks of it there are compression springs in the center with the outside being some sort of absorber or dampener to cushion and block outward exertion. The black absorber is what I noticed on some of the videos post-media day that were red (which could mean absolutely nothing but aesthetics).

I would love to know more of the intricacies of their new design as there is only so much that you can discern from the photos from a distance.

Someone posted these on FB to a Cedar Point group. Definitely lends credence to issues with the guide wheels and the trains hunting enough to make contact with the LSMs. Not great.

Last edited by CoasterLine,


It looks like the guide wheels have a spring closer to the hinge, and something else toward the outside. Not sure what I'm looking at.

I'm not sure either, but I think those units with what look like springs do the pushing, while the larger, outer cylinder is more of a bumper to limit the return travel. I thought that was the spring (i.e. on the Intamin assembly) but that was before I saw the springy looking thing inboard of it.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

The tape on the plates have dates written on them going back to early March, 3-7 is the earliest I saw. Whatever the issue the clearance problem has been known for a while now. It’s also worse closer to the transfer track. I didn’t see anything from the start of the stands towards the top hat. They do have a large section barricaded so it is hard to tell for sure.

GL2CP's avatar

If they have known since March the issue, maybe they knew they could wait for media and preview events all the while coming up with a solution in the background. Then close it down while the park is slower. Still a bad look to close the ride but at least they have shown what it can do. Hoping the modifications are already ready to be made.

First ride; Magnum 1994

I personally really dig this extended closure. It makes me feel like it's 2003 again and Top Thrill Dragster is alive and (un)well!

I've avoided posting about Top Thrill 2 since it was announced in an effort to keep an open mind. I was fortunate enough to ride it during the Prayers for Maria charity event, and while I was hoping to ride it again on a subsequent visit before posting my "review", this seems like a good time to share at least one of my takeaways:

I found the train shake/rattle to be very noticeable and, at a minimum, distracting. I don't know what the current issue is, but it seems logical to me that the train movement has led to a mechanical issue of some sort.

I'm hopeful that this mechanical modification addresses both the mechanical issue and ride experience at the same time. CP's TT2 statement does potentially suggest that the two are connected: "We will... reopen Top Thrill 2 as soon as we are confident we can deliver the ride experience that our guests deserve". Of course, maybe that's just a nice way of saying they'll reopen the ride when they're confident it won't fall apart.

Regardless, if TT2 does remain closed for an extended period of time, count me in the group who thinks that's a bad look for a project predicated on increased reliability...

Last edited by Top Thrill 182,

Thrills Around the Corner!

Reliability is a long term metric and is counted over seasons as opposed to a few days. Dragster was a bad look, letting TT2 operate till something fails is a bad look. What they are doing now is exactly what they should be doing and is nothing more than a minor inconvenience for enthusiasts to complain about on online message boards.


What they are doing now is exactly what they should be doing and is nothing more than a minor inconvenience for enthusiasts to complain about on online message boards.

It’s not a minor inconvenience for the many coming across the country and the world who already have trips booked. TT2 being closed two days into general public operation is embarrassing for the park after the problems the original had. There’s simply no way around that.

The marketing for this ride was pretty heavy. And heck who knows how long it’s gonna be closed for.

Last edited by Fishels ,

They're still advertising the ride and season passes. "Ride all summer long" I believe the YouTube ad said. That's kind of a big deal if they have any reason to suspect it won't be up all summer. Technically they have some weeks to make that line true and I hope they aren't misleading people.

Last edited by Marcus B,
99er's avatar

Considering the amount of rides that you can ride all summer long, I don't think they are misleading people.

Jeff's avatar

I remember when there were eight roller coasters at Cedar Point. And people were wondering what they would do, since they ran out of room.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


Considering the amount of rides that you can ride all summer long, I don't think they are misleading people.

They were specifically advertising TT2.

Fishels :

t’s not a minor inconvenience for the many coming across the country and the world who already have trips booked. TT2 being closed two days into general public operation is embarrassing for the park after the problems the original had. There’s simply no way around that.

Booking a cross country trip for the sole purpose of one ride is a problem in itself. Obviously it’s not ideal that TT2 is down and of course no one wanted this. That being said I have been to Cedar Point 7 times so far this season, 5 post TT2 closure and I can tell you it is not as big of a deal for the folks in the park as the online community would make you believe.

Dragster was the embarrassment that nearly killed someone on top the dozens of other issues and horrible reliability. There’s simply no way around that…

TTD 120mph's avatar

I completely get how terrible it may feel to those who've traveled from afar to ride it only to find it down for an extended period. I've been there and it definitely sucks. I spent a crap ton of money to go to Cali a few years ago and X2, one of my bucket list coasters, went down to have its chain replaced.....2 days before I was suppose to leave. Did it suck? Absolutely. Did it ruin the trip? Absolutely not.

These things happen and they're out of our control. I've learned to be prepared for the worst but hope for the best when planning for trips. It especially sucks if there's nothing wrong with the ride but the weather doesn't work out in your favor. The hard truth is that this is just something people have to learn to exercise some patience with. Like JUnderhill said, nobody wanted this to happen. So give them the time they need to make this right. If this is the longest period of time it goes down the whole season, then that will honestly be fantastic and a FAR cry from what TTD experienced in 2003.

I look forward to a smoother ride, if that's what comes out of this.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut


Dragster was the embarrassment that nearly killed someone on top the dozens of other issues and horrible reliability.

Wait just a darn minute, there’s still the possibility for TT2 to do that too lol.

Hey man sure it’s not ideal to travel for one coaster but I can’t afford to just come back next year. A CP trip is probably going to be an every 10 years for me. Sure any ride could be down when I come but I consider that to be regular downtime or maintenance. This is seemingly a much bigger deal. Hopefully I’m proven wrong about that.

I would have liked to be a fly on a wall when whoever runs Cedar Fair found this out 2 days in.

TTD 120mph:

spent a crap ton of money to go to Cali a few years ago and X2, one of my bucket list coasters, went down to have its chain replaced.....2 days before I was suppose to leave. Did it suck? Absolutely. Did it ruin the trip? Absolutely not.

You must have some different expectations or more opportunities to come back because man that is brutal! Totally would have ruined the trip for me. I’m sorry to hear that.

I think I’m going to try and put my June trip to August in about a week to a week in a half if we haven’t heard anything at all. Also this isn’t to bash CP, but even if I had the money to come every year I’d still be doing this. I actually waited until the reimagining to come. And if not then I’ll see about getting the passes rolled over to 2025

I’m sure Cedar Point is amazing but I’d rather spend that next chunk of change on Kings Island or somewhere different. Bucket lists and all :)

Last edited by Fishels ,
Kevinj's avatar

Letting an event that is out of your control ruin a vacation is a personal choice.

With regards to Adam (TTD 120)...

Promoter of fog.

^Meh. I’d rather come when it’s open because I can change that. Changing the date is in my control. But I understand your perspective.

I will say something good about the situation. It makes me feel very good that this issue was caught so quickly. Big props to the team doing ride inspections to keep us all safe. I always wonder when I put my hands up on Fury 325 why I’m so confident in my safety and this is a good example why.

Last edited by Fishels ,

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