Christmas party version 2007.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I'm off, see everyone there......after some quick christmas shopping.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Good Grief...'s avatar

See you guys at the P.B.P.P.P.P then.

Point Buzzer People Popping Planters, no that's not it at all....

Uhmmm... Point Buzz Pizza, Popcorn & Pop Party. No, that's not it either & it about killed me to say "pop". I give up Adam.

BTW: you boys drive careful! Esp. you Adam, with your driving record ;)

Edit: apparently it killed me so much to say pop instead of soda, I didn't say it ;)

Last edited by Good Grief...,

randi <><
Peace Love Hope

TTD 120mph's avatar

One minor car crash and I have a bad record!! :)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

bholcomb's avatar

I got back ok. It took longer than anticipated though!

Good Grief...'s avatar

I see no more "edited" is showing up. Now all my stupid moments will disappear from view. I like this new blonde version!

No more Avatars?

Last edited by Good Grief...,

randi <><
Peace Love Hope

That turned out to be a pretty good time! To anyone that didn't make the trek, I really can't fault your choice because the drive back to Grand Rapids was HORRIBLE. It took nearly 5 hours total.

Thanks to Aaron for the prize too! :)


TTD 120mph's avatar

Yes, thanks to his awesome generosity, I now have a virus and spyware free computer! Thanks for the Windows Live One Care Aaron.

And if you guys must know, P.B.P.P.P.P is an event a bunch of us from here thought up of on Closing Day. It stands for PointBuzz Platinum Pass Processing Party. It's something I'm hoping to get Walt and or Jeff interested in for next year. Simply put, it would be the PB meeting that we were going to have at Castaway Bay earlier this April, but couldn't due to certian complications. It would basically be a gathering of Point Buzz members on a day in April at a designated place and time after we process our new passes at the season pass center.

My vote for where would be for Castaway Bay seeing that it was the original idea and since the offers of point perks will [hopefully] include discount admission to Castaway Bay.

I will start a thread in the near future to gauge everyones opinion. Until then, think it over.:)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

TekGuy, thanx for the fantastic gifts! I am glad to hear everyone made it home safely! Except for the weather, it was a great time. Once I find the camera from last night, I can email the group photo....

-- <a href=>Jason J Mornoe .Com</a>

bholcomb said:
I got back ok. It took longer than anticipated though!

How long did it take you to get home Ben? After I left you all it took me 2 hours exactly to get home. I can usually make that drive in an hour but the roads were nearly impossible until I got south of Detroit.

But it was worth it. :) It's been 2 years if it's been a day since I saw Aaron last. And a year since I saw Ben. :) Good times :)

Last edited by L.A.Lady,
bholcomb's avatar

We left between 12:30 and 1 I think, and it was about 3 am when I got back to Lansing. Matt left right away and went to Grand Rapids, and got home after 5.

I actually found 75 to not be so bad, 59 wasn't even bad. 96 was a little worse, but not terrible. I'm not sure what 69 would have been like. I figured I wouldn't be going full speed either way, so going 59 was a lot more direct.

Cool maneuver of the night was a cop (I think it was Waterford Twp) stopped in front of us, did an awesome U-Turn where he took his back end and flipped it around with the snow and then headed back the other way.

And thanks to Aaron for the legal copy of Vista! Now instead of trashing it, I guess I need to install it and use it and see how it works.

Last edited by bholcomb,
Mark Small's avatar

TTD 120mph said:
And if you guys must know, P.B.P.P.P.P is an event a bunch of us from here thought up of on Closing Day. It stands for Point Buzz Pre-season Point Perks Party.

Even Adam gets it wrong. I thought it was PointBuzz Platinum Pass Processing Party. :)

Due to weather I was unable to make it. I was very depressed bout that on Saturday night. I hope you all had a good time and everyone got home safely.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Mark Small said:

Even Adam gets it wrong. I thought it was PointBuzz Platinum Pass Processing Party.

Isnt it funny how quickly you can forget something like that.:)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

crazy horse's avatar

Had a great time as well.

It was a bummer about the weather though.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

TekGuy's avatar

Yes was a good time. You're welcome everyone for the prizes. The snow wasn't too horrible on my way home either... just took my time and made it ok. Going to the airport took two hours instead of one, and my fight was only a half hour behind schedule, including pushing off a little late and then getting deiced. Was so glad I parked at Sea-Tac as I could just drive home directly, but $78 for parking for two days, sheesh!

Have a good holiday everyone! :)

e x i t english's avatar

I wish I could have made it, but right around 11:30 AM on Saturday, crap hit the fan, and there was NO WAY I was taking my car on a road trip in those conditions. We had a hotel lined up and everything, but hey - at least I'm alive so I can make it to the next one, right?

This was a pretty freak snowstorm for this early in the winter. Normally we don't see snow like this here in SE Mich. until January.

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