Chick-fil-A Ban

If you're concerned with diabetes and obesity while eating out, very few mid-level casual chain restaurants will calm any of your fears. It's not just the fundamentally evil, bigoted and hateful folks that serve unhealthy food... it's mostly all of the chain restaurants (and certainly not just fast food), and airports and amusement parks and concerts and stadiums etc etc. ...

With whom are you arguing this point?

My author website:

TTD 120mph's avatar

^^I don't have to be concerned about it because I watch what I eat and am making strides to become more health conscious. Something a huge percentage of Americans don't want to do. Thus there's nothing wrong with eating out.....just the frequency that one does it. And the more I can stay away from the mass produced chicken and beef of various fast food chains, the better.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:
What I cannot accept, however, is being called a bigot... for no other reason than agreeing with chick-fil-a values.

If you don't want to be called out as a bigot, then do not behave as one. You have two choices - change the way you act or get used to being called out. It really is that simple.

I did not spend several years overseas defending your freedoms to be called names by some random children on a coaster website.

While I'm certain everyone here appreciates your service, that doesn't give you a "get out of jail free" card when it comes to being oppressive of others' rights. No amount of time spent in the armed forces allows anyone to impose their views on others.


djDaemon's avatar

Observer2000 said:
I actually admire the Cathy's more through all of this. Putting their principles and values above what is best for them financially.

But that's actually not true. Having read the article Jeff linked to, there are many points made that show that CFA doesn't really value their principles over profits. There unhealthy food still comes from an unsustainable system that takes advantage of working conditions that allow for cheap labor.

In reality, their stance on gay marriage seems to be one of the only significant biblical/moral concepts they seem to care about.


I'm not sure how we argue against cheap labor in a forum that celebrates Cedar Fair amusement parks...and Cedar Point in particular.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

^ This is what I've been saying all along. There really is no point in arguing this point any further. To look at Chick Fil A's CEO's belief on marriage and then use that as basis over whether CFA belongs in Cedar Fair parks means that Cedar Fair needs to look at ALL businesses that they partner with and then ensure their beliefs, practices align with this "elusive" ethics code we are trying to force the park to adhere to.

^ Agreed!

djDaemon said:
But that's actually not true. Having read the article Jeff linked to, there are many points made that show that CFA doesn't really value their principles over profits. There unhealthy food still comes from an unsustainable system that takes advantage of working conditions that allow for cheap labor.

But that article was written by someone who sells what he claims to be better, more healthy and biblically correct chickens. Isn't that like saying we should eat mor chikin because the cowz said so? :)

djDaemon's avatar

Ad hominem doesn't invalidate the facts regarding CFA's business practices. :)

I should say that I'm not very concerned with unsustainable food production practices. The practice sucks, but we have bigger fish to fry as a society.

I just keep hearing the "props to CFA for valuing their ethics over money", and their business practices don't align with this claim.


djDaemon said:
I should say that I'm not very concerned with unsustainable food production practices. The practice sucks, but we have bigger fish to fry as a society.

Thats how I feel about same sex marriage: we have a lot bigger issues to address.

When I went to the chick fil a site to check out the eat mor chikin ads and then came back to this site, I saw on ad asking about supporting Chick fil a (with the cowz). When I clicked on the link, I was taken to a poll asking if I supported Chick fil a's right to freedom of speech and religious expression. One of the options wasn't "Its not about free speech or religious expression." LOL

Jeff's avatar

I think sustainability in food production is a pretty important issue. Not just because I care about the well-being of delicious chickens, but because industrial production isn't good for the environment, or people in terms of the food it creates. I don't think you have to pick and choose about which fish to fry.

And really, if the top ingredients being preservatives aren't enough, the stats on a CFA sandwich make a McDonald's hamburger look like health food. I don't understand how anyone feels the convenience of fast food justifies consuming it.

But yeah, it's obvious by their food sourcing that their ethics and value are clearly very selective.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

djDaemon's avatar

GoBucks89 said:
One of the options wasn't "Its not about free speech or religious expression." LOL

Well, clearly. :)

They cannot afford to have their customers engaging in any critical thinking. That might hurt their business model!


Which makes them no different than a whole host of businesses out there. Luckily for all of them (though unfortunately for us as a country), we have large segments of our society who are either incapable of critical thinking or who just don't want to be bothered with it.

Detroit Basketball's avatar

Tom Mabe made a video at a Chick-fil-A protest, check it out!

Watching people debate this topic on this sight has been truly informative and definitely thought provoking. I respect all people, especially those who are providing honest insight and opinions. The comedy has been a little disappointing though. Chick-fil-A jokes from both sides of the argument have been pretty subpar. Outside of the ^link, I'm mainly referring to attempts at humor outside of this thread. (Facebook, TV, etc)

djDaemon's avatar

Sorry to disappoint, Bigmal. ;)

KFC Loves Gays with John Goodman


vwhoward's avatar

^I watched that last night...classy. ;)

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Why is it that Chicken is the only thing you can eat before it's born and after it's dead? I guess it goes both ways!

Corkscrew Follies's avatar

Goose, Duck and Ostrich fall into this category a well.

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