Crazy things you hear while waiting in line...

AmazingMaverick(:'s avatar

Last year my friends and I were in line for Magnum, and these hot girls were talking about how the worlds going to end in 2011 because of a giant pickle...

Josh M.'s avatar

I've been on a Magnum train with riders who don't realize what ride it is till we are leaving the station... In particular, I remember a group of 4 who began screaming when we rolled out of the station when they realized we were going up "that big red one"

...obviously they have never heard of Moly Orange.

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

I was in line for Magnum last year, and the line stopped at the bottom of the stairs. A girl turns to her BF and says, "You know, the reason this ride is so rough is because it's made of wood." Since the BF was probably 10 feet from the station and could clearly see the red steel (as could she), he says, "Unless it starts out as steel, changes to wood, and changes back to steel, I don't think you are correct." Made my day.

I've only been to Cedar Point once, when I was 12, on 8/8/10. (I'm going again on July 31!)
I have heard some pretty crazy things while in line. Here's the craziest one that I can remember.

I was in line for the Gemini, and there were two teenagers in front of me, a boy and a girl who were about 16.
We could see TTD from there, and I was watching it, debating on whether I should go on it later. I guess they saw me looking, because the girl said, "Oh, don't go on the Dragster."

So I turn to her and say, "Why?"

She says, "Well, the people who run the ride accidently put one train on the wrong side, and the two cars crashed at the top. There was blood everywhere and they shut down the park for the whole season. Trust me, I saw it."

And the boy was nodding and saying, "Yeah, it's true."
They were both 100% serious, looking terrified.


While in line for dragster...

"Is this taller than millennium force?"
"Are you sure? It looks taller."
"That is just because it is skinnier."

You would think with all those horizonal stripes that wouldn't be the case...

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Minime15834's avatar

TroikaX3 said:
While in line for dragster...

"Is this taller than millennium force?"
"Are you sure? It looks taller."
"That is just because it is skinnier."

I could really use a "like" button right about now. (:


In 2002, I worked at CP as a ride op at Thunder Canyon. I once had a guest ask me if the ride goes upside down. I said "Only in a worst-case scenario."

I also worked Corkscrew a little bit, and I had a parent tell their child that the ride doesn't go upside down, even when the kid was smart enough to see the track from the station and continue to question it.

People calling Cedar Point Cider Point!!!

playstation gamer tag. connorwatmont. add me

halloweekendsluv's avatar

I was in line for magnum today and these to guys that were like 40 saw the sign that says it was built in 1989. The guys did the math and says so magnum is 22 this year, me and my friend started laughing and were like shouldn't it be 23 years. 4 hours later i realized its not 2012. (I'm a natural blonde :P )


I was at windseeker monday and this grandma and grandpa got in line behind me, and asked me if the ride was scary. they were all dressed up like they were going to a party. then in the same line this girl and her mom asked me about what the ride did at the top!

I wanted to say "well, look up for yourself" but I was nice and told them how fast it spun around, and they got all scared.

i love how people get all scared of windseeker. Its just a swing ride, its not like its dragster or anything :)

coasterfanatic2012's avatar

I wasn't in line, but I saw this kid with an I-305 shirt on, and he said that it went 113 mph. I laughed in his face, and he then asked me about CP, so I said TTD is 120 mph. He responded by saying "But the fastest roller coaster in the world is Kingda Ka. It goes 365 mph!!!" I tried to explain to him for about 5-10 minutes how that is not possible and such, but he was so convinced...

Dodgem Enthusiast

Student at THE Ohio State University

CP Kelly's avatar

In line for the Gemini, my friends and I would share a "true story" of someone who lost his hands while riding the blue train. Before the last big turn, there was that point when going downhill, it appeared that a support was a little too close for comfort if you're arms were up. Living in Norwalk at the time, it was fun to see the looks on out-of-towners' faces!

Break Trims's avatar

For some odd reason, and I'm sure it's just coincidence, I'm reminded of some advice my father gave me years ago, concerning the dangers of becoming involved in an argument with an idiot...

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.

You can file this under "Crazy things I've SEEN in the station area" Yesterday, late in the day while waiting for the Red Train on Gemini, A rather large black guy and a portly white fellow got into a fight. Now, first off the wait for Gemini late in the day is nada. Well the black man's friend was talking to their friend who was waiting for the other train, and then the friend comes and joins the black man at the gate. The portly fellow behind them told the kid to "back the f up" and things quickly turned bad until I reminded the young man that the friend coming to join his friend did not interfere with the number of cycles it would take for him to get on. I swear I thought little man was about to get knocked off the platform. He ended up switching to the blue train and riding on the OUTSIDE as a single rider.

Figured I would bring this back since I encountered people who were either acting funny or just said the most craziest thing I have ever heard!
Opening Day: I was waiting in line for Maverick and just playing my game on my phone minding my own business, but couldn't help but laugh at the couple behind me. There were two couples actually behind me and one of the guys in that group kept making farm animal noises. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this guy really could play the sheep very well. Either way I was cracking up over these people.
Yesterday: I was waiting in line for Top Thrill Dragster, and this guy was trying to tell me that he had been on a ride similar to Top Thrill Dragster that goes 540 mph. He said this ride was in Hong Kong. I asked him if his facts were right and he insisted that they were. In my head I was laughing my head off. :)

Last edited by Shawn Meyer,

One time while waiting in line for the Mantis I heard a group of people saying they wanted to go on the flying coaster.
Top 5 CP Coasters: 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Dragster 5. Magnum
Coaster Count: 102

I was in line on Mine Ride with my cousin (She insisted I ride it with her) and some guy in line was being sarcastic and was like, "Who's ready for some gut wrenching fun!" And then he whispered to me "Note the sarcasm" And when we going up the hill my cousin got scared and a 40-something year old couple told her that someone fell off and died last year and she didn't believe them though. (:

Favorite coaster: Millennium Force
Favorite flat: maXair

They probably meant Raptor, Wicked Twister or Iron Dragon.

Favorite coaster: Millennium Force
Favorite flat: maXair

Not in the park:

According to my mom, Luminosity is "Lumination"

According to a close friend, it's "Lumin-essence"

In the park:

According to a random guest, it's "Lumi-nonsense"


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